Tuesday, December 20, 2011

UMNO Theft List


1. PKFZ RM12bill

2. Submarine RM500mil

3. Sime Darby RM964mil

4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil

5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost

6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil waste?

7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil

8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil

9. Maybank Overpay for BII RM4bil

10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil

11. 3 paintings bought by MAS—————– RM 1.5M

12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry————- RM 8.4M

13. London 's white elephant sports complex —- RM 70M

14. MRR2 Repairs—————————— RM 70M

15. MATRADE repairs ————————– RM 120M

16. Cost of new plane used by PM————– RM 200M

17. InventQ irrecoverable debt —————- RM 228M

18. Compensation for killing crooked bridge —– RM 257M

20. Lost in selling Augusta ——————— RM 510M

21. Worth of AP given out in a year ———— RM 1.8B

22. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts)- RM 4.1B

23. PSC Naval dockyard ———————— RM 6.75B

24. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit)

25. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

26. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

27. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion).

28. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market

29. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam

30. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million)

31. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007

32. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra wasestablished, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million.Hiring a kwai-lo CEO with salary of more than RM1 M per annum !!

33. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat AbdulJalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul HamidOthman (religious) RM549,675 per annum

34. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable to give a breakdown. Govt paid more than RM6k per notebook vs per market price of less than RM3k through some new consortiums that setup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no math & science content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with the teachers' children now.

35. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted toRM910 million.

36. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge"

37. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephantCustoms, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation ofthe Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge
38. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks

39. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million

40. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million

41. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket

42. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink

43. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.

44. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.

45. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At atime when MAS incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buy three paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir) office.

46. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion.

47. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.

48. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million.

49. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million.

50. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million.

51. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million.

52. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM 3.5 Million.

53. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in BursaMalaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

54. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits.

55. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering 30 billion ringgit in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were making huge profits.In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount.

56. RM5700 for a car jack worth RM50

57. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes

58. A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000

59. A thumbdrive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480

60. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500

61. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143

62. Expenses for 1 Malaysia campaign paid to APCO?

63. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP

64. USD24 million diamond ring for Ro$mah --- cancellation of order -- how much compensation???

65. Cattle/Cow gate by family of Sharizat RM250 million

Thai floods

Several elephants had to wade through water that has flooded the streets caused by heavy monsoon rains

Buddhist monks collect their belongings at a flooded temple in the ancient city of Ayutthaya, Thailand.

A mahout—or elephant keeper—stands on an elephant in Thailand's flooded Ayutthaya Province

Villagers paddle past an inundated leaning Buddha statue in Ayutthaya Province

A Thai mahout rides his elephant in a flooded area of Thailand's Ayutthaya province

A handicapped woman sits in a tub waiting to be transported to a hospital as flooding causes havoc October 10, 2011, in Ayutthaya, Thailand.

This general view shows part of an ancient temple -- one of a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in Ayutthaya province -- inundated with floodwaters

The elephants are from a nearby elephant camp. Around 200 factories closed in the central Thai province of Ayutthaya because of flooding, which is posing a threat to Bangkok as well. Hundreds of people have died in flood-related incidents

Thai mahouts ride their elephants through the flooded streets in Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Google 與 Apple 手機系統看不到的戰爭

很多人會將Google和Apple的手機產品比較,主要是比較手機規格、功能,甚至是設計。事實上,Google和Apple的營運生態圈是截然不同,正因這種生態圈不同,Google等一眾 Android 系統(Android OS)手機陣營是無法與Apple iOS 抗衡。

Apple在 iOS 移動平台只推出過兩個重要產品,一個是 iPhone,另一個是 iPad,整個經濟圈是採用圍圈式設計(Centric),生態系統以 AppStore 為核心,而 iTunes 是整個生態圈外的守衛者,負責 AppStore 一切開發者的利益和為自己的營運收益把關,例如當有駭客為 iOS 裝置提供固件越獄時,iTunes 這個守衛會在短時間推出固件誘導用家經 iTunes 升級,將企圖入侵 App 生態系統的舉動破壞,這樣可以保護開發者和Apple本身的利益。

