Friday, January 28, 2011


【原创+整理】VeryCD转型的应对措施,让我们继续分享互联网!!! 来源: 沈钰斐的日志



VeryCD怂掉也是迟早的事儿,它在中国光明正大的推广盗版如此之久已经是一个奇迹了,但VC倒了并不会影响我们下载emule资源。简单来说 VeryCD是一个商业公司,VeryCD网站是一个电驴资源索引,上面发布的资源都是比较精华的,但只是所有电驴资源的九牛一毛。


VeryCD ≠ eMule,它只是基于官版 eMule 的众多修改版本之一。真正的eMule 官方网站是:,各种修改版本介绍可以参考:

eMule 资源 和 VeryCD 网站 以及 VeryCD 版电驴软件(easymule) 也毛关系都没有。VeryCD 网站只是做了一个方便大家查找的索引门户,就算 VC 网站真的被封,也不影响任何 eMule 搜索和下载。
============ 以下正文:VeryCD 版 eMule 并不是必需的 ============
先来瞎掰点 VeryCD 版 eMule/easyMule 的坏处:
⒈VeryCD 版 eMule 还是基于旧版的 eMule内核,仅仅修改了版本号 , easyMule 1 基于 0.49b ,而早在去年,官版 eMule 就已经更新至 0.50a 了。
可能违反 GPL 的 easyMule 2 不在讨论范围之列...凸( ̄。 ̄)凸
⒉VeryCD 版 eMule/easyMule 自带的服务器列表里面有很多滥竽充数的虚假服务器。实际上服务器列表只要保留一两个大型的就足够。个人推荐 eDonkey Server No.2 和 ,其他安全eD2k服务器可以参考:
⒊VeryCD 版在 eMule 软件本身的搜索功能中加入了很多搜索限制和过滤。如果平时只通过 VC 网站找资源,以后也不需要 VC 以外的资源,对这点可以无视。但 VeryCD 网站索引中有的东西只是 eMule 世界的冰山一角,并且作为协助传播盗版的商业公司,VeryCD 转型或东窗事发是迟早的事。
我无意讨论版权保护正义与否,仅仅陈述事实,去中心化才是 P2P 下载的王道。
⒋VeryCD 的反吸血插件(DLP)可能故意放过一些吸血客户端。并且 VeryCD 的 DLP 违反了 GPL 协议,基于开源 DLP 却拒绝提供源代码。关于DLP的介绍可以参考 wiki 条目,官版 DLP v41 下载
风之痕的 DLP+ 也是 GPL breaker...
⒌还有 VC 缺少某些垃圾信息过滤和删除了原版本来就有或其他版本一些优秀功能之类, 像我这种初级用户一般很少用到,不一一列出。参考:   和
. 內建「敏感字詞」過濾功能,含有某些文字的資源會被擋掉。
. 容許特定第三方監聽、側錄,並與上述的字詞過濾功能一同作業。
. eD2k、Kad 搜尋功能,在特定情況下會自動斷開網路連線(G*W 特性)。
. VC軟體都通過了中國**部(與**部)的認證。

有人说 VeryCD 版的下载速度比其他版本快,私以为不可能。
以前 VC 会根据用户名中的 [VeryCD] tag 社区加分,排队略有优势,但据说 VC 取消社区加分已经很久了,现在它和其他版本同样的算积分排队。但是也有人发现Verycd版会和讯雷“私通”来共同加速吸血 竞争对手or关系暧昧? VeryCD与迅雷其实是好哥们

还有说 VeryCD 版搜索资源比其他版本快,更加不可能。
VeryCD 版 eMule 和 easyMule 只是内置了一个累赘的 IE 浏览器,这和使用其他 eMule 版本,然后开一个浏览器查看 VC 网站没有任何区别。如果脱离 VC 网站使用 eMule 软件自带的搜索功能,连接服务器搜索:VC 那堆虚假服务器和钓鱼服务器只会让搜索体验更糟糕,直接 Kad 搜索:别忘了 VeryCD 版 eMule/easyMule 还有各种河蟹关键词过滤...
当然 VeryCD 的 Low2Low 还是不错的。不过目前emule官方版已经0.50a,加强了内网互联!(High ID 用户和可以 UPnP 的群众纷纷表示情绪稳定...)

