Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Top News

01 HKCN, 老夫子漫畫作者王家禧元旦日病逝!享年 93 歲
09 MY, 超级自由球夺年度进球 Faiz 创亚洲足坛历史!@FIFA Football Awards
23 MY, Chatime change name to TeaLive

09 MY, 豬毛刷事件 [幕後操作]
17 MY N.KR, KLIA 5秒毒殺金正男 [update] [update2]
18 MY, 新山發生恐怖致命車禍

07 MY N.KR, Malaysians banned from leaving North Korea [Malaysia side]
10 EG, Massive Statue of Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Found in Cairo
11 WORLD, Movie Beauty & The Beast 美女和野獸 controversy [HK] [RU] [TW] [MY]
12 MY, Stupid师王海边作法防朝鲜 English [on news in N.KR]
22 UK, London terror attack near Parliament [BBC]

02 MY, Tanjung Malim 6 family killed deathly accident [chinese version]
03 RU, St Petersburg Metro explosion
10 US, Asian Doctor Randomly Assaulted and Removed From United Flight UA3411 [chi ver]
12 MY, Tora Aman has ceased operation
13 US, US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
18 WORLD, Game Starcraft and expansion BroodWar is now FREE
     HK, 郭富城51歲終結單身!
20 WORLD, Plastc swiped $9 million from backers and just completely vanished
27 UK, Police thwart suspected terror attack in Westminster [telegraph]

12 WORLD, WannaCry ransomware [cNet]
15 RU, Russia’s Top Religious Official Sprays Holy Water on Computers to Fend Off Ransomware Virus
18 MY, RM180,000 Brazillian tree in Terengganu dies
20 MY, 2017金视奖之场面大失控
21 UK, Manchester Arena blast [video]
24 TW, 禁止同性婚宣告違憲 台灣婚姻平權邁出重要一步 #FirstInAsia
     MY, DRB-Hicom to sell 49.9% in Proton to Geely Holding
28 MY, ‘The Star’ says sorry for its front page [photo]
30 MY, Astro电视购物直播·演示锅具途中爆炸
     MY, Mid Valley 谷中城火災 緊急疏散百人
31 AE TW, Emirates tells cabin crew to remove Taiwan flag pins
     AU, Melbourne Airport in lock down after man reportedly attempts to hijack plane MH128

02 PH, Manila casino resort attack
03 IE, Leo Varadkar: Ireland set to have first gay PM
     UK, London Atacks
05 QA, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates cut ties with Doha [truth (Chinese)]
06 FR, Paris's Notre-Dame: Attacker shot outside cathedral
07 IR, Tehran's Pair of Terrorist Attacks in Iran [update]
09 TH, True Fitness close down in Thailand
10 MY, True Fitness close down in Malaysia  [truth]
     MY, Malaysia Airlines Enrich Program Devaluation
13 PA, 巴拿馬宣布與中國建交,隨即宣布與台灣斷交 【巴國大使館14日降下中華民國國旗】
14 UK, London Grenfell Tower on fire
15 MY, The Balloon Goes Up On 1MDB
18 MY, GST on food items not normally consumed by Malaysians starting 1st July 2017 [cancelled]
24 CN, 四川茂县发生山体垮塌
     NO, Penis-shaped rock formation found detached
25 AU, AirAsia X D7237 engine explosion, Perth-KL flight shakily turns back [video1] [video2]
     KE, Bridge in Kenya being built by Chinese company collapses 11 days after president's visit
27 CN, 中國南方航空 CZ380 婦在登機途中向飛機引擎拋撒大量硬幣,導致客機故障。
     CN, 手滑跌碎135萬玉鐲,大媽當場嚇暈
     PK, Malindo Air OD132 which left Lahore was diverted to Delhi due to an engine issue.

