Wednesday, April 27, 2016

5 Changes to the STRATA LAWS you should be aware of

If you live in a condominium or apartment, you and your neighbours each own a piece, or “parcel”, in the building.

Hence, the building would have to be subdivided, and you each get a separate title, called a “strata title”, to prove your ownership of your part of the building.

When lots of people live together, share and manage a property together, there can be lots of legal, financial and social issues that need to be handled according to certain policies and rules.

For a long time, Malaysia did not have a single comprehensive law covering strata titles until the Strata Titles Act 1985 was introduced. This governed the subdivision of buildings and the issuance of strata titles, but not the management of that subdivided building.

So there was another Act — the Building & Common Property (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 (BCPA 2007) — introduced to address the maintenance and management of high-rise buildings and their common property, whether by developers, joint management bodies or management corporations.

With overlaps and even contradictions in these laws and policies (parts of which were under different ministries), and changes in the property landscape, the Acts became inadequate and in need of an overhaul.

The New Strata Regime

Significant changes were made with the Strata Titles (Amendment Act) 2013 (STA 2013) and the new Strata Management Act 2013 (SMA 2013), which have been in force since June 2015.

It has been seen as a big step forward to increase efficiency and give buyers better protection.

Our lawyer friend Geraldine, from Teoh Pek Wei Advocates & Solicitors, helps us explain 5 main legal changes to Strata Laws that you need to know:

1. The Proprietor (registered land owner, not necessarily developer) must apply to sub-divide the parcels in the building at “super structure stage”

Previously, the Proprietor would apply for separate strata titles after the building is completed, that is:
  • within 6 months from the issuance of the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) if the property was sold before it was completed; OR
  • within 6 months from the date of the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA), if it was sold after it was completed.

Under the new changes, the Proprietor has to apply for a Certificate of Proposed Strata Plan (CPSP) within 3 months from the “super structure stage”.

What is “super structure stage”? Generally, that’s the point where the walls dividing the different parts of the buildings are completed to such a stage that is necessary for measurements of your unit, your neighbour’s unit, the common property, etc.

Once the Proprietor gets the CPSP, then it has to apply for sub-division of the individual parcels and common property within a month. A Certified Strata Plan will be issued, followed by the opening of the book of strata register.

How does it affect you? With the head start, hopefully, your strata titles will be ready by the time you get your keys; unlike before, when it could take up to several years after the building is completed.

2. Time Periods for Perfection of Strata Title Has Been Reduced 

Once the strata titles have been issued, buyers will now have to transfer the strata titles to their names within 30 days, instead of 12 months previously.

This is so buyers don’t take their own sweet time to do the transfer. This move is also expected to curb speculative activity for investors who buy properties under construction, with the intention to flip once it’s completed.

How does it affect you? You would need to have enough money to pay the stamp duty for the transfer sooner than before. So start saving up!
(Stamp duty calculations can be found on the Government’s Valuation and Property Services Department website.)

3. Limited Common Property & Subsidiary Management Corporation

With the many upcoming mixed-development projects in Malaysia — combining residential units with offices and retail shops — it’s now possible to manage the various components separately.

The concept of “Limited Common Property” means certain common areas can be designated for the exclusive use of a certain group of owners, such as a resident-only swimming pool or an office-only lift.

The Management Corporation (MC) can also create subsidiary management corporations (SMC) to better manage different types of Limited Common Property. For example, a residential SMC would manage the resident-only facilities, the office SMC would be manage the office block amenities, while the shop lot SMC would manage the shop lot facilities for owners, such as the central air-conditioning.

How does it affect you? This system is meant to better serve owners’ interests by improving management efficiency and use of resources, such as the maintenance fees you pay. However, it is still a relatively new concept, and owners need to be educated on their rights and responsibilities.

4. Presumption of Defect

You know the situation where the bathroom in the unit upstairs is leaking into your ceiling and nobody wants to be responsible for it? This common problem is known as an “inter-floor leakage”.

The supplementing regulations to the new Strata Laws — the Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015 — make it easier to determine who is responsible to fix the problem and how long they have to do it.

Firstly, you must give a notice to whoever is in charge of managing your property — the Joint Management Body (JMB), MC or SMC — of the inter-floor leakage. The management would have seven days to carry out an inspection to determine the cause of the leakage and the party responsible for rectifying it.

(Under the new Strata laws, it is presumed that there is a defect in the unit or common area above, unless proven otherwise, and this has to be taken into account by the management bodies)

If the property is still within the defect liability period, the developer may be responsible. If it is due to a common area, the owner may claim from the Common Property Defects Account.