总之,VeryCD 资源门户网站做得不错,但是 VeryCD 版 eMule 软件并不出色。而且现在有不少发布组都屏蔽了verycd的emule和阉割驴。
大家可以有许多更好的选择。(个人一直用 xtreme )
P.S. 即使是原版也比Verycd版好太多。

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Malaysia Fruits

Though seasonal, there Malaysia fruits get be had all year round, cheapest and freshest at a pasar tani (farmer's market), pasar malam (night market), or rural roadside stalls. Malaysian fruit also features in local kuih (cakes) and desserts.

Durian, the football-sized "king of the fruits", emanates a distinct smell that evokes either love or disgust. Passionate Malaysians will travel miles for the best and spend a week's salary on one fruit. Although available all year round the prime season is from June to August. A spiked green casing encompasses a sweet, creamy yellow flesh.

Mangosteen are a traditional accompaniment to the durian, as they are believed to "neutralize" the potent, "heaty" properties of the latter. The size of a small orange, the mangosteen's thick, dark purple skin is squeezed open to reveal five to eight snowy-white segments. The flesh is both astringent and sweet but do mind the rind's staining purple juice.

Starfruit is pale yellow fruit with a waxy edible skin covering a translucent watery flesh. Eaten raw, or juiced for an acidic, slightly sweet thirst-quencher.

Pomelos are a large sweet grapefruit that the Chinese consider auspicious because it resembles an orange (kum meaning "gold"). Beneath the green rind and a thick layer of spongy pith, are the large segments which are gently prised apart. Perak has indisputably the sweetest and juiciest pomelos in Malaysia.

Jackfruit (nangka) is a large fruit that grows all year round. It is often seen on trees covered with sacks or plastic bags to keep away birds and insects. Averaging 50 by 25 cm (18 by 9 in), its thick rind is bumpy and greenish yellow. Inside are 20-30 oval seeds encased by thick sweet and fragrant flesh, with a firm, plasticky texture.

A relative is the chempedak, which is smaller, with sweeter, creamier-textured and stronger-smelling flesh. Battered and deep-fried, they make a delicious snack.

(pronounced "chem-pe-dak") The vigorously growing, medium-sized tree can bear heavy crops of fruit once or twice a year. There are many varieties, although few are named. The sausage-shaped fruits range from 22-50 centimetres in length and 10-17 cm across. The edible arils surrounding the large seeds are yellow, orange or green in colour. The taste of the fruit is similar to the related Jackfruit. The sweet, juicy pulp surrounds the seeds in a thick layer between the husk and an inedible core. The green skin is thin and leathery, patterned with hexagons that are either flat or raised protuberances like jackfruit skin.

Ciku (pronounced "chickoo") looks like a hairless kiwi fruit. Its light brown flesh is unmistakably sweet and smooth, with a pear-like, gritty texture. Flat, black seeds are found in the centre of each fruit. Guava (jambu) comes in two varieties: a smaller, softer pink, or larger, harder white with an edible green casing. Generally, the former are sweeter and juicier, while the latter are crisp and milder-tasting. Locals eat the fruit with various condiments such as a sweet-sour plum powder.

Duku is about the size of a golf ball, and is available from August to September. Its
leathery light-brown rind is peeled off to reach the small segments of transparent tangy-sweet flesh around a hard small green seed. Langsat is a relative, but with a much thinner, lighter-colored skin. Also available is duku langsat, a hybrid.

Custard apples are not apples at all. About the size of a fist, the knobby green skin encloses black seeds wrapped by delicate sweet flesh, which is custardy smooth and fragrant.

Buah susu
, literally "milk fruit"; this passion fruit comes in many delicious varieties: crisp-skinned orange from Indonesia, purple from Australia and California, and local ones with soft, velvety yellow skins. The translucent seeds are sweet and juicy.

Mangoes come in different varieties in Malaysia: small, hard and
fragrant jungle types, eaten with salt or a spicy soy sauce dip; sweet, bright orange varieties dripping with juice; and pale yellow, milder-tasting ones of Thai origin.

Rambutan is an egg-shaped red fruit covered in dark thin hair and grows in bunches. A relative of the lychee, the rambutan's translucent white flesh, hugging a flat seed, is extremely succulent and sugary sweet. Open the rambutan by inserting a thumbnail into the thin rind. Rambutans are also canned.