Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Sunday, October 27, 2013


1. 後悔有開放式廚房,有油煙問題

2. 後悔電源插座裝少了,家裡到處都是拖線板。能裝多少應該裝多少

3. 後悔馬桶邊上沒有預留電源插座,衛洗麗沒法裝

4. 浴缸PK淋浴,二選一的話,還是建議淋浴,浴缸裝好,從來也沒泡過澡的不是少數。淋浴不是指淋浴房,淋浴房的玻璃擦起來還是很累的,也可以選擇掛根浴簾

5. 如果有2個衛生間,裝一個浴缸還是有必要的,泡泡大件衣物,幫小寶寶洗澡都是不錯的選擇,按摩浴缸就不必了,泡不了幾回,還特別貴.

6. 後悔廚房沒有裝空調

7. 如果喜歡上網,每個房間的每面牆上,都預留至少2個網口和2個以上的插座。無線路由的確可以解決問題,但是據說有時候還是不穩定

8. 後悔廚房煙道沒有打出去,現在只要樓裡有人燒菜,自家的脫排油煙機就必須同時打開,不然滿屋子的油煙味

9. 房內各種插座的位置,與後來買的傢俱尺寸有偏差,浪費了很多插座



12. 餐廳最好裝個吊扇,超級舒服

13.. 儲物空間儘量多一點,入住後需要收納的雜物會越來越多

14.. 陽臺的牆面最好還是用瓷磚,比塗料更防水

15. 後悔買了裝了那麼多燈,其實固定用的就那幾個。。。

16.. 超級後悔廁所的梳洗台是玻璃的,超級容易弄髒,應該用陶瓷的



19. 後悔買便宜五金具,浴室五金件,龍頭之類的絕對是一分價錢一分貨

20. 裝修時儘量不要留擦不到的地方, 死角衛生很難搞

21. 將來打算要孩子的家庭,一定要算好尺寸,在床的旁邊要預留可放嬰兒床的位置

22. 建議所有龍頭都裝冷熱水管,裝修時多裝一點花不了很多錢,事後想補救超級困難

23. 房間裡的不實用的佈置越少越好 人民幣貼上去就撕不下來了 早晚過時!

24. 買任何東西時注意家裡面門的大小,別買好了搬不進去

25. 實木地板腳感好但需要保養,複合地板清潔起來方便

26. 後悔買隱形門。中看不中用的,想開著透氣都麻煩

27. 步入式衣櫃好是好,不過比較容易積灰,敞開式的書架、置物架等(沒有門的那種),好看是好看,但是擦起來好痛苦啊,特別是書,一層灰阿

28. 燈罩千萬不能是沖上的,那個掛上去之後就等著積灰吧

29. 安裝漏電保護器和空氣開關的分線盒的工程不能夠省,而且不要放在室外要放在室內,原來想省工錢將就門外舊分線盒用的,電工建議放在室內換新的,現在發現他這一點建議很有價值。

30. 漏電保護器和空氣開關一定要用名牌的。

31. 台下盆比臺上盆秀氣,好看,好打掃。配台下盆龍頭要注意,考慮到盆邊厚度,龍頭嘴要長些。

32. 牆面頂角不做任何修飾也很漂亮,不過要事先在找油漆工的階段就和油漆工明確提出來.頂角彈線有助於把頂角線做直。

33. 線上槽的水泥表面批膩子之前表面處理很重要,對於不結實的表面用清潔球處理很合適。

34. 石膏適合補牆面上較大的洞洞,當然如果洞洞太大還是需要用水泥的。

35. 毛玻璃背面千萬保護好別沾上油漆,很難清潔!

36. 菜盆龍頭一定要能用手背開關的,那種必須用手指的不容易保持乾淨,手上有油的時候轉動起來也有困難。

37. 豪華自動晾衣架的價格水分太大,比較後發現一些不出名的牌子在結構設計上反而勝過了一線品牌,價格卻低很多。

38. 可以考慮採用安在地面的金屬插座,這種插座很貴100多,但是挺方便,平時與地面齊平,腳一踩就可以把插座彈出來。適合大的客廳。或安在飯廳餐桌的下面,用來插火鍋(防止來回走動時掛動電線)

