Thursday, December 18, 2008

【人生】 仇人 与 恩人

很有意思的管理故事,给辛苦的上班族分享 !! by 旭日东升






后来我到了美国留学。有一天,一位已经就业的同学对我抱怨他的美国老板 【吃】 他,不但给他很少的薪水,而且故意拖延他的绿卡 (美国居留权)申请。


他听了我的话,不但每天加班,留下来背那些商业文书的写法。 甚至连怎么修理影印机,都跟在工人旁边记笔记,以便有一天自己出去创业,能够省点修理费。


他心里的不平不见了,他作了 ‘报复’ ,只是换了一种方法,而且他自我检讨,当年其实是他自己不努力。

大概前五年吧! 我遇到个有意思的事。

一位老友突然猛学算命,由生辰八字、紫薇斗数、姓名学到占星术,没一样不研究。 他学算命,当然不是觉得算命灵验,而是想证明算命是骗人的东西。原因是有一位非常著名的大师为他算命,算他活不到四十七,他发誓,非打烂那大师的招牌不可。


这时候,他改了,他跑去做慈善,说:“反正活不久了,好好运用剩下的岁月,做点有意义的事。” 他很积极地投入,人人都说他变了,由一个焦躁势利的小人,变成敦厚慈爱的君子。


“你可以去砸那大师的招牌了!” 我有一天开他玩笑。他眼一亮,回问我:“为什么?”又笑笑:“要不是那人警告我,照我以前的个性,确实四十七岁非犯心脏病不可,他没有不准啊!”

你喜欢逞强斗狠吗? 你总是心有不平吗? 你有 【此仇不报非君子】的愤恨吗?

一点心得 你要知道,【敌人、仇人】… 都可以【激发】你的【潜能】,成为你的【贵人】

你也要知道,许多怨仇、不平,其实问题都出在你自己。你更要知道,这世间最好的‘报复’,就是运用那股不平之气,使自己迈向成功,以那成功和 【成功之后的胸怀】, 对待你当年的敌人,且把敌人变成朋友。

当‘冤冤相报何时了’的【双赢】,能成为【相逢一笑泯恩仇】【双赢】。不是人生最大的成功吗? 是不是:如果你是正确的,你的世界就是正确的?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


For those who doesn't understand Chinese. Here's a brief summary, recently Sichuan's mandarin oranges were infected by worms, avoid buying & eating it.





"我长这么大,还没有见过在橘子瓣的肉里隐藏那么多的蛆伢子,真是稀奇……"3日下午,在广元旺苍县嘉川镇鸡鸣山上的果园里,石桥村六组67岁的陈显阳老人对自己脚下正在作深埋处理的5000多公斤柑橘很是感慨。在老人身后的山坡上,200 多壮劳力和他一样,正在橘园里采摘最后的果实,然后集中堆放,挖坑消毒深埋这些大多 数还泛着青光的果实。


鸡鸣山果园是广元市有名的柑橘园。陈显阳老人把记者带到了一个刚刚采摘完果实的橘园,树上已空空荡荡,不留一枚果实。在一块宽、五米长的"葬橘"坑已经挖好,坑的外沿密密麻麻堆放着几千公斤橘子,正在等待运送来消毒的石灰就可以开始处理。在一半青一半黄的橘子堆上,陈显阳随手捡起三只橘子,外表好好的,没有裂口也没有孔眼,一个一个分开外壳后,粗略一看,也没有什么异样,但当他选择一瓣橘子撕开绯红的橘肉,记者立即看到两条比米粒长的白 白的蛆虫爬了出来……

陈显阳说,自己和村里人是9月27日被通知上山采摘柑橘果实的,"树上一个不留,统统由政府收购。摘光、埋光、杀光。" 最多一户"埋掉"32万元。





预计还有近3万公斤的果实需要采摘处理。"我们镇上处理果品最多的一户需要埋掉10万公斤柑橘果实,根据去年最低的市价估算,损失将在32 万元以上,目前还在做 工作。"