Monday, July 17, 2017

泰火車軌道測硬幣耐壓度 3萬網民要美籍網紅滾蛋





Nate在YouTube上開設賬號MY MATE NATE,常常發佈一些惡搞視頻,包括用1600枚士丹硬幣去7-11買東西、把貓綁在氣球上、測試泰國人的英語水平等一些涉嫌違反泰國法律和不尊重泰國人的視頻。泰國網民認為Nate作為一名網紅,發佈的視頻內容容易對青少年造成不良影響,對社會安全造成一定威脅,因此希望有關部門取消其簽證驅逐出境。




Thursday, July 13, 2017








Do the EPF 'Nomination' Thing Before It's Too Late

A new policy has been introduced to make the process of nominating beneficiaries easier.

Latest statistics show that there's still a huge chunk of Malaysians that have yet to make EPF nominations

As it stands, about 10.6 million people or 73% of Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members have yet to make a nomination, which means that they have no beneficiary for their accounts and savings in the event of their death.

The EPF Board has yet to make nomination a compulsory matter but all members have been urged to get it done as soon as possible.

Why should a member make a nomination?

In the case of a Muslim member, the person(s) named in the EPF Nomination will receive the savings of the deceased member as administrator (Wasi), who will bear the responsibility to distribute the savings in accordance with the Faraid Law. Faraid Law refers to the Islamic laws concerning inheritance and distribution.

Meanwhile, a nomination would allow Non-Muslim members to name the actual rightful beneficiary or beneficiaries of their savings.

Members are encouraged to make a nomination to facilitate and expedite the process of transferring the EPF savings to the nominee upon the death of an EPF member. If a member fails to make a nomination for his or her EPF savings, the beneficiary will have to go through a lengthy and tedious process of claiming the savings from EPF.

According to EPF, the savings of a deceased will still be kept under the deceased member's name until a next-of-kin claims the savings through the current Death Withdrawal and 'No Nomination' process and procedures.

If a deceased member fails to make a nomination, the family members may need to fork out a large sum of money just to claim the hard-earned savings

It is still possible to apply for a Death Withdrawal if a deceased member did not make a nomination, but, the EPF Board would require the next-of-kin to produce supporting documents such as legal papers which could be costly and time-consuming.

"I have come across cases where EPF nominations were not made and it became a nightmare for their families who had to undergo a lengthy legal process to get the money out," Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations secretary-general Datuk Paul Selvaraj was quoted as saying by The Star Online.

According to the EPF Act 1991, leaving a written will by naming the beneficiary of a member's EPF savings will not be taken into consideration

Only an official nomination submitted to the EPF branch will be taken into account and processed accordingly to be kept in EPF's records.

To make matters easier, the EPF board has introduced a new procedure to allow members to make a nomination without the need of a witness. Previously, a member needed a witness present with them at the EPF branch to submit a nomination.

Starting from 1 January 2017, a member will only need to provide the required documentation as proof to make a nomination instead of having a witness with them.

EFP also offers a one-off death benefit worth RM2,500 to a deceased member's next-of-kin

As a gesture of compassion, the EPF Board offers RM2,500 to any of the deceased member's dependents (widow, widower, children or mother/father).

Here are some conditions to take note of when applying for the death benefit:
  1. The member must be a Malaysian citizen (including Permanent Resident) OR Non-Malaysian members who registered with the EPF before 1 August 1998
  2. The member passed away before reaching the age of 55
  3. Application must be made within six (6) months of the member's date of death 
  4. The member still has savings when the withdrawal application is made

Back in 2015, it was revealed that money allocated, which comes from EPF's investment earnings, would be kept for annual dividend distribution to all members in the event that a next-of-kin is not qualified to claim the death benefit.

How do you make a nomination?