39. 儲藏室。後悔沒做櫃門,裡面東西特別容易沾灰塵

40. 後悔為節省空間,買了個下面帶櫃子的床。超級不透氣

41. 不實用的雙杆毛巾架!目前和單杆用途一樣,基本不會往裡層掛杆上再曬毛

42. 還有千萬不要裝門板式的垃圾桶和檯面垃圾桶,夏天的時候打開櫃門會很臭的。垃圾桶還是放在外面好。

43. 餐桌旁小櫃子的好,可放置些東東,很方便。

44. 拖把鬥在性能方面的要求不高,完全可以自己砌一個出來,鋪上和周圍環境相符的瓷磚或馬賽克即美觀,又省錢。

45. 衛生間可釘點釘勾或者裝衣勾用來掛點東西的。

46. 衛生間設計了一個小櫥放衣服,再也不用擔心洗澡忘了拿乾淨的衣服。

47. 洗衣機帶烘乾嚴重不實用,除了一年中僅有的黃黴天,又惡巨。厚衣服、浴巾還是烘不幹,讓太陽消消毒多好。偶已透支,需要節省點銀子。

48. 在洗衣房裡做了一個洗衣池,用來手洗一些東西。原本以為用的較少,所以買了一個很便宜的龍頭。沒想到這個洗衣池真是太方便了,成了我家使用頻率最高的一個洗滌區。什麼抹布啊,襪子啊,地巾啊,統統在裡面洗,就連洗手大多也在那裡。

49. 後悔裝燈帶。沒個屁用,裝修完了到現在沒開過。有客人來也只是SHOW一下射燈,自已根本都忘了還裝了個這玩意。原來是想開PARTY時浪漫下的,現在開射燈的機會都不多。

50. 最大的心得就是其實裝修越簡單越好,少污染,少花錢,省心。

51. 實用的東東:①設計合理的儲藏室。②北陽臺用的洗汙物的水槽。區別與衛生間的洗臉盆和廚房的洗菜和洗碗的水鬥。③衛生間可以拔出來洗頭的龍頭。(從來不在面盆洗頭的TX例外)。④便於清潔的地板和合適的清潔工具。⑤廚房的檯面工作燈。

52. 買馬桶一定要量好自家的孔距,要不買了再去退貨那真是......

53. 衛廚地磚貼好後沒幹前最好量一下水準,看最低點是不是地漏處,要不等幹了後再和裝修隊扯皮,死很多細胞的。

54. 洗手間的淋浴房一定要尺寸夠大,而且要用透明玻璃,這樣在裡面沖涼不會顯得狹促。

55. 瓷磚勾縫不該用白水泥勾。沒有一個月就變成黑縫,難看死了。結果自己買了勾縫劑自己勾,那個累

56. 櫥櫃的人造石下應該墊有後木板的,結果安裝後發現沒有,現在不敢在上面砍肉,答應給我補裝都快兩個月了還沒裝好(只來打磨了一次)。

57. 後悔相信設計師的蠱惑。當然,可以多走訪幾家裝修公司,從每家的設計裡提取出真正有用的東西,關鍵是你自己想把家裝扮成什麼樣子。

58. 如果地漏原來生產商或者發展商已經裝了那種防臭的「碗」,千萬別取出來。

59. 衛生間地面瓷片貼好後就試水,如果流水比較緩慢就立即返工。俺家的流水比較慢,當時心軟了一下,現在洗澡時就總是有點積水,搞得我們的主衛幾百銀子的淋浴頭都閑著,現在總在琢磨著怎麼補救。

60. 裝洗手盆時要考慮好和鏡子、放刷牙杯的架子、毛巾架的相對位置。

61. 買鏡子時考慮一下鏡前燈的位置,如果暫時不想裝鏡前燈,鏡子的大小要能遮住為鏡前燈預留的線最好。

62. 放洗衣機的陽臺上做個小櫃子,方便放一些雜物,如洗衣粉之內的雜物。既美觀又實用

63. 一定要盯著樓上做防水....不然樓上往下滴水,弄的吊櫃,牆面一片狼藉....

64. 有些東西自己去砍價會比團購還便宜。

65. 電視背景牆一定多設幾個插座,電視,DVD....一擺上,就會發現插座不夠用。可預埋一根兩頭彎的PVC管在裡面,電源線從一頭進,另一頭出來直接接電視的背面,非常非常的有用。

66. 改水路前就要考慮好將來所裝的洗臉盆的大樣,比如說是左盆還是右盆,進水和排水該設在什麼地方。否則,改好後才發現相中的洗臉盆卻裝不下!

