Thursday, January 31, 2013






最近一項調查發現,患抑鬱症的人, 在吃過香蕉後,感覺好好多!因為香蕉含胺基酸,會轉化成血清促進素,令人鬆馳、提升情緒。

貧血 :

血壓高 :

腦力 :
在英國Twickenha就有200名學生, 為了要提升腦力,幫助考試,在學期開始,於早餐、小休和午飯,都吃適量香蕉。研究顯示含豐富鉀質的香蕉,能提高學生的專注力,對他們讀書有所幫助。

便秘 :
香蕉的纖維質很高,可幫助回覆腸胃正常活動! 消除便秘,無需服用輕瀉劑。

宿醉 :

心絞痛 :

蚊釘蟲咬 : 用香蕉皮內部輕擦患處,可退腫消炎。

緊張 :
香蕉的維生素 B含量高,可幫助抒緩神經系統。

超重 :

胃潰瘍 :

體溫控制 :

戒菸 :
香蕉可以幫助戒菸。香蕉含維生素B6 和 B12,也含鉀和鎂,可以復元戒菸者因為沒有了尼古丁刺激的影響。

壓力 :
香蕉所含的鉀,可以調節心跳使之正常化,從而將氧氣順利送到大腦,及調節當受到壓力緊張時,我們的新陳代謝就會加快,因而使鉀的水平下降。 鉀含量高的香蕉,正好作補充。

中風 :
據著名醫學雜誌'The New England Journal of Medicine'的研究指出,長期吃香蕉,中風死亡的機會率大大降低40%。
如果跟蘋果比,香蕉多四倍蛋白質、多兩倍碳水化合物、多三倍磷質、 多五倍維生素A和鐵質、多兩倍其他維生素和礦物質。






Fermentation: How To Make Good Food Into Super Food

Why Ferment?
Fermenting or Culturing food is something which all traditional and ancient cultures have done. They are called by many names and come in many forms. Saurkraut, Kimchi, yogurt, kombucha, kefir, tempeh, miso and etc.

My Cultured Vegetables are a 100% raw, organic food that is chock full of beneficial enzymes. Lactic acid is produced during fermentation which aids in us digesting all foods eaten with with them – especially proteins and starchy foods.

Whatever vegetable you ferment gets “pre-digested” by the beneficial probiotic organisms, great for weakened digestive systems which is now the norm these days. These foods are alkaline-forming due to the abundant presence of vitamins and minerals. As an alkaline food it helps prevent an acidic gut which will also fend off many illnesses and diseases

As a “living” food, Cultured Vegetables are packed with beneficial microorganisms. Because of this they work hard to maintain your inner ecology. They are much more powerful than most probiotics found in health stores today, and it costs pennies to make. Scientific research has shown the effectiveness of fermented foods in treating specific ailments such as Candida and Ulcerative Colitis and other gastro-intestinal conditions.

Another bonus is that fermented food will help control cravings for starchy and sweet foods when consumed on a consistent basis.

Cultured Kale

4-5 large bunches of organic kale (or a mix of cabbage and kale)

Small handful of organic chilies of your choice

4-6 cloves of organic garlic

2 tsps good quality organic sea salt

Remove the thickest parts of kale stems, rinse well and chop coarsely.

Mix and massage the kale leaves with finely chopped chili and garlic and the salt. I use large glass jars for most of my ferments and push down firmly on them to pack it in tightly.

Some liquid should be released from the kale but also pour enough pure water over the vegetables (free of chlorine and fluoride) until everything is just covered. After fermenting simply place into smaller sealed jars and keep in the refrigerator. Unopened they are good for months but once opened should be eaten within 2-3 weeks. Use as a condiment with your meals or find other creative ways to use it such as in sandwiches, salads or sushi rolls.

Read more:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


我可以向你們保證以下的內容100%的真實性。從醫15年來,我也反復告訴病人這些事實。但是沒有人願意去聽,更沒有人願意去相信。或許,我們的同 胞們真的需要清醒了。說的直白一點,癌症治療其實就是一種賺錢手段,就是一項創收產業。據估計,癌症治療每年在全球賺6000億美元,其中,單在美國年賺 1200億美元。

怎麼才算是成功的抗癌案例呢?美國癌症協會和美國大學腫瘤學和血液學給出的答案是凡是經過治療能多活5年的癌症患者都可以認為其抗癌成功。 同時雙方都 坦言“即使癌症病人不接受任何治療也有可能撐7到10年。”當然,只有我們醫生才能拿到這些雜誌。不是你們——癌症病人。

據統計,替代療法治癒癌症的幾率比傳統治療高十倍 。注意:我這裏說的是“治癒”


此刻的我正在與癌症進行第三次惡戰。在癌症發作之時,我並沒有接受任何化療、放療或者手術治療。白血病、非霍奇金淋巴瘤我都一一挺過來了。現在我大腦裏又 長了成膠質細胞瘤,醫學上認為這種腫瘤是腦瘤中不可治癒的。5個月前,醫生的診斷結果給我判了死刑——我還有僅僅10個月左右的壽命。

在抗癌期間,我一直服用中藥、大劑量的維他命C;接受針灸、脊椎按摩療法、順勢療法;嘗試不同的膳食營養搭配。 沒錯,剛開始我的病情惡化。癌細胞迅速轉移到我的淋巴結、肺部和骨骼上。但是,到這個周,我可以很高興的說我的淋巴系統和骨骼上的癌細胞已經消失殆盡。先 前我肺部的6個腫瘤,現在只剩下2個了。腦中的腫瘤也縮小很多。我從來,從來沒有接受他們所謂的化療、放療或手術治療。