旺苍县分管农业的副县长殷扶炯告诉记者,目前全县需要处理的柑橘类果品超过1000 万公斤,政府将拿出300万元资金进行统一收购作无公害化处理。


据«华西都市报» 旺苍柑橘园为什么会大面积暴发大实蝇病虫害?误食了"柑蛆"会不会危害身体?昨日,针对读者关心的问题,记者采访了有关专门机构工作人员。


据夏均明分析,这次大面积暴发"大实蝇病虫害"与近年来业主和承包人放松对果园管理有关,不少地方不搞翻土、修枝等冬季清园了,农药喷洒也不到位等是导致病虫害 暴发的重要原因。

为了防止病虫害蔓? 线到白水镇一线划为疫区,严禁该区域柑橘类果实和苗木上市销售、向外调运;特别在东、西两端与其他县区交界的白水、竟成两个木材检查站设立"哨卡",由农业、林业、公安等部门派专人检查;指派工商、药监、农业、林业等部门派出专人对全县所有农贸市场、个体摊点 销售的柑橘类果品实行严格监测和检疫。




Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Makes A Malaysian, A Malaysian?

  1. You can name all the players from the the English Premier League, but ask you to name one football player from Malaysia, one name also cannot come out.
  2. When StremyX come, you complain StremyX too slow. When Maxis Broadband come, you complain Maxis Broadband always disconnects. When WiMax come, you complain Wimax too expensive. In the end, you say StremyX still the best ah.
  3. When toll price increase, you complain. When petrol price increase, you complain. When you go Starbucks buy RM10 coffee, NO COMPLAINTS.
  4. When you cannot find parking in a shopping mall and have to walk very far, you complain. When you go inside the shopping mall and there’s SALE, run from one end of 1Utama to the other also NO COMPLAINTS.
  5. You are always late. And the excuse you give when you’re late is always either: (a) traffic jam (b) no transport or (c) cannot find parking.
  6. You have a parent who force you to take science stream in high school, study engineering in Uni, then when you graduate, they ask you to forget everything you learnt in Uni and do commerce.
  7. You know someone who can specially develop a 'mat salleh' accent when speaking to a American / British / Australian.
  8. You complain against the government in kopitiam, you talk loud loud. Leave anonymous comments on blogs, you also talk loud loud. Attend ceremah by DAP, you shout loud loud. Then when Opposition organise a protest and ask you to go, you dun wan. Scared later kena tangkap by ISA.
  9. Every year on the 30th April, you are one of the people below queueing up last minute to submit your tax return at the IRB.
  10. When you pay RM10 for something that costs RM1, you blame the Chinese.
  11. When a government service is too slow, you blame the Malays.
  12. When a building is not good and collapsed, you blame the Indians.
  13. When a Chinese student won a scholarship, you say 'Wah very clever and lucky hor?' When a Malay student won a scholarship, you say 'Aiya! Of course lah! He Malay mah! '
  14. When a 'mat salleh' stranger kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you very happy. When a Malaysian guy kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you slap him.
  15. You complain about the price and quality of Malaysia built cars, but you still bought one yourself.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bolt (Cineleisure)

Watch it with Dly, dint book for the movie ticket as we normally does, Dly is not interested in the movie. But I wanted to watch it, moreover movie TwiLight seats only left 5row form screen.

The movie was surprisingly nice and extremely hilarious, especially the hamster, it was so cute and funny, it always stay in the ball & it was a TV addict LOL.

The dog look cute too, head is almost bigger than the body, the fur look so realistic in 3D. The cat was the ugly one, don't really like it, maybe just b'coz I don't like cat in real too.

The only complain was not from the movie but the audience it self. Too many kids, and u should know by now, kidss = noise. Maybe I'll watch the 3D version, but the fees is not tat cheap :(

A movie not to be miss of the year XD

Overall Rating: A

Friday, December 5, 2008

LV Bag 2008

我還真的以為這真的是狗耶 = = 半夜不小心摸到時又看到那雙眼可能會被自己幾萬元買的名牌包嚇到吧! 結 論 : 我很喜歡給, 但這個送我我都不要~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (真是噁心)

這不是只哈LV的吉娃娃,這只全身印滿LV Logo的吉娃娃是藝術家Meryl Smith為Louis Vuitton創造的'新產品':excessory baggage。

皮革手袋、Louis Vuitton logo、吉娃娃,這一切都是Paris Hilton之流拜金女孩兒們爭相追捧的'潮物'。藝術家Meryl Smith以自己的方式在表達著態度,揶揄那些將包包當寵物,將寵物當飾品的女性。

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wild Child (KLCC)

Free movie pass form again :) Go with Jus & saw EdL there, the cinema was not pack, only 3/4 filled. Guess there were many who dint show up. So many sisters.. -_-"

Like the slang especially when she say "Be Yoh(soften)" as in "Bio" witch mean bitch. It was quite hilarious in the beginning of the movie, but it goes kinda bored later on. Not much surprise on storyline. I personal prefer the movie House Bunny more for these kind of blonde dumb joke movie.