67. 關於窗簾,大家最好把那張尺寸自己留一份,對老闆說明不能少尺寸。如果少了的話,怎麼怎麼的。或者自己看著他裁布。

68. 裝修的施工工序:(1)進場,拆牆,砌牆。(2)衛生間,廚房地面做24小時閉水試驗(需開發商完成此任務)。(3)鑿線槽,水電改造並驗收。(4)封埋線槽隱蔽水電改造工程,閉水實驗無滲漏開始做防水工程。(5)衛生間,廚房貼牆面磁片。(6)木工進場,吊天花,石膏角線。(7)包門套,窗套。製作木櫃框架。(8)同步製作各種木門,造型門及平壓。(9)木制面板刷防塵漆(清油)。(10)窗臺大理石檯面找平鋪設。(11)木飾面板粘貼,線條製作並精細安裝。(12)牆面基層處理,打磨,找平。(13)家什,門邊接縫處粘貼不乾膠(保護邊)。(14)牆面油ICI最少三遍。(15)家私油漆進場,補釘眼,油漆。(16)處理邊角,鋪設地磚,實木或複合木地板,防水大理石條,踢腳線。(17)燈具,潔具,拉手,門鎖安裝調試。(18)清理衛生,地磚補縫,撤場。(19)裝修公司內部初步驗收。(20)三方預約時間正式驗收,交付業主。

69. 煙道的閥門裝回去之前,一定要擦乾淨,保證閥片能夠開關自如並能開到最大,否則會影響油煙機的排煙效果。可以在裝吊頂時留兩條不裝,等油煙機安裝完並 試用無誤後再把吊頂裝好。

70. 在客廳和餐廳這麼大的空間,吊頂能不做就不做。

71. 後悔走線時沒想好空調位

Peperomia pellucida, Piperaceae "软骨草"

" 手足口症 " 除了小孩痛苦,父母更痛苦,小孩得到手足口症的时候,住医院,不能吃喝,父母很心痛,希望可以帮到你们。。


" 软骨草 ",可以帮到很多人,如果你相信。。

别名 :软骨草
学名 :Peperomia pellucida, Piperaceae
性味 :甘、寒、小毒
功能 :清热解毒
1. 花盆里,植物底下
2. 阴凉的地方
3. 利用种子传播