這裏有個非常有趣的資料。當然,普通人根本得不到除非你是醫生。每年都有1000多名主治癌症的醫生被診斷出癌症。但是只有不到10%的人選擇接受他們給 病人進行的那套治療方案。這有點像另一個赤裸裸的事實——不到25%的兒科專家會給自己的孩子接種疫苗,因為因接種而導致猝死和各種副作用的風險遠比患病 本身的風險高得多。這不是在哄你,這是事實。


替代療法總是很靈嗎?不,當然不是。在這世界上沒有盡善盡美的事物。但是替代療法值 得你一試。除非你大限已至,否則你絕對不會因為接受了替代療法而死去。話又說回來,如果真是你的時間到了,即使華佗在世也無濟於事了。然而替代療法卻能保 證你生前最後的生活品質。雖然那些接受替代療法的癌症病人們最終也難逃疾病的魔爪,但是至少他們可以在彌留之際與家人相聚,有的甚至還能認出自己的家人。 他們並不像那些接受了化療、放療的病人那樣骨瘦如柴,更不像他們那樣在生命的最後幾天連家人都辨認不出來。

那些接受傳統治療的病人晚期被癌症蹂躪的慘不忍睹。有時,甚至連你都不敢確定躺在你面前的是不是那個從前精神倍棒容光煥發的他。他們所承受的身心之痛是我 們永遠也體會不到的。但是,帶給他們的,是一次次的失望,是醫生一次次的搖頭感慨:“呃……情況不太樂觀啊,我們還得加強對你化療放射的力度。”




約克坎特雷爾, 醫學博士,心理學博士


















D.如果你每餐80%是由新鮮的蔬菜、果汁、全麥、堅果和適量水果構成的,那麼它們可以為你身體營造鹼性環境。 其他20%可以吃些豆製品。新鮮的蔬菜榨汁可以提供能被人體迅速吸收的活性消化酶並能在短短的15分鐘之內到達細胞內,從而起到滋養細胞、促進健康細胞生 長的作用。想要獲得活性消化酶來幫助細胞生長的話就喝點新鮮的蔬菜(大多數蔬菜都可,豆芽也可)榨汁吧!此外,每天吃2到3次的生菜也對健康有益。消化酶 在104華氏攝氏度(40攝氏度)的高溫下會失去效力。




14、一些能增強免疫力的膳食補充物可以使體內白細胞殺死癌細胞。其他像維他命E的補充物能產生 ,或者能即使清理已死亡、受損或沒用的細胞。






以上三條資訊是約翰霍普金最近發表在通訊上的。可別小瞧它們,它們現在在沃爾特裏德陸軍醫療中心 廣為傳播。二噁英能導致癌症,特別是乳腺癌。它對我們體內細胞的的毒性作用相當強。千萬不要將裝著水的塑膠瓶放在冰箱裏冷藏,因為塑膠瓶會在此種條件下釋 放出二噁英。最近,城堡醫院的人類福祉專案負責人愛德華弗吉莫特博士在一次電視節目裏詳細闡述了這個安全隱患。他提到了二噁英以及二噁英對我們人體健康的 負面影響。他說我們不應該將盛有食物的塑膠容器放入微波爐加熱。尤其是不要加熱油脂類食物。因為在高溫、脂肪、塑膠的三重作用下,釋放出的二噁英迅速進入 食物內並最終通過飲食管道進入人體細胞內。同時,他建議我們用玻璃容器加熱食物。像唐寧瓷器、派萊克斯耐熱玻璃器皿、陶瓷器皿等都是很好的選擇。都是加熱 食物,用玻璃容器不會產生任何二噁英,何樂而不為呢?類似的像電視晚餐、速食拉麵都應該被扔掉換上其他容器。紙類容器看起來不錯但是你並不知道裏面到底含 有什麼物質。所以用像鋼化玻璃、唐寧瓷器的這種玻璃類容器相對更安全些。愛德華博士還提醒我們前些日子一些快餐廳用紙質類餐具代替了泡沫餐具的一大原因也 是二噁英問題。


同時,愛德華博士也提到了像賽綸(一種美國品牌)這類塑膠保鮮膜,當它們覆蓋在食物上並被放入微波爐加熱時,其危險性不亞於將塑膠瓶裝水放在冰箱裏冰鎮。 當食物在微波爐裏烹製時,高溫使塑膠保鮮膜上的毒素融化並滴落到食物上。最好的解決辦法是將紙巾覆蓋在食物上。(本文轉載自網路)



我家後院西隅近籬笆處曾經種有一排三株義大利柏樹。這種義大利柏樹(Italian Cypress)原本生長於南歐地中海畔,與其他松柏皆不相類。樹的主幹筆直上伸,標高至六、七十呎,但橫枝並不恣意擴張,兩人合抱,便把樹身圈住了,於是擎天一柱,平地拔起,碧森森像座碑塔,孤峭屹立,甚有氣勢。南加州濱海一帶的氣候,溫和似地中海,這類義大利柏樹,隨處可見。有的人家,深宅大院,柏樹密植成行,遠遠望去,一片蒼鬱,如同一堵高聳雲天的牆垣。

我是一九七三年春遷入「隱谷」這棟住宅來的。這個地區叫「隱谷」(Hidden Valley),因為三面環山,林木幽深,地形又相當隱蔽,雖然位於市區,因為有山丘屏障,不易發覺。當初我按報上地址尋找這棟房子,彎彎曲曲,迷了幾次路才發現,原來山坡後面,別有洞天,谷中隱隱約約,竟是一片住家。那日黃昏驅車沿著山坡駛進「隱谷」,迎面青山綠樹,只覺得是個清幽所在,萬沒料到,谷中一住迄今,長達二十餘年。