事實上,若果你是開發者,軟體推出不久即被輕易破解和盜用,試問還有誰願意投放開發資源?這也解釋為何 AppStore 上的軟體可以便宜至 US$0.9 美元但安桌軟體不能。若以全球人口六十億計算,只有一個百份點人願意購買,就可以帶來六千萬美元收益。Apple AppStore 生態圈幫助全球不少中小企和業餘開發者一夜暴富,只要有創意和智慧,絕對是可以解決貧富懸殊和抗衡地產霸權。台灣過去一年就曾經立案有專負部門培育企業由代工經濟轉型至 App 經濟,香港政府其實可以考慮。

AppStore 另一個成功之處是全球性的軟體銷售模式,降低了軟體渠道發行成本,因為沒有分銷商,令軟體成本和售價可以降低。而透過 AppStore 也加快了軟體更新速度,加速了 App 軟體開發者在圈內的競爭和創新,這都是今時今日微軟視窗平台的弊病,但這些喬布斯卻一夜想通了和做到了!

每一台 iOS 裝置出貨都有助帶動整個 AppStore 經濟圈。Apple能吸引一眾開發者投入是因為喬布斯堅持 iOS 的統一設計,iPhone 2G、3G、3Gs、4G 和 4S,不難發現除了後兩者的視網幕屏模外,硬件平台和解像度都是一致的,喬布斯在臨死前仍一直拒絕 iPhone 4S 採用大屏幕設計,因為不同的屏幕解像度會破壞整個開發生態圈在開發上的簡易性。


曾經就有開發公司向筆者投訴,設計一個 Android 程式十分困難。因為Google容許 Android 系統於不同硬件規格出現,為照顧軟體能在一眾 Android 手機運行,開發商要同一時間開發、維護及針對不同手機廠商,推出一百九十多個軟體版本,實在令人疲於奔命!這亦間接令 Android 軟體在 Android Market 裏整體售價較貴,同時軟體質量整體亦較差、相容性經常出現問題(例如筆者的 Android 手機上的 HTC Sense 一天便當機重啟幾近五次)、操作複雜和惡意程式頻生都是一大問題。

事實上 Android 系統中最諷刺的是保安軟體很多,這反映甚麼呢?大家心中有數!這也引申另一個Google和Apple早前的爭論焦點,就是開發平台應該是開放還是密封。筆者有朋友就曾經開發 iOS 軟體給予Apple,整個審核過程,Apple對軟體界面設計必須跟足開發文件指引,一個按鍵的放置位置不是由你天馬行空想點就點,若然放錯位置,整個 App 便很易被Apple「打回頭」,所以一個軟體放到 AppStore 大家行內都清楚最快要三個月,最遲要一年時間,而Apple在整個 AppStore 的責任在於維護軟體設計的統一和安全,所以用家不難看到AppStore 上每一個 App 也很易用和統一、系統當機情況也較少,甚至是更為安全,例如…… AppStore裏是沒有手機保安軟體。

另一邊看看Google的 Android 陣營, Android 系統的開放設計,美其名令開發者不受創意約束,但硬體平台的多元化卻苦了開發者的維護時間和困難,令軟體發成本上升,收費軟體平均售價普遍也較貴。不同 Android 硬件最致命的是令生態圈出現更多細小的獨立生態圈。你很容易想像到,支援三星 Galaxy Note 的軟體數量和多元性一定不及 iPad,換言之若你買一台 Galaxy Note 回家,其實你是背負著很大的整體成本(Total Cost of Ownership)。

Android :永遠追不到的新款

由於硬件多元化,而一眾 Android 系統的手機廠商是靠「賣機」來營運,產品的二手跌價速度極快,同時亦無炒賣和投資價值,你很難見有水貨客炒賣 Android 手機,但你卻見Apple的手棧產品價格抗跌力強,升值能力甚至超過投資?金和人民幣。筆者最經典的一役是早年在美國買了一台 iPhone 2G,當時兌換後售價為 HK$3450,兩年後將它轉手放售仍值 HK$2800,在我同事的圈子內一直成為佳話,這個你不會見到在一眾 Android 手機上發生。

Android 系統另一個問題是系統容許手機廠商修改及加入自己的設計,所以不同廠商在 Android 系統都有其特色。由於手機廠商以賣機來取得盈利,所以他們心裏的想法大都會是:「最好產品今天推出,明天就不合時宜,否則你怎會買我的新機款?」,因為手機廠商要通過推陳出新來吸引買家,所以一眾 Android 手機推出後很少消費者得到維護,甚至因為系統漏洞提供固件升級。