Overall Rating: B-


有一个人在森林中漫游的时候,突然遇见了一只饥饿的老虎,老虎大吼一声就扑了上来。 他立刻用生平最大的力气和最快的速度逃开,但是老虎紧追不舍,他一直跑一直跑一直跑,最后被老虎逼入了断崖边上。




情绪平复下来后,他感到肚子有点饿,看到梅子长得正好,就采了一些吃起来。 他觉得一辈子从没吃过那么好吃的梅子,找到一个三角形树丫休息,他想着:“既然迟早都要死,不如在死前好好睡上一觉吧!”



由我们诞生那一刻开始,苦难.就像饥饿的老虎一直追赶着我们,死亡,就像一头凶猛的狮子,一直在悬崖的尽头等待,白天和黑夜的交替,就像黑白老鼠,不停地正用力咬着我们暂时栖身的生活之树,总有一天我们会落入狮子的口中 。


如果刚才你和另一半或是和家人为了芝麻绿豆的事闹翻了,现在头顶还在生烟的话,请你看看那晴朗的天空和那飘渺的白云,其实你又错过了美好的一天呀 !

有些朋友虽然不常联络,却偶尔寄个 E-mail、也许是一些笑话、温馨小品,或是小游戏给你,这表示他一直在关心着你,他将你放在心里,也珍惜彼此的友谊。 因此,要时时心存好意!脚走好路!身行好事,惜缘种福..... 。愿所有看到这的朋友都能平安.健康.幸福.快乐。

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Start On The Blog

Use to write blog/journal/diary/whatever it is in order places. I'm now on the process of transfering all my old posts (from msn.spaces/ ax.journal) to this site. While doing some minor change/adj on those old post.
But till now I still din't found any nice blog space yet, since blogger is link to google, this the best so far.

The one things I would like to complain was the photo/picture funtion.. It show a link button (click cursor icon) although I've remove the link code. Beside that cant really do advance customise adj on theme.
Pls click on my Adsense to support me, mean while.... stay tune :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

High School Musical 3 : Senior Year (MV)

Suppose to watch movie Tropic Thunder but only left 5th row from the screen. Due to bad movie experience, we wont watch any movie that the seating was located first 5rows from the screen. Left not much choice, we choose the movie High School Musical (Only J want to watch it actually, he is such a lala kid, cant imagine ppl at his age still chase for idolssss -_-")

The movie was kinda boring & the song was so so, not really nice at all, too kiddies. Me & J fall asleep in it, not sure about C, those was really a good cradlesong U_U

The whole movie storyline of high school was too fantasy for us, it will never happen here nor at US at least not that fun as shown in the movie. Dont like the love storyline part nor the friendship part either, overall the storyline is too over, not realistic at all.

This is one of the worst musical movie I ever watched, not watched High School Musical 1 or 2, maybe they r as worse as this too. Maybe I just dont like guy with long hair (look dirty, act cute?? yiak) or I hate my high school life that not that happening compare to it? Really cant understand y kidss like it so much, some kids in the cinema even laught in some scene, I was like huh ?_? I appreciate those costume, stage design & dance effort, but I'm just not a fan of it, sorry.

Overall Rating: C

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Latest 2008 Christmas Carol

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Madagascar 2 : Escape 2 Africa (Cineleisure)

Went for the movie right after the movie Quarantine. The movie is almost as funny as it predecessor. Maybe watchin 2 movie in a row and tiring, I fall asleep in the middle.

Much more animals tis time, & all zebras has the same attitude/look o.O And many more monkeys... It's just so hilarious and funny, you gotta watch it.

