Friday, April 5, 2013

以領養代替購買!Adopt, instead of buying!

(Kindly scroll down for English write-up and MUST WATCH Video link)

当您的家人或朋友告诉您 她想去买只狗狗回来的时侯









请您告诉他们,购买不是唯一的途径。他们还可以考虑领养 - 循不同管道去选择。从流浪猫狗收容所,动物福利机构又或者是助养人那里都是不错的选择。循这些管道去领养宠物不但不用花大钱,也帮了一颗孤独的心,一个可怜的小生命。



每一只在宠物店,养殖场(无论大小或家庭作业)出售的宠物背后都有多只被长期禁锢,在没有爱没有关怀的环境里生活。他们的生命里没有别的,只有不停地繁殖繁殖再繁殖。直到不能再生育的一天,牠们就会被丢弃。成千上万没有人要,被遗弃的宠物,无论大小,老少,可爱与否,每天都在受苦,受虐。被市政府抓去的命运只有更坎坷,不但被不人道对待,更时常被虐待甚至虐杀,当然没被虐杀的最后也是难逃一死。。。 领养他们及为他们绝育就可以简单地解决他们这个痛苦的循环。

When your someone you know tells you that he/she is buying a puppy / dog,
You might want to suggest for him/her:
『To adopt, instead of buying.』

Everyday there are millions of homeless life loitering on the street, yearning for a forever home.
They are waiting for a home, for once in their lives, be able to enjoy freedom and feel compassion from humans!!

Many of them never ever getting a proper meal in days, never having shelter from the rain nor shine, never ever experiencing love or the human touch but continue to have hope, and the will to live.

Is a "HOME" an impossible dream for them?

H.O.P.E. – A 100% No-kill animals shelter in Johor, Malaysia is currently sheltering over 900 homeless cats and dogs.
Owning a dog is not about status, it’s a friend for life. Local mongrels may not be as gorgeous as some pedigree dogs but they definitely make a wonderful pet.

People who are willing to adopt local mongrels are very few.
Causes many homeless strays do not have a proper home. They are often faced with tragedies like being abused, suffering from hunger & diseases, met with road accident, or being caught and killed.

The ways you can help are to spread the word to your family and friend who is planning of getting a pet........

Consider adopting a homeless animal from an animal welfare organization or from someone who’s fostering a pet. They don’t have to spend a lot of your money to buy a pedigree dog.


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