巴薩隆那道(Barcelona Drive)九百四十號在斜坡中段,是一幢很普通的平房。人跟住屋也得講緣份,這棟房子,我第一眼便看中了,主要是為著屋前屋後的幾棵大樹。屋前一棵寶塔松,龐然矗立,頗有年份,屋後一對中國榆,搖曳生姿,有點垂柳的風味,兩側的灌木叢又將鄰舍完全隔離,整座房屋都有樹蔭庇護,我喜歡這種隱遮在樹叢中的房屋,而且價錢剛剛合適,當天便放下了定洋。




聖芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)有「太平洋的天堂」之稱,這個城的山光水色的確有令人流連低徊之處,但是我覺得這個小城的一個好處是海產豐富:石頭蟹、硬背蝦、海膽、鮑魚,都屬本地特產,尤其是石頭蟹,殼堅、肉質細嫩鮮甜,而且還有一雙巨螯,真是聖芭芭拉的美味。那個時候美國人還不很懂得吃帶殼螃蟹,碼頭上的魚市場,生猛螃蟹,團臍一元一隻,尖臍一隻不過一元。王國祥是浙江人,生平就好這一樣東西,我們每次到碼頭魚市,總要攜回四、五隻巨蟹,蒸著吃。蒸蟹第一講究是火候,過半分便老了,少半分又不熟。王國祥蒸螃蟹全憑直覺,他注視著蟹殼漸漸轉紅叫一聲「好!」將螃蟹從鍋中一把提起,十拿九穩,正好蒸熟。然後佐以薑絲米醋,再燙一壼紹興酒,那便是我們的晚餐。那個暑假,我和王國祥起碼饕掉數打石頭蟹。那年我剛拿到終身教職,《台北人》出版沒有多久。國祥自加大柏克萊畢業後,到賓州州大去做博士後研究是他第一份工作,那時他對理論物理還充滿了信心熱忱,我們憧憬,人生前景是金色的,未來命運的凶險,我們當時渾然未覺。


花種好了,最後的問題只剩下後院西隅的一塊空地,屋主原來在此搭了一架鞦韆,架子撤走後便留空白一角。因為地區不大,不能容納體積太廣的樹木,王國祥建議:「這裡還是種Italian Cypress吧。」這倒是好主意,義大利柏樹佔地不多,往空中發展,前途無量。我們買了三株幼苗,沿著籬芭,種了一排。剛種下去,才三、四呎高,國祥預測:「這三棵柏樹長大,一定會超過你園中其他的樹!」果真,三棵義大利柏樹日後抽發得傲視群倫,成為我花園中的地標。











那三年,王國祥全靠輸血維持生命,有時一個月得輸兩次。我們的心情也就跟著他血紅素的數字上下而陰晴不定。如果他的血紅素維持在九以上,我們就稍寬心,但是一旦降到六,就得準備,那個週末,又要進醫院去輸血了。國祥的保險屬於凱撒公司(Kaiser Permanente),是美國最大的醫療系統之一。凱撒在洛杉磯城中心的總部是一連串延綿數條街的龐然大物,那間醫院如同一座迷宮,進去後,轉幾個彎,就不知身在何方了。我進出那間醫院不下四、五十次,但常常闖進完全陌生地帶,跑到放射科、耳鼻喉科去。因為醫院每棟建築的外表都一模一樣,一整排的玻璃門窗反映著冷冷的青光。那是一座卡夫卡式超現代建築物,進到裡面,好像誤入外星。



王國祥直到八八年才在艾爾蒙特(El Monte)買了一幢小樓房,屋後有一片小小的院子,搬進去不到一年,花園還來不及打點好,他就生病了。生病前,他在超市找到一對醬色皮蛋缸,上面有薑黃色二龍搶珠的浮雕,這對大皮蛋缸十分古拙有趣,國祥買回來,用電鑽鑽了洞,準備作花缸用。有一個星期天,他的精神特別好,我便開車載了他去花圃看花。我們發覺原來加州也有桂花,登時如獲至寶,買了兩棵回去移植到那對皮蛋缸中。從此,那兩棵桂花,便成了國祥病中的良伴,一直到他病重時,也沒有忘記常到後院去澆花。

王國祥重病在身,在我面前雖然他不肯露聲色,他獨處時內心的沉重與懼恐,我深能體會,因為當我一個人靜下來時,我自己的心情便開始下沉了。我曾私下探問過他的主治醫生,醫生告訴我,國祥所患的「再生不良性貧血」,經過二十多年,雖然一度緩解,已經達到末期。他用「End Stage」這個聽來十分刺耳的字眼,他沒有再說下去,我不想聽也不願意他再往下說。然而一個令人不寒而慄的問題卻像潮水般經常在我腦海裡翻來滾去:這次王國祥的病,萬一恢復不了,怎麼辦?事實上國祥的病情,常有險狀,以至於一夕數驚。有一晚,我從洛杉磯友人處赴宴回來,竟發覺國祥臥在沙發上已是半昏迷狀態,我趕緊送他上醫院,那晚我在高速公路上起碼開到每小時八十英里以上,我開車的技術並不高明,不辨方向,但人能急中生智,平常四十多分鐘的路程,一半時間便趕到了。醫生測量出來,國祥的血糖高到八百 MG/DL,大概再晚一刻,他的腦細胞便要受損了。原來他長期服用激素,引發血糖升高,醫院的急診室本來就是一個生死場,凱撒的急診室比普通醫院要大幾倍,裡面的生死掙扎當然就更加劇烈,只看到醫生護士忙成一團,而病人圍困在那一間間用白幌圈成的小隔間裡,卻好像完全被遺忘掉了似的,好不容易盼到醫生來診視,可是探一下頭,人又不見了。我陪著王國祥進出那間急診室多次,每次一等就等到天亮才有正式病房。