After the defect liability period, if the leakage is found to be from the unit above, the owner of that unit is responsible to make the repairs. If he or she refuses to do so, the management body may fix it and have a right to recover all cost and expenses from the party responsible for the inter-floor leakage.

How does it affect you? Hopefully you won’t have to live with the drip, drip, drip longer than necessary anymore.

5. Increased sanctions on owners who fail to pay Maintenance Charges

Previously, the Joint Management Body (JMB) or MC could only file a civil suit against owners who fail to pay maintenance and service charges. Now, free-loading owners may have to face criminal charges and fines.

The JMB or MC would first issue a notice for payment, with at least a 2-week window for the errant owner to pay up. If the owner fails to do so and is convicted, he or she will be liable to a fine of up to RM5,000, or imprisoned for up to three years, or to both. And the fine meter continues running at up to RM50 per day after conviction, until payment is made.

How does it affect you? Don’t play play. Quickly pay!

In conclusion, the new amendments to the Strata Act are good and much needed to protect buyers and to keep up with changes in the property construction and development industry.

However, implementation and enforcement are key for the success of any law and to ensure we do not end up with lots of run-down and badly managed high-rise properties.

* The information in this article is for general information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. Propertypricetag.comand/or our solicitors accept no liability for any loss whatsoever arising from your reliance of the information in this article. If you have any questions regarding legal matters or legal issues, you are advised to obtain consultation and professional legal advice from a lawyer.

Monday, April 25, 2016

政治黑手逼马航CEO提前下课!Where Mueller failed














米勒上任后,马航大幅削减员工并计划淘汰部分客机,停飞了不少亏损的长途航线,更加注重中程航线,以期转型为一家区域航空公司。去年12月,马 航宣布与阿联航空达成合作协议,利用后者广泛的航线网络。今年2月马航实现近年来首次月度盈利,并希望在2018年扭亏为盈。

Where Mueller failed

He got rid of excess workers, unneeded suppliers and unprofitable routes, but he could not remove political control.

FMT letter from Marion Tharsis via email

Khazanah Nasional Berhad probably expected too much from Christoph Mueller when it hired him to work his charm on MAS. Despite his glorious past, the turnaround expert probably didn’t count on the the work culture and ethics and, most of all, the political environment in a government-linked company.

Mueller made all the obvious moves. He trimmed the work force, removed unwanted suppliers and closed unprofitable routes. What he could not do was remove political control. He probably learned soon enough that it would be futile to continue with his work, with so many hands pulling him from all sides to do their bidding.

Another person may try his or her hand at making MAS profitable again, but the same pressures will reduce the CEO’s position to that of a puppet to be manipulated.

So our once glorious airline is back to square one. The competition is overwhelming. Other carriers, including our very own AirAsia, are always looking into ways to make their companies more profitable through innovation.

We should not expect too much from the incoming CEO. He or she may be prevented from cleaning up certain kinds of mess. For example, he or she might not get a free hand to select a management team that would be capable of taking MAS on the path of good and solid governance.

An airline cannot run effectively merely on superficial changes. It needs an operating system that is smooth, unhampered, cohesive, innovative and competitive. Only then can it stay afloat in a tight and narrow market and play on a field that keeps re-inventing itself.

An airline that is subject to too much control will keep failing and continue to be an embarrassment.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

TNB 电费翻倍?原来电费这样算才对!

近来有西马用户的电费翻倍,让用户怀疑国能悄悄调涨电费,因此向国能(TNB)投诉。不过国能给予的理由是天气炎热,用户的用电量增加。 如果你也面对电费增加的问题,那你可以尝试自己计算电费。这里介绍大家计算电费的方法。 步骤
  1. 浏览网站:
  2. 选择 BILL CALCULATOR 的 Read More。
  3. 选择 Domestic、Commercial 或 Industrial。住家用户选择 Domestic。 
  4. 在 Total Consumption (kWh) 栏位输入用电量。 
  5. 点击 Calculate Bill
  6. 系统会自动计算出你的电费。 


  • 只有超过 300kWh 的用电量才需缴付 6%消费税。 
  • 只有超过 300kWh 的用电量才需缴付 ICPT 折扣,也就是每单位 RM 0.0152 的折扣。 

用电量 210kWh 
  • 首200kWh = 200kWh X RM 0.2180 = RM 43.60 
  • 后10kWh = 10kWh X RM 0.3340 = RM 3.34 
  • RM 43.60 + RM 3.34 = RM 46.94 
你需要缴付的电费是 RM 46.94。 

