01 Dubai, Blaze tower near fireworks display
12 TR, Istanbul hit by Syrian suicide bomber
14 ID, Jakarta explosions & gunfire
19 Pakistan, Suicide bombing in Nortern West
21 BR, The Zika virus mosquito outbreak
02 CN-HK, 香港旺角暴乱
07 TW, Tainan Magnitude-6.4 earthquake 116death
16 RIP, TH Toon (Guy Onboard) pass away
19 RU, Flydubai plane crashes
22 Belgium, Brussels airport explosions [link]
15 TH, Bangkok's Songkran shorten to 2days to save water
14,16 JP, Kyushu twin earthquakes
19 RIP, Allen Soh Tiam Poh pass away 19:40
03 MY, KL worst storm
03 Muhammad Ali pass away
07 TR, Istanbul bomb attack
10 US, Christina Grimmie 22歲女歌手演唱會上遭槍殺!
12 US, Orlando Gay Club Shooting [CNN]
23 UK, Brexit: UK leaving the EU
28 MY, Puchong bomb explosion [mystery]
06 MY, Taman OUG shooting
14 FR, Nice 國慶 Batille Day 人群遭攻擊 [video] [video]
18 TR, Failed coup
03 Dubai, Emirates Airline flight crash-lands at Dubai airport
06 SEA, PokemonGo launch in Malaysia Thailand & Taiwan
12 TH, 11bombs in one day
10 CN, 傅園慧正能量爆表「沒有保留,我已經用了洪荒之力」
23 TH, Two bombs explode in Thai coastal town of Pattani
24 MM, Seikphyu 6.8 earthquake
25 IT, Perugia 6.2 earthquake
30 JP, Typhoon Lionrock crashes into Japan’s tsunami-hit coastline
01 US, SpaceX's launch failure
15 WORLD, Samsung Note 7 explosion and first recalled
27 INTERNET, PPAP - Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song viral [parody]
28 TH, Beaches in S. Thailand closed after venomous jellyfish invasion
Samsung washing machine might blow up [update]
08 WORLD, Replacement Note 7 phones have caught fire as well
11 PH, President Rodrigo Duterte wants to ban public smoking
KR, Samsung to Discontinue Galaxy Note 7 Permanently
12 INTERNET, 藍瘦香菇 stupidity viral
13 TH, King Bhumibol Adulyadej dead at 88 [bio]
19 PH, 菲律賓警方開車輾壓示威群眾
MY, HotDOG must be renamed due confusing for certain "animal"
23 JP, Utsunomiya city blast
08 JP, Fukouka Giantic Sink Hole in the city
08 IN, 500 & 1000 rupees nolonger in use
09 US, Trump is the New President of United Stated
14 NZ, 7.5 south island earthquake
11 MY, Ringgit Fall non stop
18 TW, Taiwan May Be First in Asia to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
20 MY, Bersih 5 rally
26 KR, H5N6 outbreak
29 CO, LaMia airline plane crash (with BR Chapecoense football team)
30 MY, Construction pedestrian bridge collapse near MV
13 IN, Cyclone Vardah hits Chennai
18 JP, Gastroenteritis cases at highest since 2006 as norovirus spreads [诺罗病毒]
19 RU, Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov shot dead in Ankara
SZ, Zurich mosque rampage
22 MY, Total ban on polystyrene in Selangor from Jan 1, 2017
25 US, George Michael pass away at aged 53
27 US, Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) pass away at aged 60
28 US, Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's mom) pass away
31 TR, Istanbul nightclub terrorist attack
31, US, Mariah Carey New Year’s Eve lipsync disaster #mariahcareyfail
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Want to end the year with a bang? Let’s take a look back at the most explicit moments depicting male nudity in all its uncensored glory.
Related: The Best Male Nude Selfies of 2014 [NSFW]
From nude selfies on Snapchat to full-frontal scenes on the big screen, it was a banner year for x-rated male nudity in pop culture.
Related: Here’s the Male Version of the Kim Kardashian Nude Photo That Got Removed from Instagram [NSFW]
Tyler Parks’ full-frontal scene in Westworld
Tom Hardy shooting Taboo nude
New Zealand Rugby Player Malakai Fekitoa’s nude selfie
Olympic gymnast Louis Smith’s sex tape
America’s Next Top Model contestant Dustin McNeer’s nude video
source: http://confessionsofaboytoy.com/2016/12/27/male-nudity-nsfw-2016/
Related: The Best Male Nude Selfies of 2014 [NSFW]
From nude selfies on Snapchat to full-frontal scenes on the big screen, it was a banner year for x-rated male nudity in pop culture.