1999/1/24~26 聯合報 聯合副刊 

Monday, January 28, 2013




最後,在山洞裡,一隻獅子在一堆白骨之間,滿意的剔著牙讀著兔子交給它的文章,題目:“《一隻動物,能力大小關鍵要看你的老闆是誰》。 ”



一隻小鹿走過來,“兔子,你在幹什麼啊?”“寫文章!”“什麼題目?”“《淺談兔子是怎樣吃掉狼》”! “哈哈,這個事情全森林都知道啊,你別胡弄我了,我是不會進洞的”,兔子曰:“我馬上要退休了,獅子說要找個人頂替我,難道你不想這篇文章的兔子變成小鹿麼?”小鹿想了想,終於忍不住誘惑,跟隨兔子走進洞裡。過了一會,兔子獨自走出山洞,繼續寫文章。一隻小馬走過來,同樣是事情發生了。最後,在山洞裡,一隻獅子在一堆白骨之間,滿意的剔著牙讀著兔子交給它的文章,題目是:《如何發展下線動物為老闆提供食物》。


隨著時間的推移,獅子越長越大,兔子的食物已遠遠不能填飽肚子。一日,他告訴兔子:“我的食物量要加倍,例如:原來4天一隻小鹿,現在要2天一隻,如果一周之內改變不了局面我就吃你。於是,兔子離開洞口,跑進森林深處,他見到一隻狼:“你相信兔子能輕鬆吃掉狼嗎? ”狼哈哈大笑,表示不信,於是兔子把狼領進山洞。過了一會,兔子獨自走出山洞,繼續進入森林深處,這回他碰到一隻野豬----“你相信兔子能輕鬆吃掉野豬嗎? ”野豬不信,於是同樣的事情發生了。原來森林深處的動物並不知道兔子和獅子的故事!最後,在山洞裡,一隻獅子在一堆白骨之間,滿意的剔著牙讀著兔子交給它的文章,題目是:《如何實現由坐商到行商的轉型為老闆提供更多的食物》。


時間飛快,轉眼之間,兔子在森林裡的名氣越來越大,因為大家都知道它有一個很歷害的老闆。這隻小兔開始橫行霸道,欺上欺下,沒有動物敢惹。它時時想起和烏龜賽跑的羞辱,它找到烏龜說:“三天之內,見我老闆!”揚長而去。烏龜難過的哭了,這時卻碰到了一位獵人,烏龜把這事告訴了他。獵人哈哈大笑,於是森林裡發生了一件重大事情,獵人披著獅子皮和烏龜一起在吃兔子火鍋,地下丟了半張紙片歪歪扭扭的寫著:山外青山樓外樓,強中還有強中手啊! ! !




Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Malaysia most shameless and rubbish Newspaper "Utusan"

How many times must they lose a lawsuit before they really learn their lesson?

Abbas rejects Malaysian PM visit to Gaza saying it divides Palestine

Abbas's bureau said “[The visit] undermines Palestinian representation and reinforces the division and does not serve Palestinian interests.” (Reuters)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced on Wednesday the Malaysian prime minister’s recent visit to Gaza, saying that it “enhances division and does not serve the Palestinian interests,” reported local news agency WAFA.

“The Palestinian presidency announces its rejection and condemnation of the Malaysian prime minister's visit to Gaza,” a statement said.

Abbas's bureau called on the Malaysian government to provide “clarification,” saying that Prime Minister Najib Razak called Abbas earlier and told him that Malaysia was going to provide humanitarian aid to the strip, and that he will meet a Palestinian delegation in Cairo afterwards.

“[The visit] undermines Palestinian representation and reinforces the division and does not serve Palestinian interests,” it continued.

The bureau considered the visit a contribution to a conspiracy aiming to “divide the Palestinian land;” one that “serves Israeli plans to keep Jerusalem isolated from the Palestinian state,” the agency reported.

On Tuesday, the Malaysian prime minster pledged solidarity with the Palestinians on his first trip to Gaza, throwing his support behind reconciliation efforts between Hamas and Fatah.

Najib, who entered via the Rafah crossing from Egypt with Foreign Minister Anifah Aman and other officials, was met by Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya.

Speaking shortly after his arrival, Najib said his visit was intended “to show solidarity and our support for the struggle of the Palestinian people.”

“We may come from thousands of miles away ... but we are one Umma (Muslim nation) and we believe in the struggle of the Palestinian people,” he said.

Najib also expressed support for renewed reconciliation efforts between the Islamist movement Hamas and the rival Fatah party, including attempts to form a consensus government to pave the way for new elections.

Amid criticism of his visit from Fatah headed by President Abbas, Najib said a unity government would be a good “response” to Israeli elections which were under way on Tuesday.

“We believe in this unity government and we pray to Allah that the talks will be successful and a united government will become a reality in the near future,” Najib said.

Haniya commented on the vote, warning that "the trend of the Israeli elections suggests a move from an extremist government to a more extreme government."

“This requires us as Palestinians, and Arabs, and Muslims, to build a unified strategy to confront rising Zionist extremism.”

Tuesday, January 22, 2013





每個各重約 一百五十克 至 二百克。


彭先生四十五歲,二十年來口異臭,給社交帶來極大煩惱,中西醫治療無效,去年經親友熱心推介服用新鮮果汁,當時半信半疑試一試,每天清早空腹飲五百 C.C.,二個月後口臭完全清除,人變得自信了,新鮮果汁的神奇功效令他佩服,喜不自禁地再三感謝向他推介的親友,解除了他二十年來的苦惱。














Dumb BITCH of the year

Listen 姐说,她原谅Bawani了!


