Tuesday, July 12, 2011

709 的花絮和感想 (Something about 709) (709 Bersih 2.0)

2011年7月9日,我参加了大马Bersih 2.0 净选联盟所召集的和平游行运动,淋了雨,累了两天,也休息了两天,才有心情写东西,网上很多人都写了709 的故事,我只想写一点使我感受比较深刻的花絮。
(二) 一个华人uncle 带着他的妻子和两个大约二十岁的-廋廋高高弱不禁风的儿子,他说:“快点快点跟上(人群)去,,又不是叫我们去死,怕什么?不用怕,我们又不是重要人物, 现在需要人数,我们一定要去支持。。”(多数都是父母骂孩子不要去,儿子鼓励父母去,怎么这家人相反的?)
(三)一个年纪大的马来人跟另几个华人青年讲:“kita mahu tunjuk perasaan ,bukan kemarahan ./ 表达感受,不是发泄怒火,不要搞破坏。(示威游行的EQ比华人成熟,有资格“教路”)
(四)一对马来夫妇带着两个大约8–10 岁的孩子,坐在石阶吃零食,我想:野餐咩?,那妻子看看我,好像明白我想什么,她笑笑说:我们想他们从小就知道和学会怎样去争取民主。(我赶紧表示支持,心里为小看别人而惭愧)
晚上吃饭时讲起这个故事,隔壁的三姑六婆加把口说:哎呀!示什么威?关我们什么事?真是没有脑的,连BB也带去,你做什么不骂他们?(Auntie, 我想骂你。。。。。)
(七)一个中年的洋人,看到我追去拍镇暴队驱逐人群,他不断的跟着我跑,还不断对我说:you must put it in the media /你要把它放上媒体。。(老外大哥,你太看得起我了,我拍的东西很“渣”而已)
(八) 我的马来朋友告诉我,他有多次示威的经验,他如何不惧强权,他会照顾我。刚发射第一轮催泪弹,他拉了我狂奔,我心想:又说坚持到底?他把我带离人群,然后 指着一个方向,他说:“你由这里走,去默迪卡体育馆等我们,我们会到那里去,负责联络其他的朋友。这里需要很多人数的目的已经达到,警方会有更多的攻击, 你不可留在这。”我说:“你呢?”他说:“我要走在最前面,和我的朋友在一起”他转身走向烟雾去。。。
“在 整个集会当中让我印象最深刻的一幕,当天我们一群人从同善医院后面的篱笆逃离警察的追捕时,马来人用脚踢开了那个篱笆然后说:bagi cina semua keluar dulu.......(给这里的华人离开先,然后我们才走。)这句话一下就进入我的心中了,其实在这里我才能真真的体验一个马来西亚的文化种族之间无分 彼此互相照顾.而不是国阵所提倡的一个土族;一个马来西亚.”
为 什么会为了这么小的事激动?因为我深深明白,华人在大马已经是少数,如果不能打破种族主义的思维,华人永远是被压迫的一群,不能够得到公平的待遇。但政府 搞的就是种族主义,再加上那个土著权威组织,这又是多么困难解决的事。这些事情让我看到了希望,我对这个民族完全改观,我的另一个感想是,如果我们硬要说 这个国家是因为这个民族的政客而败坏,那么也会因这个民族的人民而兴起,我对他们和这个国家还是充满信心的。