1. 此草全身软质,没有硬骨支撑。


拔几株软骨草,拔掉根部及种子,把它捣碎,挤出青色的汁。 小孩大约一汤匙。




如果身体耐寒,可以拔几株软骨草,拔掉根部及种子,把它捣碎,挤出青色的汁,生喝。 不耐寒者,可以煲水喝。








Friday, October 25, 2013


  1. 自己絕不可能是每個人的菜,因此有些時候被拒絕,絕對跟自己沒關係。 他喜歡的是200斤的胖子,誰他媽要把自己吃成那樣?
  2. 如果交往5年以上還保持著穩定的性生活,那這個人就是你要共度一生的人。
  3. 真愛會在任何時候降臨,你所要做的,是永存信心。 不過,扮成騷樣到處去勾人則不屬於加強信心的一種。
  4. 不要時刻想著“他肯定對我有意思”的花痴心態,而要時刻抱著“他怎麼可能喜歡我”的自謙心理。 前者讓你成笑話,後者讓你有驚喜。
  5. 真愛需要付出,而且是在你決定開始愛一個人時就要付出。 在還沒有任何正式約會前就言語挑逗對方試探對方妄圖一步到位,是愛情投機主義。
  6. 大多數同志都很想在喜歡的人面前好好的裝Man,但總堅持不到三分鐘。 破功的魔咒有時候只是一首LADY GAGA的歌。
  7. 30歲以後根本不再幻想被人包養,反而會認真考慮說是不是到了要包養別人的地步。
  8. 由於人的G點是不會發生變化的,所以兩人在一起時間長了,只能換地方做找新鮮感。
  9. 千萬別把耍賤當可愛。 記住! "花無百日紅",曾經他最愛你的賤樣,總有一天會成為他看你不順眼的理由。
  10. 親密是種很玄的東西,親密可以讓兩個人在同一洗手間裡你拉屎他刷牙,但同時兩個人又能一整天不說話。
  11. 兩個男人要想生活在一起必須要有一個會上癮的共同嗜好,比如喝酒、覓食、打電動。
  12. 上面說蘿蔔青菜各有所愛,所以沒必要為某個人裝Man或者賣騷。
  13. 圈子裡的人,談起名牌和化妝品頭頭是道,但真正買得起的那個人不會談這些,他們只關心你這個人值不值得投資。
  14. 永遠不要追求某種類型:比如肌肉男、熊、猴、SM控,除非你是其中之一,因為男女之愛需要互補,男男之愛需要的是共鳴。
  15. 要相信戀愛的感覺,那是行房之前的幻覺。
  16. 沒必要妄圖直男會理解你,那些你自以為理解你的直男,其實是把你當笑話聽,當戲看,有時候他的感興趣不取決於你,而是你的故事。
  17. 雖然你有才華,但也需要"加倍努力",記住,恨你的直男是嫉妒你,恨你的GAY是仰慕你。
  18. 在中國國情下,同性婚姻是行不通的,所以記住,能夠改變就做改變,不要為了自己那些不能當飯吃的個性和喜好毀了你自己,也不要去幻想異國婚戀,國外的同性戀比你會玩。
  19. 少結識一些圈子裡的人,把他們當你的過客和洩慾器就夠了,因為他們也是這麼看你的,沒必要以心換心。
  20. 不要再把很爽的性等同於真愛,哪怕已經連續爽了一個月。
  21. 多交一些對你工作和生活有幫助的朋友和長輩,他們比起那些生殖器粗壯的莽夫更能讓你滿足,前者教你知足,後者則只是讓你滿足一時。
  22. 不要害怕孤獨,因為比孤獨更可怕的是“麻木”。
  23. 不要把性生活當成人生第一樂趣,除了盯著那些男人看,你還應當看看書,看看電影,看看新聞,有時也該看看自己。
  24. 手淫比一夜情更可靠,且更快樂。
  25. 保險套比承諾更保險,所以錢包裡要隨時裝一枚。 不一定是自己用,關鍵時刻也可以幫朋友一把。
  26. 別一天盡和人、尤其是網友扯什麼愛啊情的,愛情的需要通常只有單純的兩種狀態:想看他脫褲子和想和他過日子。
  27. 不要覺得你經歷了可以寫成一本史書的故事,因為你經歷的東西別人也經歷過,不要以為自己是個GAY多了不起。
  28. 不要高舉不想害直女的旗幟形式婚姻,如果你真有那麼大無畏,有種終身不娶,孤獨終老。
  29. 不要相信跟某個人合不來是因為星座,跟某個人有緣無分也是因為星座,拜託,大家別信跟星座有關,跟星座無關的。
  30. 不要以為你會愛一個人或被一個人愛一輩子,像《永久居留》這樣的故事,只會發生在片長120分鐘的電影裡,不會發生在幾十年的一生裡。
  31. 性取向不一樣當然不是病,但把這件事當成人生奮鬥的目標那才叫有病。
  32. 如果真愛某個人就去付出,目的不在於得到某個人,而在於讓你知道如何看待愛。
  33. 別和小孩玩感情,他們一旦愛上你,你就是罪人。
  34. 四種東西不能信:男人的承諾,女人的眼淚,朋友的酒話和同性戀的讚美。
  35. 不要挑剔直男們粗糙的打扮和穿著,那樣你會活得很累。
  36. 必須有一件全毛料皮草長大衣,雖然你一年中穿不了幾次。 這就像汪明荃即使在TVBS台慶拿不到獎,也要坐完整晚一樣,那叫做“地位”,無可替代。
  37. GAY之所以戒不掉到隔三岔五找男人的壞毛病往往是因為對將要來的事存在一種美好的期待,因為太自信自己的選擇而一錯再錯。
  38. 不要對一個人窮追不捨,有時這樣的舉動並不是你多愛他,而是自己不甘心。
  39. 不要寄希望與網絡交友、朋友介紹、酒吧邂逅,真正能陪你走完一生的男人是你自己。
  40. 如果選擇了這條路,就以玩樂的心情去面對,但在遊戲中要記得修煉技巧、懂得遊戲規則、結交遊戲夥伴,但記住這些都是遊戲,你死不了,但也不是真正的活著。
  41. 旅行的意義:男人跟女人在乎的不是沿途風景,而是彼此的相伴,男人跟男人的旅行,兩個人一起就是圖有個伴,真正需要你為之感動的不是你身邊的這個人,而是你眼前的景。
  42. 有一到兩個固定而且形成信任關係的性夥伴,至少在你感情受挫或者無聊的時候有個地方睡,但別和他們談感情,因為性只要配合,而愛需要磨合,配合是享受,磨合是鞭打,在沒結果的事上,你傷不起。
  43. 你應該學會聽歌劇、崑曲、古典交響樂,就像吃飯,鹹菜固然開胃,但對你沒好處。
  44. 千萬不要低估旁邊的人,別總以為自己是人精,其實一圈玩下來自己也不過是個人妖。
  45. 把菸酒都戒了,做這些事情也證明不了你是個男人中的男人,健康才是好好活著的藉口。
  46. 至少擁有10件襯衣。 並且學會1件襯衣的10種穿法。
  47. 認真學習保養,或者認真學習化妝。
  48. 30歲以後好身材的標準是小腹不突起,別想著健身什麼可以讓你的性愛更美好,到時搞的腰肌勞損我看你也別想做愛。
  49. 眼淚的存在證明悲哀不是一場幻覺,勃起的存在就是為了證明純粹的精神戀愛根本就是扯淡
  50. 別老想著刺激,其實刺激有時候是對自己的變相施虐。
  51. 過了30歲多想想責任這兩個字,因為自由自在有時是自我告別。

Thursday, October 24, 2013

97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…


Do you have a chronic degenerative disease? If so, have you been told, “It’s all in your head?”