Listen姐风波后续 - Listen姐个人公开发表短片




Before you ask people to listen to you, you should let her finish her speech (suara wanita tu tidak didengar you see). 
You just took her mic away and start your national geography talk. Instead of forgiving people (reading from a piece of paper written by someone else with no sincerity), you instead, should ask for forgiveness!! It was very unprofessional of you to actually disrupt her speaking. What happened to suara wanita to be heard kan??

Monday, January 21, 2013








Friday, January 18, 2013

25 Things I wish I knew before moving to San Francisco

I moved to San Francisco 9 months ago from the East Coast bastion of Boston. Despite having experience living in a major US city, I found quite a few surprises coming here.  Some have been great, while others not so much.

If you’re planning the move here, I hope this will help you know better what to expect. And if you already live in SF, this should give you a laugh or two and hopefully inspire you to leave a comment with anything I missed. Consider this the guide I wish someone had given me when I moved here.

It gets cold at 4pm.

On the east coast I got used to it staying warm on a nice day til 10pm. If it was 70 degrees in the morning, you could rest assured that the temperature would be about 70 when you left work that night.  That is not the case here.

Working in SoMa, I’ve found that somewhere around 4pm the temperature starts dropping and so by 5 or 5:30pm it’s 10 degrees cooler outside. A lot of this is due to the fog that seems to roll in around then.
Pro Tip: Be prepared to always have layers with you. A light jacket is your best friend in San Francisco.

Neighborhoods define you.

People take the neighborhood you live in pretty seriously. It’s often a quick way to figure out a lot of what a person values most as SF is a city with something for everyone. Each neighborhood has a unique set of offerings, and pros and cons.  Like any stereotype, it’s not always true, but you will find that yes, there are a lot hipsters in the Mission, bros in the Marina and families in Noe Valley.

Pro Tip: If you’re moving here, spend some time in different neighborhoods before you get locked into living somewhere. (See one man’s opinion here)

If you’ve ever lived in SF, you’ll totally get this, and if not, it’s a pretty good idea of the stereotypes & diversity of neighborhoods:
Bikes of SF by Tor Weeks

Rent is insane.

The first thing you’ll notice when you get here is the sticker shock on rent. This is the most expensive city to live in now and only Manhattan is in the race with them. A studio is now over $2,000 a month in most parts of the city and even with roommates you’ll end up paying $1,000-$1,500 a month for a place pretty much anywhere in town. I just looked up the building I moved into April 1, 2012 and as of January, 2013 the rent is up $700 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment. If you’re wondering why that is, this PandoDaily article does a good job explaining why.

Pro Tip: Finding an apartment is a full contact sport. There’s a lot of important advice on finding an apartment in San Francisco here.

Lovely, an apartment listing site, did a great infographic on SF rent prices:
Rental rate rises by Lovely

Cost of living overall is sky high.

Of course these high rental prices are just part of the challenge of living here economically. The cost of goods in my experience have been as high or higher as anywhere else in the country. I’ve solved much of this by moving to buying more online, which is a shame because that means not supporting local businesses.  The most crushing aspect I saved for last though. Taxes here are significantly higher than I’ve experienced anywhere. This means you’re squeezed both on your take home pay and your expenses.

To put it all in perspective, I used to take home about 75% of my pay in Boston and here it’s only 65%. Meanwhile, my monthly expenses have risen almost a third from $2,500 a month in Boston to $3,300 here. This combines to mean despite a significant pay raise when I moved here, I live less comfortably here. I have no idea how anyone who isn’t working in a high tech role that pays an above average salary can live here.

Pro Tip: If you’re moving here for a job, take into account the added costs so you’re sure you get paid a salary that won’t dramatically hurt your standard of living.

There are crazy and cool things always going on.

One of my favorite things about coming to San Francisco has been this fact. It is truly amazing to me how often there are festivals, concerts, and just randomly awesome cultural events going on. From SantaCon to Fleet Week, Yerba Buena to the Academy of Science, there’s not just something for everyone; it’s impossible not to get drawn to something you didn’t expect.  I give huge credit to the city of San Francisco for how often they let streets get shut down, allow for impromptu performances and try to make it easy for people to participate by adjusting public transportation accordingly.

Pro Tip: There’s quite a few great sites out there to find things to do. The best I’ve found are Sosh (my goto site), UpandOutSF and Thrillist. Finding something exciting on one of those sites and asking people to go with you is the fastest way to make friends.

Costumes are a way of life.

“Is that a costume, or is that how you always dress?” is a legitimate question in San Francisco. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve thought that question when I look at a fellow passenger on the bus or a group of people walking down the street.  San Francisco takes costumes so seriously, we even make up extra occasions for it as Bay to Breakers is essentially a second Halloween for SF.

Also, as a forewarning, some people choose the cheapest costume of all, their “Birthday Suit”, on some days.  As one friend told me, “You’re not a true San Franciscan until you see a naked guy walking down the street.”

Pro Tip: Don’t fight it. San Francisco is one of the most creative cities and it’s because of the self-expression that comes from events like this.
This is a drunken costume party, err, race, across the city:

Lots of homeless, beggars and crackheads.

This is definitely part of the uglier side of San Francisco. Unfortunately, the worst parts of the city for crime are the Tenderloin and Civic Center (as well as some areas of Western Addition and the Mission), which are right in the middle of the city. Market Street and Union Square, which are areas filled with startups and great shops, is unfortunately on the border of those areas. Due to this, going to work or going shopping you’re likely to have multiple people hit you up for money and probably meet a crackhead or two. Luckily, most are harmless, so you’ll find it humorous after while as evidenced by this Yelp thread on “Favorite Crackhead Moments.” 