一旦廠商的手機有幸成為駭客的 ROOT 對象,這些手機廠商心裏實在一萬個感謝也來不及,因為可加速它的手機「普及化」,筆者曾聽聞有手機生產商背後支持 ROOT 機活動,所以你不要期望 Android 的手機固件升級會很頻密,這也解釋為何筆者說 Android 手機背後的整體成本其實極其高昂。筆者太太的 HTC Magic 手機購買了不到兩年,就因為 Android OS 是 1.6 關係,無法升級至 2.3(我想廠商也沒想過為你升級,最好你買過一台新機吧!),令到她不能安裝 WhatsAPP,不能參與同事席間每天的午飯討論,真係斷六親!


另一方面,ROOT 機的問題一直是Google沒有正視的,又或者說正視也正視不來,難道你猜他不想提供新系統給手機生產商修正問題,保護他的 Android Market 生態圈和 Android 開發者利益嗎?問題是你猜 Android 系統手機廠商會願意為舊客戶提供固件更新嗎?這個肯定會加重他們的經營成本,同時也影響他們新手機的出貨,因為這會推遲舊客戶的升級意欲,所以Google與一眾手機生產商其實存在很大矛盾!Android Market 生態圈其實不斷受到破壞,儘管 Android 系統的佔有率不斷上升,但對開發者的利益來說是很不利的。

Google另一個問題是縱容 Android Market 以外的生態圈存在,現在國內的 Android 黑市場,有調查顯示幾乎超過一本在 Android 黑市場、網誌和討論區提供的破解 APP(APK)都是含有木馬程式和惡意軟體。最近英國影星休‧葛蘭(Hugh Grant)手機上的私人照片和留言錄音無故被駭客放上網,傳聞就是因其用 Android 系統的手機。


source: http://www.newmobilelife.com/2011/12/12/android-vs-ios/

Saturday, December 10, 2011

保費要漲 儲蓄險熱賣



摩里(J.Kenfield Morley)在《我的信念》書中寫到,「就金錢投資而言,你所要求的投資利息數額,應視你想吃得好或睡得好而定。」





















source: http://www.moneyweekly.com.tw/Journal/article.aspx?UIDX=13378941680

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Here’s Why Android’s UI Will Never Be As Smooth As iOS Or Windows Phone 7

If you’re a platform-agnostic smartphone enthusiast who has had extensive playtime with the iPhone, Windows Phones and Android smartphones, you’ll probably have noticed how the former two mobile operating systems offer a much more “smoother” user-experience compared to the latter’s general “choppiness”. Well, it appears that Android will never be as smooth as iOS or Windows Phone 7 because of the way its very foundations were laid down back in 2005-2006. Details after the jump!

iOS Android WP7

The news comes straight in the form of two posts over on Google’s struggling social network Google+: one by a Google engineer who talks about how graphics work on Android and the other by a 3rd year software engineering student in reply to the first post. Both are pretty lengthy and can get pretty technical, so we’ll try simplifying it as much as we can.

We’ll start off with Google engineer Dianne Hackborn’s post. She states that hardware acceleration – i.e. using the GPU, instead of CPU alone, to render the user-interface – has existed on Android since version 1.0 for things such as sliding the notification bar, pop-up dialogues etc. Full hardware acceleration only came with Android 3.0 Honeycomb and, unsurprisingly, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich actually has the same kind of hardware acceleration and this won’t necessarily sweeten things up.

Hackborn states that hardware acceleration “is not all full of win” since it takes away a lot of RAM when used for devices like Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus with OpenGL. Each process takes about 8MB of RAM and “isn’t worth it” considering the minimal effect it has on how “smooth” the UI looks after implementing it. So yes, hardware acceleration certainly helps, but it takes far too much processing power for it to be implemented to all parts of the UI.

She ends her post on how full, complete, A-to-Z hardware acceleration that results in 60 frames-per-second graphics is simply not possible, even with powerful chips like the Tegra 2.

Now, the question arises: why is it that even seemingly outdated phones like the iPhone 3GS offer a smoother UI than the latest Android smartphones? iOS uses hardware acceleration and that too on weaker hardware. How does Apple’s engineers manage to pull it off, then? Why can’t Google do the same?

