01 Dubai, Blaze tower near fireworks display
12 TR, Istanbul hit by Syrian suicide bomber
14 ID, Jakarta explosions & gunfire
19 Pakistan, Suicide bombing in Nortern West
21 BR, The Zika virus mosquito outbreak
02 CN-HK, 香港旺角暴乱
07 TW, Tainan Magnitude-6.4 earthquake 116death
16 RIP, TH Toon (Guy Onboard) pass away
19 RU, Flydubai plane crashes
22 Belgium, Brussels airport explosions [link]
15 TH, Bangkok's Songkran shorten to 2days to save water
14,16 JP, Kyushu twin earthquakes
19 RIP, Allen Soh Tiam Poh pass away 19:40
03 MY, KL worst storm
03 Muhammad Ali pass away
07 TR, Istanbul bomb attack
10 US, Christina Grimmie 22歲女歌手演唱會上遭槍殺!
12 US, Orlando Gay Club Shooting [CNN]
23 UK, Brexit: UK leaving the EU
28 MY, Puchong bomb explosion [mystery]
06 MY, Taman OUG shooting
14 FR, Nice 國慶 Batille Day 人群遭攻擊 [video] [video]
18 TR, Failed coup
03 Dubai, Emirates Airline flight crash-lands at Dubai airport
06 SEA, PokemonGo launch in Malaysia Thailand & Taiwan
12 TH, 11bombs in one day
10 CN, 傅園慧正能量爆表「沒有保留,我已經用了洪荒之力」
23 TH, Two bombs explode in Thai coastal town of Pattani
24 MM, Seikphyu 6.8 earthquake
25 IT, Perugia 6.2 earthquake
30 JP, Typhoon Lionrock crashes into Japan’s tsunami-hit coastline
01 US, SpaceX's launch failure
15 WORLD, Samsung Note 7 explosion and first recalled
27 INTERNET, PPAP - Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song viral [parody]
28 TH, Beaches in S. Thailand closed after venomous jellyfish invasion
Samsung washing machine might blow up [update]
08 WORLD, Replacement Note 7 phones have caught fire as well
11 PH, President Rodrigo Duterte wants to ban public smoking
KR, Samsung to Discontinue Galaxy Note 7 Permanently
12 INTERNET, 藍瘦香菇 stupidity viral
13 TH, King Bhumibol Adulyadej dead at 88 [bio]
19 PH, 菲律賓警方開車輾壓示威群眾
MY, HotDOG must be renamed due confusing for certain "animal"
23 JP, Utsunomiya city blast
08 JP, Fukouka Giantic Sink Hole in the city
08 IN, 500 & 1000 rupees nolonger in use
09 US, Trump is the New President of United Stated
14 NZ, 7.5 south island earthquake
11 MY, Ringgit Fall non stop
18 TW, Taiwan May Be First in Asia to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
20 MY, Bersih 5 rally
26 KR, H5N6 outbreak
29 CO, LaMia airline plane crash (with BR Chapecoense football team)
30 MY, Construction pedestrian bridge collapse near MV
13 IN, Cyclone Vardah hits Chennai
18 JP, Gastroenteritis cases at highest since 2006 as norovirus spreads [诺罗病毒]
19 RU, Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov shot dead in Ankara
SZ, Zurich mosque rampage
22 MY, Total ban on polystyrene in Selangor from Jan 1, 2017
25 US, George Michael pass away at aged 53
27 US, Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) pass away at aged 60
28 US, Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's mom) pass away
31 TR, Istanbul nightclub terrorist attack
31, US, Mariah Carey New Year’s Eve lipsync disaster #mariahcareyfail
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