Unfortunately, this means there are some unpleasant scents in those areas.  Walking down the street you may find yourself playing the game “dog or human?” (note: this is unfortunately referencing what kind of feces is on the ground…or in one case a high heel on the sidewalk in SoMa).

Pro Tip: Learn the streets that include the Tenderloin and don’t walk there at night and avoid any Muni buses that will take you through there on your trip. (See map below.)

Don't go inside the dotted lines
Don’t wander inside the dotted lines alone

PBR is pervasive, but microbrews rule.

No matter what bar you’re in or store that sells beer, you will always find a hearty supply of PBR, usually in cans. Even Whole Foods sells 30 racks of PBR while only selling 6 packs of everything else.  Of course, being SF, startups have gotten into the game as well with recruiting pitches including a “year’s supply of PBR”:

PBR Recruiting bounty

Now, if you’re not into PBR, never fear. There’s actually a vibrant homebrew community and a number of great beer bars including Toronado and the Monk’s Kettle. California is home to tons of microbreweries so there’s always new beers to try. I personally prefer the microbrews but still see PBR everywhere I go. And if you’re not into beer, the influence of Napa is felt strongly with plenty of great wine options.
Pro Tip: When you’ve spent all your money on rent, you can still afford a beer thanks to the many happy hours and cheap cans of PBR.

An extremely pro-dog city.

If you’re a dog lover or have a dog, this is an amazing city for you. Every neighborhood has one or two parks in it and every one I’ve seen has had sizeable dog-friendly areas. No matter the time of day, you will always find people out and about with their dogs and socializing with others with dogs.  A number of bars I’ve been to have even let owners bring their dogs in when it’s not too packed.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of your dog living in SF, this article captures it better than I ever could:

“Living here has been a revelation when it comes to my dog.
I’m not just talking about the fact that there are hundreds of acres scattered in and around the city where he can romp undeterred by a leash. I’m talking about the fact that the people of San Francisco love their dogs. Where else in the country is there an active dog owner Political Action Committee?”

Pro Tip: Not all landlords allow pets, so if you’re bringing a dog with you, be sure to look into it when searching for an apartment.

Divisadero is the fog line.

San Francisco is known for many things, and one of the most notable is the fog.  It’s a big contributing factor to the temperature drop I mentioned before. The Divisadero is a street running North-South across the city effectively cutting it in half. If you live West of the Divisadero, you’ll see the sun a lot less than your East of the Divisadero counterparts.

Now, this isn’t to say that the whole city doesn’t get blanketed in fog, but if you’re on the West side, right around the time the sun has burned off the fog in the morning, the evening fog is rolling in.
How the Fog rolls in SF
How the Fog rolls in San Francisco

Pro Tip: Don’t let the fog discourage you from checking out the West side of the city. The Golden Gate Bridge, Ocean Beach and Golden Gate Park are all awesome places on the West side.

Palo Alto and Mountain View are farther away than you think.

When I first moved to San Francisco, I was excited to know I had a number of friends who lived in Palo Alto and Mountain View. I figured I’d definitely make trips down regularly for work and pleasure.  I also figured they would come up to the city regularly. In the 9 months I’ve been here, I can count the number of visits on 2 hands. Meanwhile, I do see them in the city on rare occasion mainly because the center of the Silicon Valley universe has shifted back up towards San Francisco.

The Caltrain actually is pretty reliable, and most things in Palo Alto and Mountain View are within a reasonable distance of the stations, but when you look at your phone and realize it’s a 90 minute to 2 hour trip each way, it suddenly feels a lot less appealing.

Pro Tip: If you love living in an urban environment, don’t even consider living in Palo Alto or Mountain View. There’s a reason Google, Facebook and other Valley powerhouses have shuttles for their employees living in SF.

The 3 things you need to know about MUNI

The MUNI is the bus system in San Francisco that most San Franciscans have a Love-Hate relationship with.  Learn these 3 tips and you’ll avoid some of the biggest pains.
1) Google Maps is never right about what time the bus will come.
- If you need to figure out the best bus(es) to take to get to your destination, Google Maps is great, just not for telling you when the next bus will arrive. Use Rover or NextMUNI for time of the next bus arriving.
2) Half of the buses require you to step down into the steps to get the back door to open. 
- Failing to do this will get the whole bus yelling at you. Avoid the rookie mistake.
3) Chinatown is a bottleneck on any route going through it
- If your bus passes through Chinatown you can be sure that the bus will stop numerous times while passing through, usually delayed by a horde of people either cramming on or fighting to get off. If passing through Chinatown, add time to your trip.
Pro Tip: There are tons of great alternatives for any budget to MUNI & BART: walking, biking, cabs, SideCar, Lyft and Uber.

There are tons of amazing views.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk to your destination. This is because there are so many amazing views in San Francisco. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve looked around while walking the city and seen a truly breathtaking view.
You can learn where there are particularly great views in this awesome video (Corona Heights and Buena Vista are my favorites):
Of course, the views aren’t limited to the city sky line. There’s incredible nature all in and around the city from the waves crashing on the rocks on Ocean Beach to the sunsets on the Embarcadero to the Presidio view of the Golden Gate Bridge.  It’s definitely one of the best things about this city.
Pro Tip: Alcatraz is not just a cool destination in and of itself, it has some incredible views of the city. Bring your camera and hope for a clear day.

Startup Central is in SoMa

If you’re interested in startups, the center of all the activity is SoMa, which stands for South of Market St.  With all the public transportation (MUNI, BART and CalTrain) criss-crossing Market Street and SoMA, it makes it super convenient to get to from most areas of the city.