Related: Here’s the Male Version of the Kim Kardashian Nude Photo That Got Removed from Instagram [NSFW]
Orlando Bloom’s dick pic
Ryan Reynold’s nude fight in Deadpool
Ricky Martin’s fiancé, Jwan Yosef’s nude photoshoot
Tyler Parks’ full-frontal scene in Westworld
Tom Hardy shooting Taboo nude
Love‘s unsimulated ejaculation scene
New Zealand Rugby Player Malakai Fekitoa’s nude selfie
X-Factor‘s Ellis Lacy puts on a condom
Olympic gymnast Louis Smith’s sex tape
YouTuber Joey Salads’ nude videos
Ginuwine’s dick pic
America’s Next Top Model contestant Dustin McNeer’s nude video
Thursday, December 22, 2016
‘Potential’ is superb, ‘future anticipated profits’ are wonderful, ‘equity’ is fabulous – but try paying your bills with equity or potential.
成功的房地产投资,在于确保资产仍属于是资产,而且会带给你正面的现金流量(Positive cash flow)。当这些房地产需要金钱来维持,而您又不能将它们以满意的租金出租给人时,资产就变成了负债(负资产)。也就是说,这些房地产就为您提供了负现金流量(Negative cash flow)。
为了买而买的大量购置房产 那只是虚荣心作怪!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
2016 圣诞必打卡
雪隆KL / Bukit Bintang
吉隆坡一带聚集了很多购物商场,特别是 Bukit Bintang 这一区。每当有节日,这里的购物商场更是人山人海!各个商场的年终大减价更是吸引女性来逛街!圣诞节就该来这一区和朋友伴侣一起庆祝啦!各个购物商场布置的圣诞摆设都很漂亮,等着你来拍照打卡!
Pavilion是最受欢迎的购物商场,更有明星艺人来这里逛过街!有很多人都喜爱到Pavilion 和家人朋友一起庆祝圣诞节。Pavilion餐厅选择多,圣诞节不一定要吃西餐,你也可以到这些特色餐厅,如 Hakata Ippudo Ramen,Tonkatsu,Rocku Yakiniku 烧烤店,KyoChon 1991,都能让你度过别有一番风格的圣诞节。
Berjaya Times Square
Changkat Bukit Bintang
Suria KLCC
KLCC在今年的圣诞节把全马最高的圣诞树摆在你的眼前,与双峰塔相互争艳!KLCC是游客聚集地,除了可以在这里购买名牌衣物,当然这里的美食也是不输其他广场,不过食物价格有点偏贵。想吃到“豪”一点的话不妨到Yuzu,Marini's on 57,Umai-Ya,Brolly 等等享用你的圣诞大餐,大快朵颐一番吧!
Nu Sentral
位于吉隆坡中环的Nu Sentral购物广场在这次圣诞布置得美轮美奂,如果你是LRT的常客就一定会经过这里,逛街累了在这里的餐厅小休片刻。如果不想花大钱却想吃到丰富的一餐,可以参考以下这些餐厅。
Bangsar区人气最旺的非Mid Valley莫属,每一天的人流都超多。当然,这里的美食餐厅繁多,怕头痛不知要去哪里用餐的话,就看看小编为你介绍的美食餐厅吧!如果你爱热闹,这个圣诞就来Bangsar区疯狂购物Shopping,与家人好友来这里大吃一顿欢庆圣诞节吧!Mid Valley Megamall
The Garden Mall
在Mid valley 隔壁就是The Garden Mall了!这里聚集了 更多名牌店,因此许多女性都爱往这里逛街。和Mid Valley Mall一样,都有不少美食餐厅在这里开张。快来这里的美食餐厅一起度过圣诞节!
Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC)
PJ区是美食天堂,许多好吃的美食餐厅都选择这片繁荣的地区开张!这里也有不少的购物商场,圣诞节时,许多人都爱往这些购物商场逛街玩乐吃美食!1 Utama
Sunway Pyramid
配合Star Wars 电影即将上映,Sunway Pyramid这一次以Star Wars为主题欢庆圣诞,在广场内摆放与电影有关的物品公仔等,让民众可以拍照Selfie。来到这里不管是要玩乐还是逛街都能满足你!快约一群好友们去Sunway Pyramid聚一聚啦!这里有很多好吃的小吃能让你边走边吃。
The Curve
The Curve也是人气旺盛的购物商场之一,这里也装饰了不少让人感到圣诞气氛的摆设。像天堂般的魅力城堡,很适合一家大小拍照哦!在这里庆祝圣诞节的人也不少,美食餐厅也会在圣诞节的时候特别忙碌!因为不少人都喜爱在这些餐厅庆祝圣诞节。
Paradigm Mall
1.皇后湾广场|Queensbay Mall
2. Design Village Outlet Mall
全马最大名牌优惠购物城Design Village Outlet Mall位于槟城的Batu Kawan,是全新的购物广场哦!而且是槟城及北马区首间国际品牌直销折扣的基地。今年的圣诞场地布置也不输雪隆区的购物商场!让消费者在享受购物的同时也能拍美照打卡纪年等。可爱的雪人一家三口在等着你哦!