A nomination can be made in two simple steps:
  1. Fill in the KWSP 4 Form accordingly.
  2. Submit the form personally to the nearest EPF office. 
or just go to the nearest KWSP / EPF office and get the form there and fill up on the spot

What you need to bring:
  1. A copy of your own MyKAD **a must, no photostat copy needed
  2. A copy of identification document for each nominee such as MyKad, or Birth Certificate.
  3. The completed Nomination Application Form (KWSP 4). 
just fill up the nomination column (FULL NAME and ID NUMBERS, PERCENTAGE) & make sure there's no error

If you've already made a nomination, make sure that the details are accurate and updated by checking at:
  1. The counter at any EPF branch
  2. The EPF's website using your EPF i-Akaun
For more information, visit the EPF website to learn more about Nomination and Death Withdrawal.

If you've not made a nomination yet, do it immediately! Don't forget to share this with your family and friends.

Learn more about what you can do with your EPF savings here:
Settling PTPTN Debts And 6 Other Things You Can Do With Your EPF Money
This is how you can make pre-retirement withdrawals as an EPF member.

Friday, June 30, 2017

If You Are Using This Toothpaste… Throw It Away Immediately!

The FDA has just issued a warning this week noting that they will be putting a ban on triclosan—a common antibacterial agent used in soaps, detergents, toys, cosmetics, and toothpaste. Apparently, the chemical poses a high-degree of health risks and side effects.

Colgate Total is just one of many products that list triclosan as an active ingredient.

“Based on scientific evidence, the balance of benefit and risk is favorable for these products,” Andrea Fischer, an FDA Spokesperson, said of the announcement.

“The dangers of triclosan (and a related antibacterial chemical, triclocarban) are many,” the Natural Resource Defense Council said in a statement. “For starters, it’s an endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with important hormone functions, which can directly affect the brain in addition to our immune and reproductive systems.”

“Specifically, the chemical disturbs thyroid, testosterone, and estrogen regulation, which can create a host of issues including early puberty, poor sperm quality, infertility, obesity, and cancer,” the statement continues. “Studies have also shown it can lead to impaired learning and memory, exacerbate allergies, and weaken muscle function. The impacts of prolonged exposure during fetal development, infancy, and childhood can be particularly severe, resulting in permanent damage.”

Please pass this information on and be sure to go through your toiletries.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Petya 病毒全球爆發中 ! 比 WannaCry 強 電腦更新過也中招 : Windows 香港受害者上升中 (附:預防 刪除 修復方法)

新型勒索軟件 Petya 開始全球爆發,別以為上次 Wannacry 事件電腦更新過就沒事,今次 Petya 不止用了 SMBv1 漏動,更結合 Windows 網絡安裝弱點去攻擊。 unwire 教各位香港 Windows 用戶快速解決這重大危機.

有多少機會中招 ?
目前第一波雖未及上次 WannaCry 強勁但也不弱,目前英、美、法德都有超過 2,000 電腦感染報告、烏克蘭國家銀行及電力公司都中招。受害人想解鎖硬碟需支付價值 $300 美元的 BITCOIN ,暫時已有 32 位受害者付費,總值大約 $6,775 美元

電腦有更新 / Win10 也中招
即使安裝了 Eternalblue 漏洞 (WannaCry) 的修正檔亦一樣中招,這是 Petya 最致命的地方。所以今次 Windows 10 用家也難逃一劫。

香港公司電腦成高危,只要網絡上有一台機忘記更新或修正 Windows 的 SMBv1 漏洞,這樣 Petya 便會感染那部電腦然後再利用 Windows 客戶端攻擊 (CVE-2017-0199) ,透過 WMIC 及 PSEXEC在網絡上的其他電腦進行安裝 Petya 勒索軟件,只要你的電腦密碼是簡單組合的話,就容易被攻破。
外國有公司 Network 全 down 去解決

ATM 也中招

Windows 用戶密碼 太易撞破
Petya 內置工具懂得由 Windows 客戶端及 Domain Controller 中偷取密碼情報,再加上很多香港公司的打工仔,由於公司電腦只作公事之用,沒有個人私隱下很多時都忽略密碼的重要性。很多人務求回到公司開機方便,都設定一些比較簡單易記的密碼,甚至沒有設定。Petya 很容易就執行指令,直接透過網絡安裝到你的電腦上。香港資訊科技商會委員兼資訊保安召集人 – Eric Fan 先生就建議用戶切勿在Domain Controller 或使用Domain Administrator 去開啓來歷不明的檔案。

