Wednesday, April 29, 2015











■ 挪威台湾揭WV非法



■ 金钱游戏里的受害者







■ 退出会员全额归还?







■ 必须在冷却期限退出

网友 和 决定要退出会员时,疑是过了所谓的冷却期,导致一分钱也无法领回。


■ 去银行报失卡了事?

网友 则在其留言下方回复;“我也是受害者!亏是肯定亏了。你可以去银行报失卡(打电话也可以),叫银行更换新的信用卡给你。这样WV就不能扣你的钱了,因为WV采取信用卡自动扣款的形式。”

面子书网友 在入会的时候,缴付约900令吉,每个月也扣除200令吉。当她决定要退出会员的时候,却无法领回之前三个月所付的款项,大喊:“我亏多了。”


■ 网友:4000令吉破财消灾

网友 说,因没检查信用卡账单,亏损约4000令吉,只能大喊无奈。当他要求上线的解释时,对方不但不给予解释,还说服他再招下线来补亏损。

“你们斩得够快,我因为没检看信用卡账单, 结果搞到亏4000令吉!那家伙招我时,也没说清楚是自动扣款!破财消灾,当施舍吧!


■ 月费换旅游配套?


“要给足一年的钱,才可以换旅游配套,也不是可以全部用分数换的,自己还要贴30至50%的现金。 还设入会时,给你看的是另一个版本的视频介绍,这些都是你加入公司后才知道。”

网友 也说,她曾加入该公司,尽管该公司说月费累计一年后,可以换旅游配套,但并不是全额交换配套,另外还附带条件,会远需带一名付全额配套的非会员。


■ 报失信用卡无效



■ 公司涉及金字塔行销

另一方面,面子书网友 加入WV后,发现该公司涉及金字塔行销,疑是因刚加入公司,所以来得及在冷却期内决定退出,WV事后把会员费退至其信用卡,不过损失了兑换率。




■ WV手法比张健高明

面子书网友 Hen Ling 连环炮轰,指责WV是一间非法吸金的直销公司,与“未来世界首富”张健行销云数贸的手法相似,惟前者所使用的策略和手法比较高明,所以会员才雾里看花,看不透真相。


■ 对方没解释清楚条规




■ 合法直销收益自产品



“人民邮报没有错误报道!拿来跟它比的人才是误导性! Amway跟这家公司的性质完全不一样!人家Amway买的是产品!请问你的WV给了人家什么?会员开给人的订机票跟酒店住宿网站用户一分钱都没有得赚!”


World Ventures全系列报导:
系列八:【发文告澄清 美国WV越描越黑


Tuesday, April 28, 2015














Friday, April 24, 2015

*oday's ar*icle is brough* *o you by *he le**er '*'

Zan Azlee, Astro Awani | Updated: April 23, 2015
(First published on: April 23, 2015 07:06 MYT)

Zan Azlee is s*ar*ing *o *hink *ha* all public display of the cross or any*hing similar *o i* has *o cease in order *o keep *he peace in Malaysia.
*he Malay Muslims in Malaysia are a very special group of people. Among *heir most significan* charac*eris*ics are *ha* *hey are very sensi*ive, emo*ional and easily offended.

Hence, *hey need special pro*ec*ion from *hose who can pro*ec* *hem. Wha* *his means is *ha* *hey usually have a guardian, or guardians, cons*an*ly looking ou* for *hem.

When *hey are young children, *heir paren*s would shel*er *hem from harm and evil *hough*s by condi*ioning and con*rolling *heir minds cons*an*ly.

*hey are *augh* religion from a very young age and *he reason for *his is so *ha* *hey will have a strong founda*ion in *heir fai*h and won'* be easily corrup*ed when *hey are older.

Unfor*una*ely, a lo* of *he religious *eachings *hey receive are merely ri*uals *hat *hey are told *o perform ins*ead of actually being *augh* *o unders*and *he fai*h be**er.

So, when *hey grow older and *urn in *o adul*s, they can'* be weaned off the pro*ec*ion *hey have been given. *hey lack *he abili*y *o *hink for *hemselves.

*he very *hing *ha* *heir religious *eachings was suppose *o provide *hem with became *he very *hing *hat *hey lacked, which is, a s*rong founda*ion in *heir fai*h.

And *ha* is why *hese Malay Muslims will forever require pro*ec*ion and *aking care of. *he sligh*es* change in *he environment *ha* *hey are used *o will shake *heir fai*h.

If ano*her group of people who prac*ice a differen* religion *han *hem s*ar*s *o use *he same language as *hey do *o conduc* *heir prayers, *hey will ge* confused.

So, *he easies* solu*ion in order *o overcome *his problem is *o jus* ban all non-Malays from using *heir language for *heir prayers. Problem solved.

