Dly dint join us as he has to celebrate b'day with his sis & family. Feel so sleepy in the cinema. Not much action, more like a bunch of un-educated 'samseng' kids that are pro on skate-board. Though they are pro on surfing on the sea since in the begining it show some surf scene hmm.... surfing on sea same as playing with skate-board ?_?
Not really like the show, but wat u expect for free movie ticket. All actors look so dirty/bad to me, long hair (oops, i dislike long hair male) and so gangster type -_-" beside that I'm not in to skate-board sports but others X-treme sports is still ok to me.
The storyline & ending was so dull, friends become enemy then back to friend again, the rich die of brain cancel, the pro become famous and most all girls in the movie are so slut!!!.... hmm... base on true story? How come I dunno any of them or their company name ?_?
Overall Rating: D-
We went for makan later on the at Delicious Kitchen. When i look at the menu all the foods in the menu was so similiar to Equ***** price are around the same too more like photocopied..... but the food is not better either.... Equ***** is much more better somemore got discount on HSBC Card wont go there makan again thanks Cho for the intro :p
Later of the day, I went dinner in Sri Kembangan Golden Lake Rest with Cho. My X learning centre organized a singgin contest there together with his previously working studio in Banting. Around 20+ tables with around 40 contestents -_-" mostly chinese oldies so boring. My X do sing during the 1/2 time, he is still so good in singin.
We just went back after the last dishes is serve. We went visit my elder god bro (sleeped) & malay friends in Arena Green apartment on the way back. In the mean time, I was so happy to receive call from my 'P' friends that haven't contact for a long time. After we reach the apartment, I went to the balcony lookin at the stadium (Carnivals) & KLCC view whie talking to my friend on phone, the "TV3 fireworks" start we din't know they putting up fireworks there, my friend on the phone told me that it is live on TV3.
Hahaha I think u wont feel the grand effect by watching TV, the feel is totally different :p The fireworks was so nice & huge, it can be view so clearly from the apartment balcony...I'm glad that I'm there, right place at the right time. hehehe..... What a lucky day
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