Windows 突然 Reboot 強制加密
有別於 Wannacry ,Petya 不會在背後偷偷加密你的檔案,用戶不為發覺電腦變慢。它中招後一小時內靜靜不動,然後強制 BSOD Hang 機 Reboot 進行加密硬碟的 MFT 及修改 MBR,整個過程超快而且古惑 ! 加密時會裝扮成掃瞄及修護硬碟,讓用戶不敢打斷(這是 Windows Hang 機後常見的事..) 完成後整顆硬碟都不能再取存,連 Windows 都進不到。因此破壞力比 WannaCry 強。

中招過程 :

Step 1 :
中招後電腦 Hang 機 Reboot ,然後扮掃瞄硬碟 (一見這畫面立即關機)

Step 2 :
然後會提示你解鎖要付 $300 美金的 bitcoin,期間硬碟 MFT 被加密,不能進入 Windows 亦不能安裝到其他電腦上作檔案取存。

預防方法 :
1. 更改使用複雜的 Windows 密碼
如上次 Wannacry 爆發時你未更新電腦,請立即進行更新 。另外如果你未設有登入密碼或密碼過於簡單,請立即更改

2. 預先製作 Petya Kill – Switch (必做)
跟 WannaCry 一樣,Petya 也有自己的 Kill-Switch 自殺停止運作 ,製作這個 KILL Switch 非常簡單,但暫時只能防止目前版本,有變種的話便無效 (還是建議使用強密碼)

Step 1:
右按 Windows Logo,選擇命令提示字元 (系統管理員 )

Step 2:
輸入以下指令,目的為了在 Windows 資料夾中 (e.g C:\Windows) 建立一個 perfc 、perfc.dll、perfc.dat 檔
  • cd.. (按 Enter)
  • copy con perfc (按 Enter)
  • (按 Ctrl + Z )
  • (按 Enter)
  • copy perfc perfc.dll (按 Enter)
  • copy perfc perfc.dat (按 Enter)

3. 安裝 MBRFilter (危急才用)
Cisco 於上年寫了一個叫 MBRFilter 的檔案以防止硬碟的 Sector 0 寫入, 這可以防止 Petya 更改 MBR 以進行加密。安裝這個需要有一定的 IT 基礎。<連結>

3. 關閉 WMI 服務 (危急才用)
關閉了 Windows 的遠端安裝服務,防止 Petya 透過網絡在你的電腦上安裝 (如果你電腦有使用 RDP 或其他遠端管理工具,關閉 WMI 後有機會不能使用,Windows Security Center 也會受影響)。因此小編不建議長期關閉,只能作 IT 人在用家未回到公司前,暫停擴散之用。

Step 1 :
右按 Windows Logo,選擇命令提示字元 (系統管理員 )

Step 2 :
輸入 net stop winmgmt b(其後可用 net start winmgmt 重新開啟服務)

中招解決方法 :
發現電腦 Reboot 即關機 別等

由於 Petya 需要 Reboot 後才進行加密程序,所以電腦用戶發現 Windows 突然 Hang 機無故重啟的話,一看到 Windows Logo 便立即關機。然後使用 Live CD Boot 機或把硬碟取出接駁到其他電腦進行清理/製作 Kill Switch / 備份。如果你讓它加密完成的話,你的電腦會顯示以下畫面就暫時無法救回來了,要等待保安公司找出救援方案。

一 Reboot 或見到Windows Logo 立即關機不要讓它加密。關機後 File 在硬碟是安全的,只要不啟動讓它再進行加密


補充 : Petya 不是 Petya ? 是新病毒
正當傳媒及保安專家認為是次勒索軟件是 Petya 的變種版本,Kaspersky Labs 表示這並非如此,是一種全新的病毒,只有部份 Strings 相近但運行方法是不一樣,Kaspersky Labs 暫叫這作 ExPetr、部份人叫作是 NotPetya