When *hey see *hings *ha* are coun*er-cul*ure wi*h wha* *hey are used *o, *hey ge* easily influenced and *he risk of *hem emula*ing wha* *hey have seen is very highly likely.

And ye* again, the mos* convenien* solu*ion is *o ban every*hing *ha* is differen* from *he Malay Muslims’ own cul*ure so *hey won’* be *hrea*ened. Problem solved.

And so i* is when i* comes to having big crosses being displayed in clear view of *he Malays, *hey would obviously be very *hrea*ened by i*.

From *heir lack of a s*rong religious founda*ion, jus* *he mere sigh* of a cross, or any*hing similar *o a cross (like *he le**er ‘*’, for example), would s*rip *hem off *heir fai*h.

So wha* would be *he mos* obvious solu*ion *o *he problem? Wipe ou* all public displays of *he cross and every*hing *ha* resembles i*. Problem solved.




最后一脸胜利的模样和档主叫嚣!不断大喊“Shame On You(丢脸)!”



经网民的人肉搜索,她是一名来自澳大利亚,2012年来马来西亚,现在在某件综合诊疗所的一名护士小姐。名为:Shanna Avril Princess KadazanDusun 现在居住在 Bangsar 。

据《人民邮报》探悉,这名赤裸上半身在茨厂街闹事的女子疑似是一名卡达山人,这名身材姣好的女子更曾参加过本地选美比赛。强大的网友还搜出,该名女郎曾在2005年参加过《 Dewi Remaja》,之后还参加过TV3举办的《Pengacara Jemputan Nona》。




网民看了这则短片后反应却很两极化,有部分网民以为白衣女子是游客,并指白衣女子脱掉上衣就足以证明她没有偷东西,更认为商家如此对待游客是不礼貌的行为。 但也有网民认为单看短片很难判断谁对谁错,也有网民质疑偷东西的人,还会脱光上衣让路人拍?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Top 10 annoying habits on social media

JUST ABOUT everyone uses social media for a variety of reasons, including to post photos, share their feelings, to catch up on the news or to see what others are up to.

While its appeal includes being a simple and useful platform, some of our online habits may unintentionally be rubbing others the wrong way.

This week, Metro Online shares a non-exhaustive list of annoying habits that we may be guilty of, in no particular order.

1. Not thinking before sharing

Recklessly sharing information online when one has no way of verifying its credibility can do more harm than good.

Some old news may resurface from time to time and there are others who take pleasure in misinforming the public by posting false news, such as a death of a celebrity.

It is a challenge to identify what is real and what isn’t.

A general rule of thumb is to question what you read and see online. If in doubt, don’t share at all.

2. Posting daily selfies

Few would bat an eyelid at the occasional selfie but eye-rolling will happen when one’s newsfeed sees a constant stream of a friend’s face.

Some may argue that it is their prerogative to post harmless photos of themselves but no one needs a daily reminder of what you look like.

3. Constant status updates

Everyone wants a platform to be heard and social media is the way to go. However, constant updates throughout the day can get annoying for some, more so when they are mundane or overly negative, such as bemoaning certain aspects of one’s life or criticising others, including family members and colleagues.

Remember that not all our thoughts are gems and limiting these status updates can be a good thing.

4. Couples who are overly affectionate online
“Despite working until 11pm, my boyfriend drove to my house just so he could give me a hug before heading back home,” or “My girlfriend spent the whole afternoon baking my favourite goodies.”

Are you guilty of frequent online displays of affection?

It’s okay to share particularly sweet gestures occasionally but to do so in front of your 400 Facebook friends several times a day can be too much.

5. Parents who overshare information on their kids
Children are the pride and joy of parents and it is only natural to share pictures or anecdotes of the funny things that they say or do with friends. However, frequent postings with up-to-the-minute details of your child’s day is unneccessary.

It’s fine to share particularly funny or cute occurrences but for everything else, you may want to save it for your close family members.

6. Incessantly posting photos of food and drinks
An annoying craze that many of us may be guilty of committing is religiously photographing our food and fancy coffee art.

We hit cafes and eateries that serve Instagram-worthy grub but not everybody cares about what you may be eating in that moment. Appetising food that fill up our newsfeeds can get annoying — more so when one is on a diet.

7. The fitness enthusiast show-off
From constantly sharing a screenshot of your runs and workout summary to posting daily gym selfies or your latest workout gear, this is undoubtedly another irritating trend.

While healthy living is what we should aim to incorporate into our lives, showing off your activities may not necessarily inspire others to do the same. Conversely, it can come across as boastful or narcissistic.

8. People who hashtag too much
Hashtags are useful when one needs to find trending topics or search for matters of interest. Unfortunately, too many people abuse them. Not every post deserves a hashtag and too many hashtags can get annoying.