Well, that might not be that far from the truth… the root cause of your illness may be in your mouth.

There is a common dental procedure that nearly every dentist will tell you is completely safe, despite the fact that scientists have been warning of its dangers for more than 100 years.

Every day in the United States alone, 41,000 of these dental procedures are performed on patients who believe they are safely and permanently fixing their problem.

What is this dental procedure?

More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in this country.

Root-canaled teeth are essentially “dead” teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that can, under certain conditions, make their way into your bloodstream to cause a number of serious medical conditions—many not appearing until decades later.

Most of these toxic teeth feel and look fine for many years, which make their role in systemic disease even harder to trace back.

Sadly, the vast majority of dentists are oblivious to the serious potential health risks they are exposing their patients to, risks that persist for the rest of their patients’ lives. The American Dental Association claims root canals have been proven safe, but they have NO published data or actual research to substantiate this claim.

Fortunately, I had some early mentors like Dr. Tom Stone and Dr. Douglas Cook, who educated me on this issue nearly 20 years ago. Were it not for a brilliant pioneering dentist who, more than a century ago, made the connection between root-canaled teeth and disease, this underlying cause of disease may have remained hidden to this day. The dentist’s name was Weston Price—regarded by many as the greatest dentist of all time.

Weston A. Price: World’s Greatest Dentist

Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Weston Pricei. Unfortunately, his work continues to be discounted and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.

Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native populations living without the “benefit” of modern food. Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine.

She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane.

Price discovered that it’s mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth.

He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link between dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance of Price’s work and sought to expose the truth.

Dr. Meinig Advances the Work of Dr. Price

Dr. Meinig, a native of Chicago, was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for the stars. He eventually became one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists).

In the 1990s, he spent 18 months immersed in Dr. Price’s research. In June of 1993, Dr. Meinig published the book Root Canal Cover-Up, which continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this topic today. You can order your copy directly from the Price-Pottenger Foundationii.

What Dentists Don’t Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth

Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body.

In the middle of each tooth is the pulp chamber, a soft living inner structure that houses blood vessels and nerves. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin, which is made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. The outermost and hardest layer of your tooth is the white enamel, which encases the dentin.

The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone and are held in place by the periodontal ligament. In dental school, dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals. However, there are accessory canals that are never mentioned. Literally miles of them!

Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch down into very small capillaries, each of your teeth has a maze of very tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for three miles. Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (front tooth). For a more detailed explanation, refer to an article by Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, on the Weston A. Price Foundation website.iii (These images are borrowed from the Huggins article.)

Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in underground tunnels.

When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains. And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and your own body’s immune defenses.

The Root Cause of Much Disease

Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these formerly friendly organisms morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobes that produce a variety of potent toxins. What were once ordinary, friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking in the tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.

No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reaching these tubules—and just about every single root-canaled tooth has been found colonized by these bacteria, especially around the apex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infection extends down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations—areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.

Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied by pockets of infected tissue and gangrene. Sometimes they form after a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction), but they can also follow a root canal. According to Weston Price Foundation, in the records of 5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings, only two were found healed.

And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms. So you may have an abscessed dead tooth and not know it. This focal infection in the immediate area of the root-canaled tooth is bad enough, but the damage doesn’t stop there.

Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease

As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the infected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to keep the infection in check.

These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue.

Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks.

He discovered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked with root canals, including:
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
  •  Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
  •  Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)

There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of therelationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer.iv He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases:
  • 93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals
  • 7 percent had other oral pathology
  • Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology

Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to inhibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar findings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating “terminal” cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system.

Good Bugs Gone Bad

How are these mutant oral bacteria connected with heart disease or arthritis? The ADA and the AAE claim it’s a “myth” that the bacteria found in and around root-canaled teeth can cause diseasev. But they base that on the misguided assumption that the bacteria in these diseased teeth are the SAME as normal bacteria in your mouth—and that’s clearly not the case.

Today, bacteria can be identified using DNA analysis, whether they’re dead or alive, from their telltale DNA signatures.

In a continuation of Dr. Price’s work, the Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF) used DNA analysis to examine root-canaled teeth, and they found bacterial contamination in 100 percent of the samples tested. They identified 42 different species of anaerobic bacteria in 43 root canal samples. In cavitations, 67 different bacteria were identified among the 85 samples tested, with individual samples housing between 19 to 53 types of bacteria each. The bacteria they found included the following types:


Are these just benign, ordinary mouth bugs? Absolutely not. Four can affect your heart, three can affect your nerves, two can affect your kidneys, two can affect your brain, and one can infect your sinus cavities… so they are anything BUT friendly! (If you want see just how unfriendly they can be, I invite you to investigate the footnotes.)