So... You got to move it, move it, move yourself to the cinema to watch it :)

Overall Rating: B

Quarantine (Cineleisure)

Goin to watch 2movie in a day again, called up Cri for the movie Madagascar 2 later on after tis movie, to my surprise he booked tis movie too & Madagascar 2 later too o.O Such a coincident.

Don't really know about tis movie but B wan to watch it, come out it really waste of time and money. The whole movie was so so unlogic at all. All actor in the movie don't have common sense at all. Not to forget about they dint watch any zombie type movie b4.

The shooting was abit same as movie Cloverfield / Blair Witch Project, shaking(hand) and headache feel faint. In the beginning the sound was suck it was like mute for 3min, I dunno is the movie or the cinema problem.

Since some are infected would you still stayin together with them (if you don't have the gut to kill them)? Would you think glass door can hold them? After they go to a place, they just wont close the door. Since you know the death will be "zombie" & alive/attack u, would u make sure it was really "death" (cant move)?

The whole movie is really a joke, I got know about the situation at the very beginning after some rare incident happen, but they still acting like, "wat happen?" WTF are they dumb or stupid? They r not kids, more over they are police, firefighter & reporter.

So as use on these movie, all actor/actress death in the end & they leave so imagination for 2nd episode. Wont think I gonna watch it if it ever come out 2nd episode. ps. Not for those with balancing problem.

Overall Rating: D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Malaysia Hottest Hunks 2008/2009

Cho bought the NEW ICON for him magazine for October issue and he ask us to buy the magazine too as there was a free entrance ticket for Malaysia Hottest Hunks 2008/2009 at Euphoria in Sunway Resort. He ask us to go with him, but he end up "Fong Fei Kei" and gamble with another gambling God in Genting, note: he's Gambling Saint!!

Since I've never been to disco there & it's free entrance plus free goodie bag, why not? So I go bought the magazine in purpose, if not I would never buy the fashion magazine :p Ya, I know I'm cheapskate, so what? I'm sure I'm not the only one :p The photo shootin in the magazine was so "salah" most (almost all) contestants look weird and ugly. I wonder who's the editor & photographer, they are really so "professional".

After dinner (KFC) at Sunway pyramid with Joh and his friend, we go over Sunway Resort to queue while waiting for Ron and Joh other friends. We reach there around 7pm and there was already a long queue, they only let us goin in around 7:45pm. Luckily we r still the top 1,000, so we have a 2 free drinks (soda & cocktail)

Goodies bag contentsThe goodie bag contain A CLEAR shampoo (380ml) with 2 shavers, a small pack of VICO 3in1 chocolate malt drink (932g), a MUNCHY's Lexus cream cracker (3pces)(31.5g), a Louis's Hand Phone string, a sample of MENTHOLATUM facial face (3g) and 2 CDs.

The stage look simple, a plain white back ground with bulb arrange in "HUNKS" wordings. Some of the light bulbs on the panel of the stage was blow off/malfunction b4 the show start, and the technician seem cant fix the problem at all!! It continue to be malfunction throughout the show until it ends. I though it was HUNK3 at first only found out it was "HUNKS" due to those malfunction lighting. The panel look soaked in water as you can clearly see those float/pop paint stain on wood. o.O

I like the environment very much, the speaker sound was damn good and the best part was, the whole place was totally smoke free!! YEAH!!!

I took quite some photo with my 5.0MP camera phone during the show, came out most of the photos cant be use, it look good on my small phone screen but not on my computer. Photo in post mostly took from a site from flickr, go search in Google and you will find it.

The show start around 8:50pm starting with some dance performance follow by a really quick cat walk of all contestants. Then here come the MC hosts, KK & Kok Piew & they intro those beautiful judges to us. Below are some photos of few of the the judges.

The most common performance were singing, most of them (90%) did it badly, some contestants dint even perform any things, they just let the judge ask those normal Q&A, for example "Why do you wan to be a Hulk?" and it move to the next contestant. I of the contestant perform tellin joke (cant recall who), it was really a cool joke -_-" I only list out some of the contestants that are funny/special, there are too much for me to listed out :p

Contestant no.3
Performance: Singing (music by own guitar instrument)
It's so funny that KP hold the mic near the guitar as there was no extra mic stand for the guitar sound and the host doing all sort of funny boring act :)

Contestant no.4
Performance: Dancing
He got lots off tattoo on his body & our KK host keep on callin him "Loong Tai Ko" (gangster boss). We(including the judge) just wonder who doin the performance, the dancer or the contestant himself, he just stood there most of the time -_- the only thing he do was swing the dancer.