Further aggravating your peers is the use of hashtags that are unrelated to your post. Do your friends a favour by keeping it relevant.

9. Posting too many motivational quotes
Everyone needs a boost from time to time and motivational quotes can help pick us up when we are feeling down. While such quotes can serve as a good reminder for us to get going in life, a constant flood of these messages can eventually lose its impact. You may see less likes, shares, retweets or favourites in due time.

10. People who check in everywhere
Some of us are obsessed with letting people know our whereabouts by “checking in” on social media in real-time. If you have an open account, you are not only opening the door to the public to see what you are up to, but it is an invitation for predators to stalk you. If you must, check in only after you have left the location.

■ For a video of this story, visit


收到骗子简讯怎么办?? 请别急着删除, 大家可以试试这样…

TIPS.1 冻结卡号
收到骗子要你汇款的简讯后先别忙着删除 看看他的卡号是什么银行的, 并登录该银行的网上营业厅 输入该骗子的卡号,密码随便填写, 只要3次错误,此卡在24小时之内 是不能进行任何的交易了(就是被冻结了) 他就等着吧 你看他不爽或者心情不好了 就天天给他来3次,叫他再骗人! 如果人品大爆发,密码对了,请你把钱转到灾区 实在是经济有困难的就转给自己

TIPS.2 同性恋交友骚扰
先查出这个手机号的城市 然后找到哪个城市的同性恋交友网站 註册帐号 联繫方式留下那个手机号码

TIPS.3 出租网站骚扰
在当地的房屋出租网站发帖 「市中心两室一厅,月租300, 急出手,24小时开机」 同样留下那个电话 随便提供一个租房网站 先註册,再选地区,再发布信息 就等着骗子被骚扰吧,呵呵

TIPS.4 验证简讯骚扰
找一找当地行动电话的网站 登陆时有接收简讯一个选项 是可以让行动电话公司给手机发一个验证码的简讯 然后不停地让行动电话公司发吧 估计收简讯也够骗子喝一壶茶的啦

TIPS.5 收款人支付手续费
某银行职员同样收到简讯 「请把钱汇到**********账号上」 就按照账号每次汇出1分钱, 便从收款人账户扣掉2元 连续汇出大概1元多钱 这时,终于收到收款人发来信息: 别再汇款了,已经扣掉200多了, 你是内行吧!叫我们怎么生活呀! 汇款时选「收款人支付手续费」, 每笔2元,哈哈。。

大家都知道怎么对付骗子吧… 可是千萬別拿來作弄朋友,這後果會很嚴重哦!!!!
好文章 分享给朋友吧~

Monday, April 20, 2015

5 Ways to Play Two Subtitles At The Same Time On Your Videos

In some areas of the world, if you go to the cinema you might see more than one set of subtitles on screen at once. This is because the country might have more than one major language and so just showing one subtitle language isn’t enough to cater for the majority of watchers. This becomes a problem at home though as DVD/media players and TVs cannot display more than one subtitle at once on discs or when playing video files and you would have to encode the subtitles you want into the video file itself.

Thankfully, this doesn’t have to be the case on a computer and it’s quite easy to display two subtitles on a video at the same time if you have the right media player software to allow it. Here we show you 5 solutions for playing two or more subtitles on your Windows computer, all you need is the video file and the required language SRT subtitle files.

Tip: For best results you should rename the SRT files to nameofvideo.language.SRT, for instance my_video.eng.SRT. Then place the files in the same folder as the video. This way the media player will pick up the subtitles without you having to manually search for them. Also make sure your subtitles are synced correctly or they will display at different times.

1. KMPlayer

KMPlayer has been able to play more than one subtitle at once for quite a few years. Apart from that ability, it also boasts a number of options for displaying, loading and saving the subtitles back out again. Some of the other subtitle features are merging subtitles together, subtitle explorer/editor, syncing, multiple display and effect options, online subtitle finder and the ability to show up to three subtitles on screen at once.

By default KMPlayer will show the first subtitle at the bottom if you have SRT files located in the same directory as the video file. You can add a second by right clicking on the video window > Subtitles > Subtitles Languages > 2nd Subtitle and selecting the file you want to add at the top of the video. Adding a 3rd Subtitle from the same menu will display it on the middle of the image. BE AWARE THAT KMPlayer OFFERS ADWARE DURING INSTALL.

2. Daum PotPlayer

PotPlayer is from the same developer that’s responsible for creating KMPlayer who decided to leave that project and start another. Unsurprisingly PotPlayer also has a range of subtitle options like KMPlayer, including a subtitles browser and plenty of tweaking and display options. PotPlayer can show two subtitles on the video at the same time.