3. 1st Avenue Mall
一年四季如夏的大马竟然出现了北极熊?原来是1st Avenue Mall的圣诞布置!不用飞到北极都能看到冰屋和北极熊啦!这里的北极熊模仿得很像真的一样,场地布置得也很梦幻,打卡拍照就该来1st Avenue Mall!
4. Gurney Plaza
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
KFC releases scented candle for people who want their home to smell of fried chicken
While New Zealand was digesting the news of John Key's resignation, many people may have missed the fact that KFC New Zealand is giving away the sweet (well, savoury) smell of fried chicken to one lucky winner.
VIDEO How To Create Scented Candles
The company's latest social media competition is for a KFC-scented candle and, judging by how many likes and comments the Facebook post as received, it's safe to say it's a sought after home decor product.
"What better way to light up your nights than with a limited edition KFC Scented Candle," KFC mused on social media. "Keen? To go in the draw to win one just suggest another piece of KFC merchandise you'd like to see from us in the comments below! Winners drawn Monday!"
The competition ended on December 5, after running on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The post received more than 15,000 comments.
Several Facebook users pointed out that the smell of KFC often makes them take a detour via the restaurant's drive-thru so the merchandise idea might just give the company a good boost in sales.
"Does it smell like kfc because if I get this and it does I would eventually buy kfc because whenever I smell kfc I cant resist but I reckon you guys shoukd make kfc scratch and sniff stickers," a user said.
VIDEO Bizarre Moment KFC Runs Out Of Chicken
The winning suggestion came from Shiz Irani, who thinks KFC should release KFC stamps "because the Colonel always delivers".
VIDEO How To Create Scented Candles
The company's latest social media competition is for a KFC-scented candle and, judging by how many likes and comments the Facebook post as received, it's safe to say it's a sought after home decor product.
Now your house can smell like you're living inside a giant bucket of fried chicken. Source: Facebook/kfcnz
"What better way to light up your nights than with a limited edition KFC Scented Candle," KFC mused on social media. "Keen? To go in the draw to win one just suggest another piece of KFC merchandise you'd like to see from us in the comments below! Winners drawn Monday!"
The competition ended on December 5, after running on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The post received more than 15,000 comments.
Several Facebook users pointed out that the smell of KFC often makes them take a detour via the restaurant's drive-thru so the merchandise idea might just give the company a good boost in sales.
"Does it smell like kfc because if I get this and it does I would eventually buy kfc because whenever I smell kfc I cant resist but I reckon you guys shoukd make kfc scratch and sniff stickers," a user said.
VIDEO Bizarre Moment KFC Runs Out Of Chicken
"Are you serious? A KFC scented candle?!? Where can I get these? I want that constant gurgle in my tummy that I get every time I smell those herbs and spices. You need ideas for other things that are KFC inspired? Scented smellies to put in your undies draw, or some sort of edible massage lubricant would be great (a whole new meaning to finger licking good if ya know what I mean)," a user commented.
The winning suggestion came from Shiz Irani, who thinks KFC should release KFC stamps "because the Colonel always delivers".
Monday, December 5, 2016
1. 用底片拍照是風險很高的事情,總是要到洗出來,才發現有99%的照片根本模糊不堪使用啊!
2. 要找個什麼店的資訊,總是要拿黃頁電話簿翻了又找。
3. 想要好好用錄音帶把廣播歌曲錄下來,結果該死的電台DJ卻在歌曲結尾時提早講話…破壞了整天的等待還有整個錄音的努力。
你會聽廣播等一整天,就是為了把你最喜歡的歌曲錄下來 (還是用錄音帶啊!)
4. 你不過是想要下載一首歌,結果等待時間要57分鐘?
當時,每一首歌都時很珍貴的…更不用說影片了… (邪惡笑容)
5. 當時,IE瀏覽器還會常常掛掉。
6. 在你最喜歡的節目即將開始時,才發現手邊沒有空白的錄音帶可以錄下來了。
7. 公共電話看起來超髒,但你還是要帶著零錢不夠的惶恐心情,邊打邊看著錢一塊一塊地消失。
8. 想要搶演唱會門票,還要排超~久~
9. 滿懷欣喜想要播錄影帶了,卻發現還沒有倒帶。
如果你有一點年紀,你一定會懂我在說什麼…(流淚) 這就是我的跑車啦…
11. 超迷戀某一首歌,你就必須要買下整張專輯。
12. 把心愛的光碟借給朋友,但是還回來的時候卻被刮得亂七八糟。
13. 有時候電視機壞掉、但還是很想看心愛的節目時,就必須靠一點想像力了。
現在的孩子,比起以前,你們真的不知道自己有多幸福啊 (抓著肩膀狂搖)!在網路世代還有智慧型手機普及之前,有很多現在理所當然的東西,都是理所不當然的啊!