Approximately 400 percent more bacteria were found in the blood surrounding the root canal tooth than were found in the tooth itself, suggesting the tooth is the incubatorand the periodontal ligament is the food supply. The bone surrounding root-canaled teeth was found even HIGHER in bacterial count… not surprising, since bone is virtual buffet of bacterial nutrients.

Since When is Leaving A Dead Body Part IN Your Body a Good Idea?

There is no other medical procedure that involves allowing a dead body part to remain in your body. When your appendix dies, it’s removed. If you get frostbite or gangrene on a finger or toe, it is amputated. If a baby dies in utero, the body typically initiates a miscarriage.

Your immune system doesn’t care for dead substances, and just the presence of dead tissue can cause your system to launch an attack, which is another reason to avoid root canals—they leave behind a dead tooth.

Infection, plus the autoimmune rejection reaction, causes more bacteria to collect around the dead tissue. In the case of a root canal, bacteria are given the opportunity to flush into your blood stream every time you bite down.

Why Dentists Cling to the Belief Root Canals are Safe

The ADA rejects Dr. Price’s evidence, claiming root canals are safe, yet they offer no published data or actual research to substantiate their claim. American Heart Association recommends a dose of antibiotics before many routine dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis (IE) if you have certain heart conditions that predispose you to this type of infection.

So, on the one hand, the ADA acknowledges oral bacteria can make their way from your mouth to your heart and cause a life-threatening infection.

But at the same time, the industry vehemently denies any possibility that these same bacteria—toxic strains KNOWN to be pathogenic to humans—can hide out in your dead root-canaled tooth to be released into your blood stream every time you chew, where they can damage your health in a multitude of ways.
Is this really that large of a leap? Could there be another reason so many dentists, as well as the ADA and the AAE, refuse to admit root canals are dangerous? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is. Root canals are the most profitable procedure in dentistry.

What You Need to Know to AVOID a Root Canal

I strongly recommend never getting a root canal. Risking your health to preserve a tooth simply doesn’t make sense. Unfortunately, there are many people who’ve already have one. If you have, you should seriously consider having the tooth removed, even if it looks and feels fine. Remember, as soon as your immune system is compromised, your risk of of developing a serious medical problem increases—and assaults on your immune system are far too frequent in today’s world.

If you have a tooth removed, there are a few options available to you.

  1. Partial denture: This is a removable denture, often just called a “partial.” It’s the simplest and least expensive option.
  2. Bridge: This is a more permanent fixture resembling a real tooth but is a bit more involved and expensive to build.
  3. Implant: This is a permanent artificial tooth, typically titanium, implanted in your gums and jaw. There are some problems with these due to reactions to the metals used. Zirconium is a newer implant material that shows promise for fewer complications.

But just pulling the tooth and inserting some sort of artificial replacement isn’t enough.

Dentists are taught to remove the tooth but leave your periodontal ligament. But as you now know, this ligament can serve as a breeding ground for deadly bacteria. Most experts who’ve studied this recommend removing the ligament, along with one millimeter of the bony socket, in order to drastically reduce your risk of developing an infection from the bacterially infected tissues left behind.

I strongly recommend consulting a biological dentist because they are uniquely trained to do these extractions properly and safely, as well as being adept at removing mercury fillings, if necessary. Their approach to dental care is far more holistic and considers the impact on your entire body—not JUST your mouth.

If you need to find a biological dentist in your area, I recommend visiting, a resource sponsored by Consumers for Dental Choice. This organization, championed by Charlie Brown, is a highly reputable organization that has fought to protect and educate consumers so that they can make better-informed decisions about their dental care. The organization also heads up the Campaign for Mercury-Free Dentistry.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013



魔鬼塔, 美国

魔鬼塔, 美国

魔鬼塔国家保护区 (Devils Tower National Monument) 的地形已经超越”诡异”所能形容的范畴,电影”第三类接触”就在此处取景。从任何角度来看,这座山都完全不像任何你过去所见过的自然或人造结构。 这座”塔”由底部算起有264公尺高,塔顶的面积有1.5英亩,石柱近乎垂直,像是个巨大的烟囪。

魔鬼塔是由火山岩浆所形成的。约六千万年前火山岩浆受地底压力往上窜,冲到上方的沉积岩层,就在地底下冷却了, 因为收缩碎裂而使外围变成直条状。 长久以来,周围的沉积岩被腐蚀消失,使坚硬的火山岩所形成的魔鬼塔露出表面,就成了现在所看到的面貌。