Friday, June 23, 2017

《Killing Floor》血腥暴力 FPS 限時免費

Humble Bundle 今天又來免費贈送玩家遊戲囉!這次要送給玩家的是 2009 年所推出的第一人稱射擊遊戲《Killing Floor》,要注意的是本作含有大量血腥暴力場面,可能不太適合某些玩家。另外這款遊戲除了支援 Windows、Linux 系統之外,也支援 Mac。遊戲免費時間直到台灣、香港時間 6 月 25 日凌晨 0 時,因此別猶豫,趕快下載!

  1. 進入《KILLING FLOOR》商店頁面,點選「Add to Cart」將商品加入購物車。
  2. 在購物車視窗中,輸入自己的電子郵件地址(若有登入帳號則會自動帶入註冊時的電子郵件地址),並點選中央的「Get it for free!」按鈕。
  3. 靜待一段處理時間,你就會在剛剛輸入的電子郵件地址中收到商品兌換郵件,點選附於郵件中的連結,即可獲得兌換碼。
  4. 於 Steam 平台啟動產品(商品兌換有時間限制,請盡早兌換)。


Wednesday, June 14, 2017









The man named only as Ghazia A fled Syria with his huge family last year and has since settled in Germany.

He doesn't work and instead lives off the huge benefit bung, according to a financial manager who worked out what the state is liable to fork out.

There is official confirmation of the £320,000 ($358,000 USD) figure.

Under Islamic law a man can marry up to four wives as long as he is able to give them financial support.

However, German law does not recognize polygamous marriages.

But instead of the marriages being ignored, the refugee was given special leeway to choose his 「main wife」.

The other three women were then categorised as 「friends」 in an arrangement a local official described as an 「exemption」, German daily Rhein-Zeitung reports.

Gazia, 49, lives with his 「main」 wife Twasif and their five children in the Rhineland-Palatinate town and visits his other families that live in the surrounding area every few days.

He said he used to run a garage and car hire service in Syria before the country’s descent into civil war, allowing him to provide for his family.

However he has not worked since the move to Europe last year on the back of Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door policy.

He told German daily Bild he was committed to his families: 「In our religion it is my duty to visit every family and to be with them.

「I am practically all the time go to with my family to be together – and I would like to find work again.」

A SYRIAN migrant has sparked outrage after allegedly using his four wives and 23 children to rake in over £320,000 a year in benefits.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017















Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bahasa Malaysia Differs From Bahasa Indonesia

There are many similarities between Bahasa Malaysia / Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia due to our common colonial histories. However, as the Portuguese have dropped their anggur (grape) and mentega (butter) into our daily vocabulary, so have the Dutch into the Indonesian lingo.

Bringing the term ‘false friends’ to mind, there are as many key differences between Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia as there are similarities. While living in either Malaysia or Indonesia for an extended period of time will help you pick up the language in the other country pretty well, there are some notable differences between these two languages that even locals don’t know about. During situations that require these words, it might be the case that not even Google Translate can help you so here are some important differences to remember:

1. Pusing
Translated to spin, Malaysians have been known to use it interchangeably with jalan-jalan or take a stroll. Indonesians however regard it is a throbbing migraine or total confusion; directly translated as kepala pusing or head-spinning.

2. Mata Kucing
The literal translation is ‘cat eye’, which is what you’ll get if you google translate it. In Malaysia, it is actually the name of a delectable fruit similar to lychee. In Indonesia, this very same fruit is known as lengkeng, and mata kucing just means cat eyes. So if one were to ask an Indonesian to try eating some mata kucing, it will be met with some scrutiny.

3. Lain
This word means ‘different’ to Malaysians, but Indonesians call it beda. Another example of a small yet subtle difference between the two languages.

