Cho bought the NEW ICON for him magazine for October issue and he ask us to buy the magazine too as there was a free entrance ticket for Malaysia Hottest Hunks 2008/2009 at Euphoria in Sunway Resort. He ask us to go with him, but he end up "Fong Fei Kei" and gamble with another gambling God in Genting, note: he's Gambling Saint!!
Since I've never been to disco there & it's free entrance plus free goodie bag, why not? So I go bought the magazine in purpose, if not I would never buy the fashion magazine :p Ya, I know I'm cheapskate, so what? I'm sure I'm not the only one :p The photo shootin in the magazine was so "salah" most (almost all) contestants look weird and ugly. I wonder who's the editor & photographer, they are really so "professional".
After dinner (KFC) at Sunway pyramid with Joh and his friend, we go over Sunway Resort to queue while waiting for Ron and Joh other friends. We reach there around 7pm and there was already a long queue, they only let us goin in around 7:45pm. Luckily we r still the top 1,000, so we have a 2 free drinks (soda & cocktail)
The goodie bag contain A CLEAR shampoo (380ml) with 2 shavers, a small pack of VICO 3in1 chocolate malt drink (932g), a MUNCHY's Lexus cream cracker (3pces)(31.5g), a Louis's Hand Phone string, a sample of MENTHOLATUM facial face (3g) and 2 CDs.
The stage look simple, a plain white back ground with bulb arrange in "HUNKS" wordings. Some of the light bulbs on the panel of the stage was blow off/malfunction b4 the show start, and the technician seem cant fix the problem at all!! It continue to be malfunction throughout the show until it ends. I though it was HUNK3 at first only found out it was "HUNKS" due to those malfunction lighting. The panel look soaked in water as you can clearly see those float/pop paint stain on wood. o.O
I like the environment very much, the speaker sound was damn good and the best part was, the whole place was totally smoke free!! YEAH!!!
I took quite some photo with my 5.0MP camera phone during the show, came out most of the photos cant be use, it look good on my small phone screen but not on my computer. Photo in post mostly took from a site from flickr, go search in Google and you will find it.
The show start around 8:50pm starting with some dance performance follow by a really quick cat walk of all contestants. Then here come the MC hosts, KK & Kok Piew & they intro those beautiful judges to us. Below are some photos of few of the the judges.
The most common performance were singing, most of them (90%) did it badly, some contestants dint even perform any things, they just let the judge ask those normal Q&A, for example "Why do you wan to be a Hulk?" and it move to the next contestant. I of the contestant perform tellin joke (cant recall who), it was really a cool joke -_-" I only list out some of the contestants that are funny/special, there are too much for me to listed out :p
Contestant no.3
Performance: Singing (music by own guitar instrument)
It's so funny that KP hold the mic near the guitar as there was no extra mic stand for the guitar sound and the host doing all sort of funny boring act :)
Contestant no.4
Performance: Dancing
He got lots off tattoo on his body & our KK host keep on callin him "Loong Tai Ko" (gangster boss). We(including the judge) just wonder who doin the performance, the dancer or the contestant himself, he just stood there most of the time -_- the only thing he do was swing the dancer.
Contestant no.5
Performance: Dancing
He got tattoo on his body too, he perform the normal Hip Hop dance (Head down & hand on floor, legs on sky) wonder y he need to wear sweater & hat for the performance. He can actually do the dance without the cloth, that will be a bonus point.
Contestant no.6
Performance: Dancing
Same as contestant 5, the clothing was so unnecessary, plus even worst, he was wearing 2 layers. He dance move was kinda funny as he told the host he got some part from YouTube, the host inspire by his move and came out a similar move "1 bowl Wantan Mee, 1 bowl Wantan Mee, y so many ants? I step, I step, I step, I step(kill)" o.O
Contestant no.7
The first charming one that show up, those judges' eyes and mouth were open so widely. The host criticize him on the "sombong" part as he wanted the audience to shout b4 he actually take off his cloth.
Contestant no.10
He got the best abs and body so far. After those Q&A on how he get thsoe abs (how long) the host & judge ask him to do a demo on sit up. I so envy his body LOL
Contestant no.12
He was holding his shirt after he took it off, others contestant will stuff it behind, KK make joke of it by askin whether he wan to look like "Gak Gak" (china ancient girl)
After contestant no.15, they have a short break follow by Cat Walk show present by Camel Active as usual. They seem dint use any new model, it was exactly he same face as 2years back.