Someone told me that there are over 1,000 startups in the area, and from what I’ve seen, it would not surprise me. Everywhere you look, there’s a sign for companies big and small. It’s not uncommon to find out an entrepreneur you’re going to meet with is in the same building as you.

For those that don’t have offices, many of the coffee shops in the area are notorious for great startup chatter and founders hacking on their laptops at EpiCenter and the Creamery or investors and partnership meetings at SightGlass and Blue Bottle.

Pro Tip: San Franciscans are a heavily caffeinated group that takes their coffee seriously, so try them all and choose your coffee meetings wisely.

SF is a super fit city.
One of the first things I noticed when I visited San Francisco a year ago was how fit everyone was. It literally seems like the population as a whole weighs 10-15 pounds less than their Northeast counterparts. There are a number of reasons for this.

First, the weather is virtually always nice enough to be active and go outside. While the Northeast is freezing and cooped up in their homes buried in snow, it’s sunny and in the 50s here. This makes it easy to stay active year round and helps avoid the dreaded “winter weight” many fight off every spring in colder climates.

Access to healthy food here is also pretty amazing. There are great farmers markets all over the city and with so much agriculture in California, the produce in grocery stores is also super fresh. Restaurant menus are also generally tailored to healthy eating as well. What surprised me most though was that even the Walgreens has produce, so you’re always within reach of something better than a candy bar.

Finally, with all the great weather, everyone seems to find some way to be active whether it be rock climbing, surfing, running, sports, yoga or the gym. Just Google your favorite activity and you’re sure to find a group for it.

Pro Tip: Joining a league or taking a fitness class is a great way to make friends. I made quite a few quick friends from the soccer team I joined and the ultimate frisbee league I play in.

If you’re a foodie, welcome to heaven.

A friend told me San Francisco has so many restaurants the entire city could eat out at the same time and be seated.  From what I’ve seen, I’d believe it.

Seriously check Yelp. It’s truly stunning the wide variety of food available. With so many options, there’s little reason to eat at the same place too many times.
A few of the tasty things you’ll find in SF (via Let’s Eat SF)
Pro Tip: Great places to eat and drink are a great conversation topic for any San Franciscan. If you want to move beyond Yelp and Foursquare Explore, just ask a local for a recommendation.

The 3 hour time zone difference is a big deal.

Having lived on the East Coast my whole life, I got very used to how much life revolves around the EST time zone. Sporting events, major news (like the State of the Union) and most television is optimized for EST. Being 3 hours behind can be difficult.

Being a big sports fan, this was a big adjustment. The first time I realized a Celtics playoff game was starting at 4pm was a sad day as there was no way I could watch the game until at least half time because of work. Meanwhile, NFL Sundays will never be the same as 10am kickoffs is something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. For those of you playing Fantasy Football, you may find yourself setting an alarm to make sure you’re awake in time to check injuries and set your lineup before the 1pm EST games.

Most importantly though, is the adjustment with family if they live in another time zone. I used to call my parents at least once or twice a week, especially to talk to my father if I needed business or life advice in a pinch. Unfortunately that’s a lot harder when you realize that if you wake up at 7am, it’s already mid-morning for them. Meanwhile, after work, if it’s 7pm here, it’s already 10pm and my parents are getting ready for bed. Bummer.

Pro Tip: Build a routine around connecting with anyone you want to keep in touch with on the East Coast. It will help fill in for all those moments you’re about to call someone and you realize the timing won’t work.

Watching sports matters a lot less.

With such great weather, so much to always do and the time zones throwing off game start times anyways, it’s little surprise that sports aren’t the center of conversation like they are in much of the Northeast.  In Boston, even women that hate sports have to pretend and wear pink Boston gear and watch the games. That definitely doesn’t happen here.
The good news is, if you have a team you love, there’s a “team bar” for just about any team in any sport. As a Steeler fan this has been great as I know there’s a place to go clad with the black and gold and the game on.
Pro Tip: If you’re used to bumming around inside on Sundays watching football, expect for that routine to change to brunch (a SF favorite activity) or any number of outdoor activities.

Everything is taken to the extreme.

San Francisco is a city with something for everyone. The interesting thing I found is how that is taken to the extreme. Whether you’re a hipster who will ride your fixie with your year-round (not just Movember) mustache or a bro in the Marina hulking on creatine, it seems everyone in a group tries to take it to the furthest point. In the most extreme case…look up the Folsom Street Fair (NSFW warning: graphic / sex-related).
In my daily life this has led to me noticing polarity like:
  • In fashion, either you’re super dressed up or you try very hard to look like you’re not trying at all in your skinny jeans, sandals and a t-shirt you wear every day.
  • Either you wear a jersey of your favorite team and go to the team bar to watch and talk about the game, or it doesn’t matter.
  • If you have a startup, your pitch probably includes how you’re going to not just build a cool business, but change the world in a massive way.
Pro Tip: Use this to your advantage and take one of your interests to a deeper level when you get there. You’ll likely meet others with the same interest who can teach you new things and be a friend. 

You’ll turn into an early adopter even if you weren’t one before.

As a city, San Francisco is at the forefront of a lot of innovation. Even our trash program is progressive as it tries to set us on a path for zero waste by 2020.  More specifically in your day to day though is all the new products gaining new adoption and hype every day here.

A common topic of conversation whether at work, at a bar or just out and about is always the latest the apps people are using. You’ll try them out and have an opinion or be left in the dust. All this adoption has an added benefit of meaning that San Franciscans often gets the first look at apps other cities can’t even use yet (exp: Sosh, Lyft, SideCar, etc).