4. Jeruk
In Malaysia, jeruk is used to refer to preserved fruits or vegetables in brine and tinted in varying hues. In Indonesia however, jeruk refers to an orange; and preserved fruits are called asinan instead.

5. Lelaki
A male in Indonesia are both known as laki-laki or pria. While laki-laki is acceptable in Malaysia, its common term would be lelaki.

6. Cakap
Imagine this scenario: you’re the center of attention as a foreigner and the locals want to test your capabilities to exchange some words in their mother tongue. ‘To speak’ is cakap in Bahasa Melayu whereas the very same meaning is bicara in Bahasa Indonesia.

7. Percuma
Getting something for free? You’ll commonly see it as percuma in Malaysia while Indonesia would offer it for gratis.

8. Perhentian Bas
If you’re riding a bus, it is very likely a bus stop is involved. Perhentian bas is what Malaysians call it, translating to literally mean ‘bus stop’, whereas halte is what the Indonesians have come to know it as, courtesy of the Dutch.

Fun fact: The Perhentian Islands are so-called because they were originally a ‘stopping point’ for sea traders travelling between Thailand and Malaysia.

9. Senget
In Malaysia whenever something is leaning, slanted, or tilted it would be known as senget. In Indonesia however, this very same unparalleled nature is known as miring instead.

10. Pokok
Pokok is used in both Malaysia and Indonesia for different meanings altogether. Pokok is known in Malaysia as ‘tree’ or plant, but in Indonesia pokok often means ‘principal’ (as in ‘main’), and the wordpohon is more commonly used to refer to a tree.

12. Maksud
Getting people to explain the bottom line can be a difficult feat even in your own language. Ask for the ‘meaning’ of something by requesting the maksud in Malaysia or erti in Indonesia.

13. Kedai
It is very likely you will need a little retail therapy or just need to pick up some necessities when you visit either one of these countries. If you need directions to find a nearby shop, ask for a kedai in Malaysia and a toko in Indonesia.

14. Pejabat
It might be the very last thing or very first thing you’ll look for depending on your travel needs, but if a post office or any office for that matter is what you’re after, it will be known as pejabat in Malaysia and kantor in Indonesia.

15. Kereta
A mode we are all too familiar with, the car. In Malaysia it will be known as kereta while in Indonesia it is the shortened version of automobile as I would guess – mobil.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017



一、蘆薈 (蘆薈品種大全)








1、 剪取生長健壯的薄荷枝條,無病蟲害,長度約四五公分即可,將薄荷枝條下部葉片去掉,只保留上部的葉片。

2、 把枝條插入疏鬆透氣的土壤中,每天噴霧保濕,大約2周后可以生根。




1、 剪取生長健壯的木質化的茉莉枝條。

2、 將枝條剪成5公分左右的長度,去掉下部的葉片,上面的葉片可以斜剪一半。

3、 將準備好的茉莉枝條扦插到基質中,基質可以用蛭石、珍珠岩或河沙。

4、 澆透水,放到陰涼透風地養護。

5、 保持基質呈濕潤狀態,一段時間后,茉莉變會長出茂盛的根系,這時便可以進行上盆啦。

四、綠蘿 (萬年青)







1、 剪取木質化的發財樹枝條,長度約10厘米即可,然後取一個塑料瓶,瓶內裝滿水,將發財樹枝條插到水中。

2、 等看到發財樹枝條末端有根系長出時,便可以將發財樹重新扦插到沙質土壤中,進行誘根。

3、 把花盆放在沒有陽光直射的地方,經常在葉片周圍噴霧,大約20天左右,發財樹枝條就會生根。







1、 月季繁殖最好選擇花后的枝條,這樣的枝條分生能力強,能很快生根。
2、 扦插的基質可以選擇蛭石、珍珠岩、河沙,扦插后,一定要保持基質有足夠的濕度,多噴水。


八、長壽花 (落地生根)