用电量 510kWh 
  • 首 200kWh = 200kWh X RM 0.2180 = RM 43.60 
  • 后 100kWh = 100kWh X RM 0.3340 = RM 33.40 
  • 后 210kWh = 210kWh X RM 0.5160 = RM 108.36 
  • RM 43.60 + RM 33.40 + RM 108.36 = RM 185.36 

用电量超过 300kWh 需要缴付GST 和可以获得 ICPT 折扣,也就是每单位 RM 0.0152 的折扣。
  • 300kWh X RM 0.0152 = RM 4.56 
  • 210kWh X RM 0.0152 = RM 3.19 
  • RM 4.56 + RM 3.19 = RM 7.75 

这位用户可获得 RM 7.75 的折扣
  • RM 185.36 – RM 7.75 = RM 177.61 

只有超过 300kWh 的用电量才需缴付 6% GST。 
  • RM 108.36 – RM 3.19 = RM 105.17 
  • RM 105.17 X 6% = RM 6.31 
  • RM 177.61 + RM 6.31 = RM 183.92 

你需要缴付的电费是 RM 183.92

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Khao Yai [Bangkok] 吃喝玩乐全在这! (11月到1月)

泰国人放假旅行会去一个叫考艾(Khao Yai)的地方,也相当于大马人到金马仑度假一样 。Khao Yai离曼谷约2.5小时车程,全年拥有怡人的气候,清新的空气,位于泰国东北部的呵叻府(Nakhon Ratchasima)Pak Chong县。


1. Palio Khao Yai 小意大利


照片来源:yusabaybkk, Palio Khao Yai

2. Khao Yai National Park 考艾国家公园

泰国的秘密花园,能与野生动物近距离接触,运气好的情况下可以看见野象。在这座国家公园里,可进行的活动可多了,如骑脚踏车、溯溪、生态冒险、露营等。喜欢野生动物的朋友可以参加公园的 Night safari 活动,晚间有专车提供游客观察野生动物机会。这里有一座美丽壮观的瀑布。

门票:成人 400泰銖;1.4米以下兒童 200泰銖
地点:23 Moo 12 | Pak Chong, Khao Yai National Park 30320, Thailand.

照片来源:iamryshel, erinflewthecoop, worldheritage

3. PB Valley Khao Yai Winery 葡萄酒庄园

不用到法国也能游览大规模的葡萄酒庄园!这是全泰国为首的酒庄,临近Khao Yai国家公园。向导会带你乘搭田园拖来车游走整个庄园,让你了解如何种植葡萄、如何酿酒、还可品酒。如果你不喝酒也没关系,这里也出品葡萄汁,不添加糖,让你品尝最纯而且产量有限的葡萄汁!除此外,这里也种植很多其他的水果,百香果算是另一大宗,也有各类果酱、果干、与其他相关产品,是一个值得逛逛的地方!

地址: 102 Moo 5, Phaya Yen, Pak Chong Nakorn Ratchasima 30320, Thailand.
电话:+66 36 226415

照片来源:PB Valley

4. Farm Chokchai

东南亚最大奶酪农场,这里出品的鲜奶及冰淇淋非常有名,所以千万别错过。这里可进行的活动包括买牛奶喂羊宝宝喝、挤奶秀表演、参观冰淇淋工厂、向日葵花田、参观西部牛仔秀、骑马、牧羊犬赶羊秀、狗狗表演秀、越野车游戏场等。此外,园内还有一个非常着名的牛排馆叫Chokchai Steakhouse,每一天慕名而来的人可不少。

地址:KM 159-160 Moo 2, Friendship Highway Rd., Nong Nam Daeng, Pak Chong,Nakhon Ratchasima 30130 Thailand.
电话:+66 (0) 4432 8485

资料来源:jeffiafang, Farm Chokchai
照片来源:Farm Chokchai, eugenegoesthailand, farashajami

5. Primo Piazza Khao Yai


地址:861 Moo 6,Thanarat Rd.,Tambol Nong Nam Daeng,Pak Chong District,Nakhon Ratchasima 30130.

营业时间:9:00am – 10:00pm


照片来源:Primo Piazza, farashajamil

6. 向日葵花海

在往PB valley葡萄酒庄的路上可以看到几片太阳花花田,可是得收费,一人20泰銖,而花季11月到1月



7. Jim Thompson Farm

这一年只开放一次,而且为期一个月(通常12月至隔年1月)的农场,被群山包围,让你享受到最放松的农村气氛,最美丽的农村景色。这里可以了解Isan文化、泰丝制作过程、比脸还大的向日癸花海、大而色泽鲜艳的南瓜、买到全地球最便宜的泰丝以及各种Jim Thompson各式制品製品!

