Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Top News

01 HKCN, 老夫子漫畫作者王家禧元旦日病逝!享年 93 歲
09 MY, 超级自由球夺年度进球 Faiz 创亚洲足坛历史!@FIFA Football Awards
23 MY, Chatime change name to TeaLive

09 MY, 豬毛刷事件 [幕後操作]
17 MY N.KR, KLIA 5秒毒殺金正男 [update] [update2]
18 MY, 新山發生恐怖致命車禍

07 MY N.KR, Malaysians banned from leaving North Korea [Malaysia side]
10 EG, Massive Statue of Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Found in Cairo
11 WORLD, Movie Beauty & The Beast 美女和野獸 controversy [HK] [RU] [TW] [MY]
12 MY, Stupid师王海边作法防朝鲜 English [on news in N.KR]
22 UK, London terror attack near Parliament [BBC]

02 MY, Tanjung Malim 6 family killed deathly accident [chinese version]
03 RU, St Petersburg Metro explosion
10 US, Asian Doctor Randomly Assaulted and Removed From United Flight UA3411 [chi ver]
12 MY, Tora Aman has ceased operation
13 US, US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
18 WORLD, Game Starcraft and expansion BroodWar is now FREE
     HK, 郭富城51歲終結單身!
20 WORLD, Plastc swiped $9 million from backers and just completely vanished
27 UK, Police thwart suspected terror attack in Westminster [telegraph]

12 WORLD, WannaCry ransomware [cNet]
15 RU, Russia’s Top Religious Official Sprays Holy Water on Computers to Fend Off Ransomware Virus
18 MY, RM180,000 Brazillian tree in Terengganu dies
20 MY, 2017金视奖之场面大失控
21 UK, Manchester Arena blast [video]
24 TW, 禁止同性婚宣告違憲 台灣婚姻平權邁出重要一步 #FirstInAsia
     MY, DRB-Hicom to sell 49.9% in Proton to Geely Holding
28 MY, ‘The Star’ says sorry for its front page [photo]
30 MY, Astro电视购物直播·演示锅具途中爆炸
     MY, Mid Valley 谷中城火災 緊急疏散百人
31 AE TW, Emirates tells cabin crew to remove Taiwan flag pins
     AU, Melbourne Airport in lock down after man reportedly attempts to hijack plane MH128

02 PH, Manila casino resort attack
03 IE, Leo Varadkar: Ireland set to have first gay PM
     UK, London Atacks
05 QA, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates cut ties with Doha [truth (Chinese)]
06 FR, Paris's Notre-Dame: Attacker shot outside cathedral
07 IR, Tehran's Pair of Terrorist Attacks in Iran [update]
09 TH, True Fitness close down in Thailand
10 MY, True Fitness close down in Malaysia  [truth]
     MY, Malaysia Airlines Enrich Program Devaluation
13 PA, 巴拿馬宣布與中國建交,隨即宣布與台灣斷交 【巴國大使館14日降下中華民國國旗】
14 UK, London Grenfell Tower on fire
15 MY, The Balloon Goes Up On 1MDB
18 MY, GST on food items not normally consumed by Malaysians starting 1st July 2017 [cancelled]
24 CN, 四川茂县发生山体垮塌
     NO, Penis-shaped rock formation found detached
25 AU, AirAsia X D7237 engine explosion, Perth-KL flight shakily turns back [video1] [video2]
     KE, Bridge in Kenya being built by Chinese company collapses 11 days after president's visit
27 CN, 中國南方航空 CZ380 婦在登機途中向飛機引擎拋撒大量硬幣,導致客機故障。
     CN, 手滑跌碎135萬玉鐲,大媽當場嚇暈
     PK, Malindo Air OD132 which left Lahore was diverted to Delhi due to an engine issue.