********************************* Translated in English *******************************

9th July 2011, I took part in the BERSIH 2.0 Rally. I was wet due to the rain. So tired for this 2 days, only until now I'm able to write something about my 709. A lot of people has already written their stories, therefore I will only mention some tiny things that really engraved my memory.
1. A Malay friend, who I just get to know during the rally, a PAS member who is experienced in participating rallies and demonstrations, shaked my hand and says: "Thanks for your (we Chinese's) support." I replied: "No problem. That's what I should do. This is my country too." (Now only I realized that, in their eye, we Chinese only cares about money-making and all sorts of benefits. They are already very happy even though there're only a few Chinese came to support the cause.)
2. A Chinese uncle, along with his wife, and his two around-twenty-years-old son, who are tall but look frail, came to the rally. The father said: "Come on, follow up the crowd! We're not going to seek death, so why feel afraid? We're not VIP as well. We need many people right now. We must go to support the rally now..." (Most parents scolded their children for attending the rally, and children encouraged their parents to attend the rally, but how come this family is totally the reverse?)
3. An old Malay man told a few Chinese youngsters: "kita mahu tunjuk perasaan ,bukan kemarahan". (Their EQ in rally is higher than Chinese, so they have the qualification to teach us what to do.)
4. A pair of Malay couples, along with their two childrens, looks like 8-10 years old, sat at the stairs and having their snacks. I thought: "Picnic?" The Malay wife caught my attention, and she smiled: "I want to teach them how to fight for democracy since small." (I quickly showed my support to them. I feel ashamed to look down at them.)
5. A pair of old Malay couples, hands trembling, took out a mask from a plastic bag, asked me with confidence: "We have got ourselves ready. How about you?" (You two need it, I thought, because you two can't run fast.)
6. A pair of young Chinese couples, along with their baby, attended the rally. Soon it began to rain. They quickly wore raincoats, and even got their baby ready with a raincoat. I quickly helped them to cover up their baby trolley. (Even a baby was there. Oh my, the baby is so cute.) Talked about this scene after I went back home and having my dinner. Those auntie neighbours said: "Aiyah, rally for what? Nothing to do with us ma.. Brainless ah? Bring baby go? Why you don't scold them?" (Aunties, I want to scold you, not them..)
7. A middle-aged foreigner, seeing me running towards FRU and trying to capture how FRU dispersed the crowd, follows me all the way, and told me: "you must put it in the media" (Mister, my photo capturing skills sucks..)
8. One of my Malay friend told me, he has been to rallies before, and he's not afraid of tyrant government. He said he's going to take care of me. During the first round of tear gas, he dragged me and run away. I thought: "You told me you're not afraid?" He brought me away from the crowd, pointed to a direction, and told me: "Walk through here. Wait for us at Merdeka Stadium. We will be there. Do contact your friends. Our objective today has been achieved, because we have so many people here. The police will launch more attacks. You cannot stay at here." "What about you?" I asked. "I'm going back to the frontline, and fight along with my friends", he replied, and turned back to the smokes..
I met with my friends nearby Merdeka Stadium later on, participated the last rally to Merdeka Stadium, until the police dispersed us again. And I never see my Malay friend again. I only got to know that he was arrested later on, and has been released.
I saw a lot of stories, including that Amah's one. I didn't cry when I read this stories, until I saw this one on the Internet:
"The most unforgettable moment during the rally happened when we are trying to escape from the police in the Tong Shin Hospital. We were at the fence at the back of the hospital. The Malays kicked the fence door down, and said: "bagi cina semua keluar dulu......." It really went into my heart. Here, I experienced the true 1Malaysia spirit, that we are no longer differentiated by race and culture, that all races take care of each other, instead of "1 Bumiputera, 1 Malaysia", the propaganda of BN.
I nearly cried. I knew that they're speaking the truth. My Malay friends always take good care of me. And a lot of Chinese who participated in the rally said that, they are being taken care well by the Malays. Maybe they think that this is the first time we Chinese attended a rally, and so we're inexperienced.
Why I'm feeling so emotional over this? Because I understand that, Chinese is a race of minority in Malaysia. If we couldn't break the barrier of racism, we Chinese will be continued to be opressed, we will continued to be treated with unfairness. But the government always plays around with racism, plus that PERKASA who fully utilized such issue, and this makes racism even harder to solve. What I saw after this rally, is hope. I have completely changed my perception to Malays. I think that, even though our nation is ruined by Malay politicians, but our nation will be revived by Malays. I still feel confident to Malaysia.
My dear Chinese friends, a peaceful rally is not scary, so please come to support next time!

source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/%E7%AE%80%E6%88%88/709-%E7%9A%84%E8%8A%B1%E7%B5%AE%E5%92%8C%E6%84%9F%E6%83%B3/247851581895227?ref=notif&notif_t=like

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