2. 地狱之门, 土库曼
地狱之门, 土库曼

「地狱之门」(the door to hell)隐身於土库曼的达瓦札绿洲(Darvaza,或称Derweze),因为位处卡拉库姆沙漠地带,白天气温可以飙高到摄氏50度,到了夜晚却可能 降到零下33度,日夜温差相当大,在这座荒漠之中,「地狱之门」俨然成为当地最具盛名的景点。
说到「地狱之门」的起源,据悉是西元1971年土库曼仍属于苏联领土尚未独立时,前苏联地质学家前来此处进行探勘天然能源,未料地表意外塌陷,内部的天然 气与有毒气体不断向外溢散,当时地质学家决定点燃天然气,以避免有害气体对人体健康造成影响,但他们完全没想到,这个决定竟然意外创造出举世无双的难得奇 景,而洞内的熊熊烈火,仿佛获得源源不绝的能量,从那时候开始就终年燃烧至今,根本无人能预测究竟何时才会停歇。

3. 棉花堡,土耳其


棉花堡(Pamukkale)位于土耳其Denizli市的西南部,是远近闻名的温泉度假胜地,此地不仅 有上千年的天然温泉,更有这种古怪的好似棉花一样的山丘。在“棉花堡”你会听到这样一个传说:当年,牧羊人安迪密恩(Endymion)为了和希腊月神瑟 莉妮(Celene)幽会,竟然忘记了挤羊奶,致使羊奶恣意横流,覆盖住了整座丘陵,这便是土耳其民间有关棉花堡的美丽来由。

4. 圣米歇尔山, 法国
圣米歇尔山, 法国


圣米歇尔山(Mount-Saint-Michel and its Bay)是法国著名古迹和天主教圣地,位于芒什省一小岛上,距海岸两公里。小岛呈圆锥形,周长900米,由耸立的花岗石构成。海拔88米,经常被大片沙岸 包围,仅涨潮时才成为岛。古时这里是凯尔特人祭神的地方。

圣米歇尔山的历史可以追溯到公元708年。据说,当时一位来自阿弗郎什小镇的红衣主教奥贝梦见大天使圣米歇尔。一天夜里,圣米歇尔天使在电闪雷鸣中第三次 出现在奥贝的梦中,他用自己的神指在奥贝脑门上点了一下。从梦中醒来的奥贝主教摸到了脑门上的凹痕,这才恍然大悟,于是立刻赶往墓石山,着手完成大天使的 神旨。圣米歇尔山上就这样有了第一座教堂。

5.斯瓦蒂佛斯(黑瀑布), 冰岛
斯瓦蒂佛斯(黑瀑布), 冰岛

斯瓦蒂佛斯(黑瀑布), 冰岛


斯瓦蒂佛斯是柱状玄武岩结构极为罕见而又令人印象深刻的例证,一条落差为39英尺(约合12米)的瀑布倾泻而下,一年四季都能观赏。柱状玄武岩半山腰构造 突出了它们在视觉上与传统教堂风琴管的相似性。斯瓦蒂佛斯玄武岩构成了让瀑布飞流直下的峭壁,它们其实没有遭受风化,边缘笔直、锋利,展现了水晶似结构。 这是因为瀑布的不停流动引发的快速侵蚀造成的,而冰岛永久性冻融循环也加速了这个过程。



瓦特纳冰原在冰岛的东南部,是欧洲最大的冰川,仅次于南极冰川和格陵兰冰川。瓦特纳冰川海拔约1500米。瓦特纳冰川不静止的特性成为冰岛的典型风光。目 前,瓦特纳冰川以每年800米的速度流入较温暖的山谷中。令人感到奇特的是在瓦特纳冰川地区还分布着熔岩、火山口和热湖。冰岛也因此被人们称为“冰与火之 地”。

到达冰川你会看到引入眼帘的是一片铺天盖地的白,一路上,地是白的,天是白的,天地合一,人景交融。那一马平川、绵绵不绝、无边不际的白色奇迹,近乎霸 道,实为人间奇观。此番景象,冰冷、残酷、又极其原始,置身其中,让人在敬畏之余,恍若进入时光隧道,返回遥远的冰河时期…



索科特拉岛(英语:Socotra;名字来自梵语,意为“极乐岛”),印度洋西部一群岛,属也门哈达拉毛省。其位置在阿拉伯半岛以南约350公里,非洲之 角以东,阿拉伯海与亚丁湾的交接处。该群岛由4岛组成,群岛面积3650平方公里,主岛面积3635平方公里。该岛与大陆板块已经隔绝1800万年,长期 的地理隔离生成了很多特有动植物。索科特拉岛37%的植物(共825种)、90%的爬行动物和95%的蜗牛都是岛上独有的。由于其稀有生物品种多,因此被 认为是“印度洋的加拉帕戈斯”。2008年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。