开放时间:9:00am – 5:00pm
地址:Jim Thompson Farm Tambol Takob, Amphur Pak Thong Chai, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand.
电话:+66 2216 7368

照片来源:Jim Thompson Farm, farashajamil

8. Khao Yai Floating Market

宽敞的两层市场周围人工湖设置分为五个主题区:牛仔、 银行、 火车站、 学校和华盛顿邮报 。在顶层是一个小农场和花园,虽然在一楼你可以找到许多小吃摊,餐馆和纪念品商店。

门票:100 泰铢
开放时间:8:00am – 6:00pm


9. Secret Art Garden


地址:99 Moo 9 Soi Tesabarn 28 Klangdong Pakchong, 30320.

资料来源:Secret Art Garden, malaysia-asia
照片来源:Secret Art Garden, koratnana

10. A Cup of Love

泰国的小瑞士!A Cup of love 算是一个很可爱的小牧场,有一个水池、一座山丘,还有很可爱又毛隆隆的羊儿会跑来跑去,蓝天、绿草、风车,还挺美挺让人陶醉的。

地址:97 Ban Wang Nam Khieo, Kanchanaburi, Thailand 30370.
电话:+66 84 692 4349

资料来源:A Cup of Love, lohas
照片来源:thamai, lohas


11. The Smoke House

The Smoke House用色上只有简单的黑、白、灰,听起来有点单调,但因它灰白色的建筑如其名的多了焦黑的外观,所以拍照起来也很有自己的风格,一点都不逊色。

营业时间:10:00am – 10:30pm
地址:88/88 Moo 10 , Thanarat Rd., Nongnamdang Pakchong, Nakorn Rajchasima, 30130.
电话:+ 66 (0) 4436-5222

照片来源:The House Khao Yai, skyscrapercity

12. The Chocolate Factory


地址:Thanarat Rd, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
电话:+66 92 443 8881

照片来源:The Chocolate Factory Thailand, edtguide

Monday, April 18, 2016



基本上,如果PLU开头是9 (5码) 的话,那就代表是有机水果。如果是8开头 (5码),那就代表是有基因改造过的水果。那如果是3或4的话,那就代表是传统培植的水果,虽然没有基因改造但上面有农药,要小心清洗。



Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pikachu cup clingers

Have you ever wished you could stick to your long-lost New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, kick those bad habits and take better care of your mental and physical health? Well, 2015 June might be the time to turn things around because Pikachu is here to help kick you into shape!

Whether it’s getting your eight glasses of water a day or downing that bright green shot of spirulina, this special series of Pikachus with six different poses will cling to the side of your cup and keep you company while you stay healthy and hydrated this summer.

The new Pikachu lineup is the result of a clever collaboration with Kitan Club, the company responsible for the hugely popular Coppu no Fuchiko (Fuchiko on the edge of the cup) office lady cup cling series. Available from gachapon capsule machines around the country at the end of June, it’s time to start saving those yennies because at 300 yen / THB100 (US$2.42) each, you’ll wanna catch ’em all!

▼ Here we have the Daraan Pikachu, who’s so tired from releasing electricity beams he can’t sit upright. Poor li’l guy – we’ll have to keep our energy levels up for you!

▼ He may look limp and lifeless but turning him over shows he’s smiling through the pain

▼ And now Utouto (lit. dozing) Pikachu. There’s nothing like the pleasant smile of a dozing Pikachu to ease your body, mind and soul.

▼Butsukari (collision) Pikachu is hanging on with the strength of an iron tail. While it’s unfortunate that he’s collided with the side of the glass, the inverted, circular shape it’s left him in is adorably hilarious. If you can hang in there buddy, we can too!

▼ Just add water for extra cuteness!

▼ Monster Balls and Pikachu. He’d rather balance two Pokeballs on his head and teeter on the edge of a beverage than be forced to get inside!

If lady luck smiles upon you at the Gacha machine, you might find yourself with a totally different design to the ones above. That’s because there’s a special, secret Pikachu whose image they’re not revealing to the public. The secret its out, click here to reveal the secret!!   

▼ Pika pika pika pika Pikachu!

▼ And when you’re not thirsty, these guys are ready to hang out with you wherever you go.

▼ We’ve picked out our favourite already. Which one was yours?