Your iPhone screen may start looking like this after a few months:
Pro Tip: Try a couple new apps every week and if you’re looking to spark conversation, ask someone if they’ve tried any great apps lately.   

All the best tech startups are at their best here.

With all this great early adoption, it’s not that surprising that most of these startups are at their best here.
The most impressive to me is definitely Yelp.  It’s amazing in SF. I always use it and hear tips constantly after never using it in Boston. It seems like every store and restaurant has hundreds of reviews and there are a crazy number of Yelp Elites.

Pro Tip: If you tried apps like Foursquare and Yelp in other places and weren’t impressed, they’re worth another shot here.

Working in tech is the norm, not the exception.

Coming from Boston, startups feel almost like a secret society that flies under the radar; most of the city has no idea the hundreds of early stage startups there nor realize giants like Constant Contact, Kayak, and VistaPrint are all Boston companies. Meanwhile, here, no matter what you’re doing, those you meet will almost always be in finance or startups.

Like in Hollywood a few hours South, if you’re trying to “make it” (in our case, in startups, not writing/acting/directing), this is the place to be. There’s a 98% chance the person next to you in the coffee shop with the laptop open is working on their own startup or someone else’s.

Pro Tip: If you listen carefully to the conversations around you at the coffee shops here, you’ll hear tech gossip without even having to read TechCrunch.

A common sight at San Francisco coffee shops

People love novelty and new experiences.

This was actually one of the most surprising adjustments I had to make in common to San Francisco. In Boston, people are all about routine; you go to your favorite bar or restaurant with a certain group of friends like clockwork. If you find something you like, it quickly becomes the old standby and everyone is excited to recreate that experience.

In SF, it’s all about trying new things. Just because the last place you went was awesome doesn’t mean you’d like to go back. Instead,everyone looks for unique things to do and the fastest way to make friends is to suggest something unique & awesome to check out.

Pro Tip: With great weather pretty much year round, you can safely assume every weekend you’ll be able to get out of your apartment and experience something new. Cabin fever is a foreign concept in San Francisco.

Tons of awesome lies just beyond SF’s borders.

It’s easy to get lost in exploring San Francisco, but what really makes the city great is what lies just beyond. No matter what you love doing or your favorite climate, there’s great places to visit within a few hours drive of San Francisco.  You can snowboard or gamble in Tahoe, taste wines in Napa, rock climb or hike in national parks, mountain bike in Marin, or sail the bay.

Pro Tip: Oakland gets a bad rap, but there’s tons of great concerts and other events there worth checking out.

Come with an explorer’s attitude.

San Francisco is a city for new adventures and boundless opportunities. There’s great websites, apps and friendly locals who can help you take advantage of all there is to offer. With all the personality of the city and each individual neighborhood, there’s new things to discover and appreciate every where you go.




Thursday, January 17, 2013






又或是 我只是犯了全世界男人都会犯的错罢了!

三美大叔说:Ini bukan masalah KITA, ini“Act of GOD”!




纳吉会说:You help me, I help you!



宣传布条上说:pembiakan jentik-jentik nyamuk aedes

布条上说:Istiadat Sambutan Rasmi Sempena Lawatan Rasmi TYT Wen Jiabao ke Malaysia,



阿都拉说: 赵明福自己掐死自己的!


当事人SAID YUSOP说:干吗?不对啊!我有叫他们闭只眼,但这不是滥权~!


安华很有礼貌地问赛夫:Excuse me, can I f*ck you?

旅游部长黄燕燕说:我們的180万Facebook 是ALL "包" inside的!

幕后配音员说:Bersih itu KOTOR! (译:干净是肮脏的)


















Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More Listen Ads...

Here are some new ads, 1days later after the "Listen Jie (kakak/sister)" speech,  but none of them response as fast as Kenny Roger, refer my previous post here


Discounted/coupon webisite in Malaysia

Some beer? ads?? Sorry I've no idea what logo this brand stand for.

Digi come out with 2 Ads!! But their service still suck to the max... Good marketing but terrible service!

Some sort of hearing device ads

hotel ads

Even on Mc.D packaging!!

NOW, go register to VOTE!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Listen Listen Listen by SharifahZohra

A 24-minute video of a public university forum speaker mocking a student has gone viral on online forums and Facebook. The video showed the speaker - Sharifah Zohra Jabeen, president of little-known women's organisation called Suara Wanita 1Malaysia or SW1M - dismissing a student, Bawani KS, who stood up to highlight points on Bersih and free education with remarks including "when this is our programme, we allow you to speak' and 'when I speak, you listen".

And like the petition

 Dont you feel shame of Malaysai Education?

These are the animals that's "happy" with our shitty government.

And this cause someone to panic!! LOL

And sudden famous of an artist who share the similar sound?? 

 Now, lets us enjoy the REMIX of Listen

Not enough? Try the Chinese version of listen song

pls. watch this too 2012 大马时事劲歌金曲 part 1

And a Malay version too

How about Nanamee version of Tokok?

And then we have our "chicken" start listen~~~~ 

And the news shook/worry the the animals that have no worry at all!!

So, we have Chicken problem...

 Cow problem....

Even Bicycle has problem now.....

Welcome to Sharifah Zohra philosophy~~~~ LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN, LET ME TALK

Dont't understand? Watch her movie. "ZooKeeper Malaysai Edisi"

And TV series too...

But she the one with problems and issues...

BTW, its called Shark not JAWS, "degree" holder....

And nobody like that stupid bitch

This is the true meaning of L.I.S.T.E.N

 Don't you feel like slapping her gao gao??

Hitler cant stand it either video ->
See the response from Izham Ismail Yang DiPertua Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar Universiti Malaya 2012/2013 here Beware, its a very long story in Malay language only.

More on here....