8. 斑点湖, 加拿大
斑点湖, 加拿大

斑点湖, 加拿大



9. 亚利桑那州奇里卡华国家纪念公园(Chiricahua National Monument), 美国





美国内华达沙漠中部,有一处绝美的人间仙境——“飞翔的喷泉”(Fly Geyser)。此地位于内华达州盖拉赫以北20英里(约合32公里)处,1916年,一次钻井无意间为形成这处美丽的间歇泉埋下伏笔,上世纪60年代时,地底的温泉逐渐渗出地面,形成了间歇泉。

日积月累,溶解的矿物质将泉眼逐渐垫高,如今距离地面已有5米。这处间歇泉排放的水形成了30到40个水池,面积达30公顷。这些水池还形成了一个生态系 统,一些小型鱼类和鸟类在这里“安居乐业”,比如天鹅和绿头鸭等。各种矿物质在水和空气中氧气的作用下,使“山体”形成各种瑰丽的颜色,随着季节的变化和 水量的增减,颜色各有不同,宛如人间仙境。

11. 罗赖马山, 委内瑞拉
罗赖马山, 委内瑞拉

罗赖马山, 委内瑞拉

有「天空浮岛」(Mount Roraima)之称的盖亚那高原,位于南美洲委内瑞拉,约拥有2亿年的历史,广达3万平方公里,横跨6个国家,是地球上最原始、古老的地表。这片因地壳 变动隆起的地层表面,经长时间被雨水侵蚀后,形成仙境般的大自然奇景。最特別的是,在盖亚那高原上至少还有100座像这样耸立云端的「桌山」,其中最高的 一座约有2560公尺。


12. 东川红土地, 中国
东川红土地, 中国

东川红土地, 中国

东川红土地地处乌蒙山区,属高原山区地貌,此地山岭纵横交错,出峦起伏不平,红土丘陵一望无际,加之季风影响,形成了气候温和、干湿分明的高原季风型气 候。因此,这里阳光灿烂,彩云纷呈,极好的光质非常利于摄影创作,东川红土地便成为艺术家们摄之不尽、拍之不绝的创作基地。

13. 武陵源,张家界,中国


武陵源风景名胜区位于中国中部湖南省西北部,由张家界市的张家界森林公园、慈利县的索溪峪自然保护区和桑植县的天子山自然保护区组合而成,总面积约500 平方公里。最近又发现了杨家界新景区。亿万年前,武陵源是一片汪洋大海,大自然不停地搬运、雕琢,变幻出今日武陵源砂岩峰林峡谷的地貌。这里遍地奇花异 草,苍松翠柏、蔽日遮天;奇峰异石,突兀耸立;溪绕云谷,绝壁生烟。武陵源的自然价值和浓郁的原始野性,将人们征服。武陵源以“五绝”:奇峰、怪石、幽 谷、秀水、溶洞闻名于世。

14. 佩特拉古城, 约旦
佩特拉古城, 约旦

佩特拉古城, 约旦



15. 石浪, 美国
石浪, 美国

石浪, 美国

在美国犹他州和亚利桑那州交界的狼丘(Coyote Buttes),隐藏着一个名叫The Wave的大自然砂岩雕塑艺术品。中文里Wave是波浪,波涛的意思,确切地表示了这个景观的特点,在不到200平方米的山间缝隙中,血红的砂岩如海浪翻 腾,刚和柔的奇妙结合,令人叹为观止,故称为石浪。

16.乌尤尼盐沼, 玻利维亚
乌尤尼盐沼, 玻利维亚

乌尤尼盐沼, 玻利维亚

乌尤尼盐沼(Uyuni Salt Flat),位于玻利维亚西南部天空之镜的乌尤尼小镇附近,是世界最大的盐沼。这里拥有“世界第一大盐湖”的称号,据说,这里的盐层很多地方都超过10米厚,总储量约650亿吨,够全世界人吃几千年。

每年冬季,它被雨水注满,形成一个浅湖;而每年夏季,湖水则干涸,留下一层以盐为主的矿物硬壳,中部达6米厚。人们可以驾车驶越湖面。尤其是在雨后,湖面 像镜子一样,反射着蓝色的天空,纯净的白云,湛蓝的天与一望无际的洁白盐粒在天边交汇,眼前亮晶晶闪动的不是冰,而是盐。在一望无际的白色世界里,犹如世 外桃源般,美得令人窒息。