That has been answered by Andrew Munn – software engineering student, ex-intern at Google and future intern with Windows Phone 7 team at Microsoft – who states that UI rendering processes in iOS occur with dedicated threads with real-time priority whereas on Android, UI rendering processes occur along with the main thread with normal priority. Whenever an iOS devices detects touch, it stops other processes and focuses all attention to rendering the UI. Android devices don’t do this, instead general processing and UI rendering occurs concurrently which results in choppy UI.

To see this in choppiness in action, check out the following video. Notice the choppiness around 1:50:

If you wish to get the details, with examples, of the how and why of Android graphics, hardware acceleration and UI rendering, check out Hackborn’s post here and Munn’s post here.

source: http://www.r.e.d.m.o.n.d.p.i.e.com/heres-why-androids-ui-will-never-be-as-smooth-as-ios-or-windows-phone-7/

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

UK snow 5/12/2011

While many ski slopes across Europe are without snow, many parts of northern Britain welcomed the first major snow spell of the winter this weekend and forecasters are issuing a UK snow warning for the rest of this week.

A man walks his puppies through the snow.

A woman in Scotland walks through a blizzard as the northern part of the UK remains in the grip of a cold snap.

Met Office forecaster Dan Williams told us that icy blast has been caused by a stream of cold Arctic from the north west which has swept across the northern half of the UK.

Sheep roam on snow-covered hills above the Glens in Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

A woman walks her dog in the snow near Peebles in the Scottish Borders as heavy snow covers much of Scotland.

The Met Office has issued severe weather warnings for most of Scotland as well as Northern Ireland and parts of northern England. They warn of sleet and snow showers and ice on untreated surfaces.

Sheep roam on snow-covered hills above the Glens, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

A vehicle struggles in the snow near Kilhope lead mine in County Durham as forecasters have warned people to take extra care on journeys as snow is expected in parts of the UK.

Jockeys and their horses are caught in a blizzard as they make their way to the gallops on the Pennines near West Witton as snowfall continues to sweep across the north of England.

Max and Ursula Lantvia from Glasgow play in the snow in Kelvingrove Park on a sledge. The first significant snow this winter has hit Scotland with many parts of the west, the central belt, Dumfries and Galloway and the Highlands affected.

Snow falling onto a main road in Clyde, Glasgow. The Met Office has predicted that as much as six-inches of snow could fall across northern parts with wintry showers expected to spread as far south as the Midlands over the next 24 hours.

After the second warmest November on record, weather warnings are in force across the Scottish Highlands, Northern Ireland, North Wales and northern England today for sleet, snow and treacherous driving conditions.

Kilhope lead mine in County Durham, England, as forecasters have warned people to take extra care on journeys as snow is expected in parts of the UK on Monday.

Someone walks through the snow along the Clyde in Glasgow, as snow and ice brought disruption to roads on Monday morning as the country faced its first major bout of wintry weather.

A vehicle struggles in the snow near Kilhope lead mine in County Durham as forecasters have warned people to take extra care on journeys as snow is expected in parts of the UK.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Big bargains at Johor Premium Outlets? Not so, Singaporeans find

Singaporeans expected steeper discounts

Friday's rain did not deter hundreds of Singaporeans who took an hour's drive to Johor Premium Outlets (JPO) in search of designer goods at high street prices.

But shoppers at the 16,258 sq m mall in Kulaijaya, which opened on Friday with most of the planned 80 stores up and running, went away with only a bag or two of purchases.

Singaporeans whom The Straits Times spoke to at the mall said the discounts were not as steep as those at outlet malls in the United States and Europe, even though JPO shops gave discounts of up to 70 per cent on selected products. For example, Zegna ties, which cost $290 each at the boutique in Takashimaya, were about 55 per cent less at RM315 (S$130). High heels from Salvatore Ferragamo, which typically sell for $790 here, cost RM1,040 (S$430).

'Compared with prices in Singapore, they are definitely lower but American brands like Coach are much cheaper in the US.'

Housewife Ginny Chu
'Teacher Y.L. Tan, 36, said: 'If we wait for things to go on sale in Singapore, they are about the same price.'

source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_740760.html