Contestant no.16
Performance: Dancing (Kick Boxing)
He change his trouser for his performance, the MC actually did ask him to change it in front of the crowd. The move same as those kick boxing gym class. His "1 Word Horse" really "geng" & it look pain as it do it kinda fast and hard. KK ask whether "it" was made of metal with "Kang Kang" sound, he answer in a humor way, it was "Long Long" sound o.O
Contestant no.17
Notice that his jean was unbutton, not because of the new Levis trend of buttons jean, it's because of he gain weigh during the contest period, it cant be buttoned -_- Wow really tat bz till dint try out the jeans, or too broke to buy new one?
Contestant no.18
At first I dint notice it, but when one of the judge asked him to redo the cat walk I notice it weird but still cant say how until the judge speak out. He move like a robot, but y? When his left foot step out, his left hand swing out too (normal ppl will swing right hand), same goes to right foot with right hand. It's so hilarious :) He look a bit better in real than in photo in the magazine.
Contestant no.19
Performance: Singing
When he sing the 2 hosts actually as dancer along as the song was a very slow version. I love the part where he say the mark on his chest was a "Tar Two", so do u get it what he mean?
Contestant no.20
Performance: Magic Show
At first he show us his magic skill by puttin a coin in his left pocket & get it out from the right pocket. Everyone was laugh & boo at him. Then he came out with magic of getting 3boxes from a emp
ty paper bag. I wonder wats the trick, hmm..
Contestant no.21
He is gay, or at least he got of gay friend that love him with a "Marry Me" sign -_-" Beside that he quite care about his look/image as he do his hair after taking off the shirt, the reason given is he scare his hair will look messy. Of Course he dint get in the the final 12 :p Note: The guy hold the sign (cant c from photo) you wont want to see him, he's not special.
Contestant no.22
His body abs was like fake, he got the best abs, it's too nice to be true, KP even ask him to take off his armor XD
Contestant no.23
There came another charming one, those judges were so crazy for him and ask him lot of question. Later knowing he is married, they ask about his wife?? -_- KK immidiate stop them for ask question out of the scope.
Contestant no.24
Almost all judges laugh when contestant no.24 walk to the stage. His look was so hilarious. Dunno what's am I talking about? Look at the photo on the right, need I say more? No wonder ppl say a photo can tell a thousand words, now I believe it.
Contestant no.25
The youngest of all contestant, only 18. If u ever look at the magazine, he got the best look & sunshine smile. I voted for him. He changed his hair style, the old old fit his better. He did a very bad mistake on the Q&A session with the judges. When the judge ask him would he teach them to train (he's a personal trainer), he answered, NO!! o.O as he say he wont do it for free. Guess tats the reason why he's not in the top 12. Hope he learn from mistake.
Contestant no.26
Performance: Singing with the help of contestant 17 (guitar player)
As I can recall, the singing was a disaster.
Contestant no.29
Performance: Magic show
He ask a volunteer from the audience but one of the judge just cant wait to get as close as to these hulk. The magic show was extremely simple, you wont notice it if you are the in front as the contestant just keep on switching the tissue to another hand in quick pace & throw it over the head as it disappeared. By askin the judge to guess which hand the tissue landed & show both hands empty. As KK said she has been "Wan Ban" (fooled) & she just cant focus & too concentrate looking at HULK chest.
Contestant no.30
Performance: Singing
He's the tallest of all the contestants with 188cm height o.O He got the look, the height & work as a part time model. He doesn't look like Chinese at all but he speak Chinese & Cantonese, surprisingly he English was not that good, so do his singing. He wear a skinny jean with female cutting, I think that's one of the reason he dint get to top 12 beside bad singing voice. The judge do ask him to take off his pants -_-
After all contestants all do their cat walk, they have present us with "Underwear Show" modeling by dancer & contestant, wonder they it called underwear show where some are wearing jean? Anyway who care about that, we just wanna see more., it's eye opening for us XD
As we waitin for the result, they entertain us with some stage game, 5 audiences were asked to go up to stage and the have to do the pole (mic stand) dance in order to win great prize. KK show the demo & the first player (fat guy) was a quick learner, it was hilarious, the 2nd & 3rd was a bit lame. The 4th dance was sexy, not bad for a mother of 3. The 5th player (aunty, sponsor) was regret to be on stage, that's y she was put till the last. She surprise us with incredible rock style of pole dance o.O & of course she's the winner. Now, that's what I call sporting.
These are few of my favorite contestants (although not some dint enter top 12)
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