Contestant no.5
Performance: Dancing
He got tattoo on his body too, he perform the normal Hip Hop dance (Head down & hand on floor, legs on sky) wonder y he need to wear sweater & hat for the performance. He can actually do the dance without the cloth, that will be a bonus point.

Contestant no.6
Performance: Dancing
Same as contestant 5, the clothing was so unnecessary, plus even worst, he was wearing 2 layers. He dance move was kinda funny as he told the host he got some part from YouTube, the host inspire by his move and came out a similar move "1 bowl Wantan Mee, 1 bowl Wantan Mee, y so many ants? I step, I step, I step, I step(kill)" o.O

Contestant no.7
The first charming one that show up, those judges' eyes and mouth were open so widely. The host criticize him on the "sombong" part as he wanted the audience to shout b4 he actually take off his cloth.

Contestant no.10
He got the best abs and body so far. After those Q&A on how he get thsoe abs (how long) the host & judge ask him to do a demo on sit up. I so envy his body LOL

Contestant no.12
He was holding his shirt after he took it off, others contestant will stuff it behind, KK make joke of it by askin whether he wan to look like "Gak Gak" (china ancient girl)

After contestant no.15, they have a short break follow by Cat Walk show present by Camel Active as usual. They seem dint use any new model, it was exactly he same face as 2years back.

Camel Active Models

16Contestant no.16
Performance: Dancing (Kick Boxing)
He change his trouser for his performance, the MC actually did ask him to chan17ge it in front of the crowd. The move same as those kick boxing gym class. His "1 Word Horse" really "geng" & it look pain as it do it kinda fast and hard. KK ask whether "it" was made of metal with "Kang Kang" sound, he answer in a humor way, it was "Long Long" sound o.O

Contestant no.17
Notice that his jean was unbutton, not because of the new Levis trend of buttons jean, it's because of he gain weigh during the contest period, it cant be buttoned -_- Wow really tat bz till dint try out the jeans, or too broke to buy new one?

18 Contestant no.18
At first I dint notice it, but when one of the judge asked him to redo the cat walk I notice it weird but still cant say how until the judge speak out. He move like a robot, but y? When his left foot step out, his left hand swing out too (normal ppl will swing right hand), same goes to right foot with right hand. It's so hilarious :) He look a bit better in real than in19 photo in the magazine.

Contestant no.19
Performance: Singing
When he sing the 2 hosts actually as dancer along as the song was a very slow version. I love the part where he say the mark on his chest was a "Tar Two", so do u get it what he mean?


Contestant no.20
Performance: Magic Show
At first he show us his magic skill by puttin a coin in his left pocket & get it out from the right pocket. Everyone was laugh & boo at him. Then he came out with magic of getting 3boxes from a e21mpty paper bag. I wonder wats the trick, hmm..

Contestant no.21
He is gay, or at least he got of gay friend that love him with a "Marry Me" sign -_-" Beside that he quite care about his look/image as he do his hair after taking off the shirt, the reason given is he scare his hair will look messy. Of Course he dint get in the the final 12 :p Note: The guy hold the sign (cant c from photo) you wont want to see him, he's not special.

Contestant no.22
His body abs was like fake, he got the best abs, it's too nice to be true, KP even ask him to take off his armor XD

23Contestant no.23
There came another charming one, those judges were so crazy for him and ask him lot of question. Later knowing he is married, they ask about his wife?? -_- KK immidiate st24op them for ask question out of the scope.

Contestant no.24
Almost all judges laugh when contestant no.24 walk to the stage. His look was so hilarious. Dunno what's am I talking about? Look at the photo on the right, need I say more? No wonder ppl say a photo can tell a thousand words, now I believe it.

