Friday, June 27, 2014

Malaysia Famous Forex Scam...IBS GROUP! (OFX Global,OFX group Limited)

Below is the original post written by Nokia1 from cari forum. This post was later, moved to hidden board by cari forum’s admin due to unknown reason!

小弟加入这个老千公司已经接近一年了,在这当中,我看了很多。。。。从懵懵懂懂到现在完全清醒,从他们说自己是OFX Global到他们变成OFX Group Ltd。。。再到现在变成IBS。。。。(一间公司竟然对外换了几次名字,我竟然还傻傻相信,笨啊~~~)

I’ve joined this forex broker for almost a year and I’d like to share my experience here… From OFX Global to IBS (and i actually believe in a company that simply change their name for no reason, how stupid am i …)

我今天写这篇,最主要是想警惕即将要加入的人,给与你们忠告,真的不能天真的以为投资外汇能赚钱,其实这个只是一个money game,上面的人不断拉人进来,然后他们赚的钱都是抽下面的人的钱的。。。单单一个月上那个老师的讲座,就相信外汇能赚钱?而且。。。IBS里面当中的 人,根本是读书不高的人,凭我们的学历,要了解外汇?拜托。。。这样那些高学历,花钱去读Financial课程的人不是要去撞墙死?

The main reason i wrote this today is to warn new comer, don’t ever think that forex means easy money. This is just another Ponzi scheme that lure you into believing it and make you work harder for them by getting more people or friends around you into the pyramid…. Start making money by just attending some basic 1 day courses organized by an experienced trader? And most of the investers in IBS do not actually pursuade high level education. If we could master forex with these conditions, ain’t those degree or master degree holder in finance or marketing should kill themselves?


I was so naive to believe that IBS is the turning point in my life…
I was so naive to believe that people who failed their secondary school exam could learn Forex…
I was so naive to believe that the guy who brought me in was actually trying to help me financially….
If you’re reading this right now and confront your introducer, answers you’ll most likely to get are simple: “they jealous you lah! rumours lah! (that’s what my introducer told me too) so i’ll just share with you guys and you’ll be the judge.

1)从我第一天加入开始,我只知道公司来自纽西兰,叫OFX Global,就连他们印给我的名片都是这样写的,有图为证:

since the first day i joined, all i know was the broker, OFX Global, was based in New Zealand. This is the name card they printed for me:

过后开始有听人说,原来 OFX Global在纽西兰是一间已经被冻结的公司,链接如下:
我也有把照片拍上来,不知道struck off的意思不要紧,去google找就有了Struck Off = 除名/冻结,就是说公司是不存在的,是不能运作的!!

eventually i heard from someone that this was a company no longer in operation a.k.a. struck off company:

2)当时我还傻傻不当一回事,觉得有钱赚就好了,管他什么公司都不要紧,不久~他们又把名字换去OFX Group Limited (说这个才是母公司),结果,还是被人踢爆,这间公司也是在纽西兰被冻结了的。。。链接如下:

I wasn’t bothering about it then and thought as long as i can make money, why care. Later, they changed their name to OFX Group Limited (and claimed that this was the parent company).

进入网页后,请往下拉,你会看到Document Registered,然后你们选 Non-Active Declaration Form,下载来看,你就会看到,其实这间公司已经跟政府上交文件说,他们已经关闭了。。。Non-Active的意思就是完全没有生意上的交易了!!也就是说,他们不存在的公司,是不可以有交易的。。。
Turned out to be another company with Non-Activity Declaration Form under their belt…

3)到后来,他们又换了一堆名片给我,公司名又换成IBS了,当时我还被姐姐取笑说,我凭什么叫Marketing Consultant,当时以为自己很威风,现在才知道“丑”字怎么写!(当时公司一直换名字,我还没发现其实一间公司一直换名字是有问题的,还继续天真下去)

Eventually i was given another stack of name cards with the name IBS on it, that’s how i got teased by my elder sister. “You? Marketing Consultant? ha, fat dream!” (and i should have realised that only a fishy company keeps changing name)姐姐偷偷去查看我名片上公司的地址,结果回来她跟我说,这个Building 的保安跟她说,没听过这里有这间公司!她还特地拍了照片给我看这个unit B-19-3的公司名字叫SINAR AKI SDN BHD,根本没有什么IBS。。。

她还酸我,连公司都没去过,就做了人家的Marketing Consultant!!

My sister actually took the trouble to pay my office a visit and the answer she got from the security personnel is there’s no such company!

“A marketing consultant that never been to your office? ha!”, that’s what i got from my sister.



请大家看仔细。。。a. 我加入公司快一年,这间公司却在今年4月才成立的?????!!!





以下是当初 IBS给我签的所谓的Agreement,老实说,小弟读书不多。。。我当初真的傻傻没看清楚内容就签了,有哪位大大能帮忙看看内容是什么吗?还有,请看 看他们的这张Agreement,名字的部分全都是自助式自己填上去的,我姐看了骂得我半死,也就是说。。。任何人拿到这张Agreement,那个名字 那边填阿猪阿狗的名字都可以的!!然后这张东西也没提到我放了RM15k进去, 也就是我连基本的收据都没有!!我姐骂我是猪是对的!!

给所有投资外汇的朋友们 !!

所有正在投资外汇的朋友,你们因该知道投资外汇是为了赚取外汇市场里的钱而不是赚取朋友的水钱或者人带人的佣金 !如果你是其中一位赚的钱都是来至朋友口袋或者他人的口袋,那么想请问下你是在投资外汇还是为了赚取朋友的水钱。不要因个人利益或者是想赚回被骗的钱才介绍朋友加入 !

请你们检讨一下,你们所介绍的朋友投资外汇的目的是赚取市场里的钱或者是真的帮助朋友,还是为了个人口袋还是水钱? 不要因为区区的几千块钱出卖了自己良心。。。。。如果你个人都不能赚市场的钱,那么你介绍朋友投资外汇的目的是什么?记得,被你叫的动的朋友,是他们相信你而不是组织 !

*for more scam on others company, read the comments on the blog

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