How to add a second subtitle onto the video is very similar to KMPlayer, right click on the video > Subtitles > Add/Select Languages > 2nd Subtitle, and select the language to be placed at the top of the video. If the second SRT subtitle file is not in the same folder you can manually load it.

3. Media Player Classic – Home Cinema

Media Player Classic – Home Cinema has been around for years and has gained popularity among PC users, not least for being able to smoothly play full HD content on low end or old hardware. The disadvantage of MPC playing two subtitles at once is it can’t do it out of the box and requires you to do a few things first.

Firstly, you need to install a Directshow filter called VSFilter which takes care of showing the second subtitle. Download and install VSFilter and tick the box to configure it when the install is complete. In the Main tab tick Override placement and enter a vertical (V) number somewhere between 0-25 to put this subtitle at the top. Click OK.

Secondly, open MPC-HC and go to Options (O) > Advanced, double click the BlockVSFilter entry to make it False. Click OK, close and reopen MPC-HC.

When you open a video file and want two subtitles, you can access the the bottom subtitle from the right click > Subtitles menu, the second subtitle is accessed via Filters > “VSFilter (auto-loading version)”, a green arrow icon in the system tray is also visible where you can right click and alter the top subtitle.

If you find playback with two subtitles to be jerky or resource intensive, a fork of VSFilter called XY-VSFilter is faster and more optimized, this should be able to help produce a smoother experience.

4. BS.Player

BS.Player is one of a few media players that offer a paid version which is a pricey €29.90 for a year’s worth of Pro version updates. Thankfully the free version handles playing two subtitles at once with ease. A few options for uploading/downloading subtitles, timings and how they get displayed are available.

Like the other programs, adding subtitles is very easy. Right click on the video, go to Subtitles and choose Primary or Secondary for a sub menu listing the bottom and top subtitles. BS.Player offers to locally install a number of third party codecs such as AC3 Filter, while not necessary to display two subtitles they may be required to playback your videos correctly.

5. Merging the Subtitles into one File

This last method isn’t actually a piece of software but is instead a simple way to display two or more subtitles at once in just about any media player that supports playing SRT subtitle files. It’s is done by simply merging the SRT files from different languages into one main file so you only ever have to load one subtitle SRT. The advantage is this also works for DVD players, TVs and hardware multimedia players that support a single SRT subtitle file.

You can follow the guide in our “How To Add Two or More Subtitles to Video” article. The resulting SRT file should allow the player to play all the subtitles together automatically at the bottom of the video with optional different colors.

Additional Note: SMPlayer is a frontend GUI for the command line MPlayer which is the engine behind a number of media players. Although it claims to have the ability to play two subtitles at once we were unable to get the second subtitle to work. It should also be possible with the ffdshow video codec to display two subtitles although it can be tricky to setup for all but experienced users. Another way is using the Greenfish subtitle player to show a secondary subtitle in a separate window.


Friday, April 17, 2015

17 Powerful Images Showing The Devastating Effects Of Overpopulation

It’s no secret that we are exploiting our planet and running out of resources at the speed of light, but many people refuse to take notice. These unbelievable photos of environmental damage, collected into a book by environmental awareness platform Global Population Speak Out, show the harsh realities of the ecological and social tragedies that Earth is suffering. Its title: “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot.”

This book has plenty of powerful images illustrating the problems generated by overpopulation and consumption, together with quotes from famous writers, scientists and ecologists to help understand and raise awareness about the destruction of natural environments.

Global Population Speak Out provides a link for everyone to have a look at the book online for free, but if you want it in your bookshelf, you can also find it on Amazon.

Surfing on a wave full of trash in Java (Indonesia), the world’s most populated island

National Willamette forest, Oregon (USA), 99% deforested

The Yellow river in Mongolia is so polluted that it’s almost impossible to breathe near it

Ken River oil field, California (USA) – exploited since 1899

Fire at oil platform in Gulf of Mexico, April 2010

Landscape full of trash in Bangladesh

Indonesian forest transformed into palm plantation

Part of the Amazonian jungle in Brazil, burnt down to be “repurposed”

World’s biggest excavator, Bagger 288, used to extract coal in Tagebau Hambach strip mine (Germany)

Landfill in Accra (Ghana). Our electronic rubbish usually ends up in Third-World countries

Mexico City landscape, 20 million inhabitants

Albatross killed by excessive plastic ingestion in Midway Islands (North Pacific)

Landscape covered in greenhouses , Almeria (Spain)

Tar-rich zone in Alberta, Canada destroyed by mining and toxic wastes

The Maldives are flooding because of global warming and human action. They will sink in 50 years

Mir mine, Russia. This gigantic hole is the world’s biggest diamond mine.

Enormous iceberg melting near Svalbard island in Norway