It is such a waste to tear down the wall, knowing that it was once the world longest wall painting, painted by 3 prisoner during that time. At least I think they should preserve part of the wall because it has such a great history. As for the prison itself, I always thought it is a nice scene for a movie, it looks old and creepy, but now it would never have the chance to be filming on it anymore.
Spread this to the world, and to many many people who has or has not realized this action of government, who grew up walking by pass the wall, and who would remember the name... Pudu Jail (1895-2010).
Some of the snapshots:
Youtube link:
因道路扩建和兴建地下走道,有百年历史半山芭富都监狱即将被拆除,其270公尺,堪称世界最长的围墙壁画也将消失> 以后搭快车到吉隆坡再也看不到这个地标了,真的很惋惜。。这让我回忆起以前上过导游课的乾姐为我讲诉这壁画的由来 -1983年3名监狱里的犯人花了一千个小时所完成的。。真的很了不起!有些人只是一时行差踏错,但天生我才必有用!知错能改,善莫大焉!我相信这是这壁画的精神所在。在野党议员在国会要求政府保留壁画,并将它列为国家历史古迹。
一個有集體記憶的最長壁畫被拆除,卻找來另一個最長的石英礦脈來操作,還要申遺。然後更荒謬的是,首相署部長納茲裡為了讓搬遷國會大廈合理化,將這座僅僅使用了50年的建築物整修成「國家文化遺產」。所以,這群當權的人到底想幹嘛 = =..
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