25Contestant no.25
The youngest of all contestant, only 18. If u ever look at the magazine, he got the best look & sunshine smile. I voted for him. He changed his hair style, the old old fit his better. He did a very bad mistake on the Q&A session with the judges. When the judge ask him would he teach them to train (he's a personal trainer), he answered, NO!! o.O as he say he wont do it for free. Guess tats the reason why he's not in the top 12. Hope he learn from mistake.29

Contestant no.26
Performance: Singing with the help of contestant 17 (guitar player)
As I can recall, the singing was a disaster.

Contestant no.29
Performance: Magic show
He ask a volunteer from the audience but one of the judge just cant wait to get as close as to these hulk. The magic show was extremely simple, you wont notice it if you are the in front as the 30contestant just keep on switching the tissue to another hand in quick pace & throw it over the head as it disappeared. By askin the judge to guess which hand the tissue landed & show both hands empty. As KK said she has been "Wan Ban" (fooled) & she just cant focus & too concentrate looking at HULK chest.

Contestant no.30
Performance: Singing
He's the tallest of all the contestants with 188cm height o.O He got the look, the height & work as a part time model. He doesn't look like Chinese at all but he speak Chinese & Cantonese, surprisingly he English was not that good, so do his singing. He wear a skinny jean with female cutting, I think that's one of the reason he dint get to top 12 beside bad singing voice. The judge do ask him to take off his pants -_-

After all contestants all do their cat walk, they have present us with "Underwear Show" modeling by dancer & contestant, wonder they it called underwear show where some are wearing jean? Anyway who care about that, we just wanna see more., it's eye opening for us XD

As we waitin for the result, they entertain us with some stage game, 5 audiences were asked to go up to stage and the have to do the pole (mic stand) dance in order to win great prize. KK show the demo & the first player (fat guy) was a quick learner, it was hilarious, the 2nd & 3rd was a bit lame. The 4th dance was sexy, not bad for a mother of 3. The 5th player (aunty, sponsor) was regret to be on stage, that's y she was put till the last. She surprise us with incredible rock style of pole dance o.O & of course she's the winner. Now, that's what I call sporting.

The sexy Lady

These are few of my favorite contestants (although not some dint enter top 12)
07 20 17

25 26 28


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ah Beng, you want peanuts?

Ah Beng is a bus driver; one day got this old folks home 'pao' his bus for a day trip to Pulau Ketam.

Sitting right behind the driver's seat is Grandma Sue and from his rear mirror Ah Beng can see that Grandma Sue is happily munching away..

In the middle of the road trip, Grandma Sue tapped Ah Beng on his shoulder and asked him...

Grandma: 'Ah Beng ah! You want peanuts boh? Grandma treat you eat peanut ai mai?'

Ah Beng: 'Tenkiu ah ma... yes I want!'

Then Ah Beng also happy happy munching peanuts... about 20 minutes down the road, Grandma Sue asked Ah Beng again...

Grandma: 'Ah Beng ah! You want peanuts boh? Grandma treat you eat peanut ai mai?'

Ah Beng: 'Tenkiu ah ma ... yes I want!'

To make the story short, this goes on for a few more times then Ah Beng finally asks Grandma Sue...

Ah Beng: 'Ah ma ah .! ... you dont eat peanuts one meh?'

Grandma: 'No... no eat! Ah ma boh teeth la!'

Ah Beng: 'Aiks! Boh teeth then why ah ma buy peanuts leh?'

Grandma: 'No choice leh! Just now that 7-11 is out of chocolate so ah ma kena buy this peanut chocolate lor! Ah ma lick the chocolate around the peanut and the peanut give you eat lor!'

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

007 Quantum of Solace (Cineleisure)

As usual, it start with full whole song playin with intro name of the producer, actor & actress. Then it come out with shooting scene which kind of messy, it's just normal speedin driving, shootin & hittin. Effect was nth special at all.

The storyline a bit unlogic, where bond totally dint care about ppl around him, he's so selfish and ego. So, as u can guess it, the female police who sleep with him was death, so does his friend that help him.

Bond was totally a waste of country resource/money too if you ask me, where he wont accept/stayin at low cost hotel. Seem he wan to enjoy his life more than doin his job. Not to forget all cars that he damage.

Wonder how they move the female police to the high class room without anyone notice it? Beside that how do they carry the oil coated body to the bed without touchin her & leave any mark on it? Do they oil her later only after that? or they have David Copperfield with them?

Overall Rating: B-