前面有提到,我很害怕行前總是說「沒意見」、「我都好」的人,這就跟老師下課前問「有沒有問題」?而全班都說沒問題,這就是最大的問題一樣。出發之前都說跟你走,後來發現你去的地方好像我都不太喜歡,開始問「那我們怎麼不去那裡啊?」、「這地方好像不錯,怎麼去?」、「現在可以去那裡嗎?」瞬間就變成「什麼都有意見」的人。之前在這篇文章提到,我旅行有我的「want to」,而你的「want to」,不能在我訂定好行程後成為我的「have to」。
後來有一段路走了很久,卻到了一個莫名其妙的地方,她研究地圖才發現完全走錯了路,我抱怨了一句:「妳搞什麼鬼啊 」(對,這個行為非常該死),她看了我一眼,接下來的一整天完全沒跟我講過話。
有一次在飛機上遇到獨自旅行的台灣女生,英文程度不是很好,但她拿著手上的英文小抄拼命背,上面都是一些很基本的英文單字加中文拼音,例如 pork,她就在旁邊寫上「波克」。她積極找尋著可以講英文的機會,看到空姐很高,就問我用英文怎麼說,我說「tall」,她自信滿滿地說「高應該是 high 吧」,就大聲地跟空姐說「you are so HIGH!!!」(害空姐嚇一跳想說難不成嗑藥被發現了)。後來她翻開機上免稅商品雜誌,跟我說「你看這雜誌好好笑喔,貴的商品還特別寫出來耶!」我看了一眼,發現上面是寫「機上獨家 exclusive」(不是 expensive 喔)。
然而事情總要解決,也一定是可以解決的。對我來說,旅途上的許多意外,都比不上旅伴不停地不停地不停地在我耳邊、唱片跳針似地問我: 「那現在該怎麼辦!?」「那現在該怎麼辦!?」「那現在該怎麼辦!?」來得意外。
遇到問題卻不試著解決問題,怎麼辦???你趕快去加入 SHE 吧。
「怎麼這麼貴啊,你算錯錢了吧?」(先墊錢,之後尷尬地討錢還要被懷疑,且讓我寫一個恨字 )
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Making Glow in the DARK glass jars
• Bottle filled with a very small amount of yellow-colored soda (mountain dew or similar)
• Highlighter pens
• Hydrogen Peroxide
• Dishwashing liquid
Step 1: Begin the experiment by adding a few drops of dishwashing liquid to a very small amount of yellow-colored soda.
Step 2: Add one to two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. NOTE: For a brighter solution, you may also add fluorescent dye found in highlighters. Just cut small pieces of the highlighter refill and add to the solution.
Step 3: Immediately seal the bottle, and vigorously shake it. Turn off the lights if you want to see a brighter glow.
How does it work?
What you’ve just seen is a chemical reaction called chemiluminescence. Peroxides, with their ability to release large amounts of energy during some chemical reactions with fluorescent liquids or dyes, usually trigger the bright glow. Glow sticks, however, make use of a stronger chemical like phenyl oxalate ester mixed with hydrogen peroxide—that’s why they can glow for a longer period of time.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
男生們,快學起來吧!!!come on!!!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
化療騙局 ─ 化療後腫瘤長得更快!
華盛頓州的一支研究團隊最近在調查為何前列腺癌細胞難以根除時,意外發現了化療的致命真相 ─ 化療不僅一點也不能治療癌症,甚至還會加速癌細胞的生長擴散,使之更難以治癒;也就是說,化療其實有害癌症病患。這項研究結果刊載在《自然醫學》期刊上,毫不意外的被主流科學界所忽略。
根據這項研究,化療會導致健康細胞釋放出一種蛋白質 WNT16B,這種蛋白質會促進癌細胞生長茁壯並阻礙後續治療;化療也會損害健康細胞的 DNA,就算化療停止很長時間之後損害也會一直存在。分析起來,說化療能「治癌」還不如說它根本就會「致癌」!癌症病患的親友應該特別注意。
共同研究作者彼得‧尼爾森表示:「這樣的結果完全出乎意料,良性細胞出現了傷害反應,可能會直接導致腫瘤生長力增強。」這意味著化療的整個過程根本毫無價值,反而不利於癌症病患;那些想要治癒癌症的人應該要尋找更為自然的替代療法,像是格森療法 (Gerson Therapy),或是從補充抗癌食品和營養素做起,像是小蘇打、薑黃、高劑量的維生素 C 與 D 。
卡魯博士 (Dr.Raghu Kalluri) 發現經常配合化療實用的癌症藥物會導致腫瘤轉移,他表示:「無論怎樣處理腫瘤,都有可能在不經意間增加腫瘤轉移的數目,很多癌症病患因此死亡。」
Thursday, August 22, 2013
為 Dropbox 即時取得額外 1GB 空間!
2GB 的免費儲存空間,但2GB 對現時的用戶來說並不足夠,而Dropbox
近日推出活動,如果你本身是《Mailbox》及《Dropbox》的用家,只要將Mailbox 連結上Dropbox,就可以額外得到1GB
首先你需要兩個Apps(《Mailbox》及《Dropbox》) 必須已經登入自已的帳號( Mailbox 現時只支援Gmail 郵箱)
再按Add Dropbox Account
再打開你的Dropbox,在Setting 查看你是否額外增加了1 GB 容量。
首先你需要兩個Apps(《Mailbox》及《Dropbox》) 必須已經登入自已的帳號( Mailbox 現時只支援Gmail 郵箱)
再按Add Dropbox Account
再打開你的Dropbox,在Setting 查看你是否額外增加了1 GB 容量。
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Prison Break star Wentworth Miller " I'm a gay man "
'I'm a gay man': Prison Break star Wentworth Miller comes out as he takes a stand against Russia's homophobic laws
Television star Wentworth Miller announced he was gay on Wednesday in order to take a public stand against homophobia in Russia.
The Prison Break star declined an invitation to a Russian film festival after the country passed a series of anti-gay laws.
The 41-year-old Prison Break star had been asked to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival.
'As a gay man, I must decline,' he wrote in his reply, which was made public by the campaigning group GLAAD.
Must decline: Wentworth Miller, shown in
September 2010 at a film premiere in Japan, announced he was gay on
Wednesday as he declined an invitation to a Russian film festival due to
that country's discriminatory laws against gays
'I am deeply troubled by
the current attitude toward and treatment of gay men and women by the
Russian government,' Wentworth added in his letter.
situation is in no way acceptable, and I cannot in good conscience
participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people
like myself are being systematically denied their basic right to live
and love openly,' he said.
Wentworth said if circumstances improved he would be free to make a different choice - adding that he had 'a degree of Russian
ancestry' and had enjoyed past visits to the country previously.
Television star: Wentworth, shown at left in
2005 on Prison Break and right in 2010 in Resident Evil: Afterlife, was
championed for taking a stance
The actor was immediately praised by gay rights advocates.
bold show of support sends a powerful message to LGBT Russians, who are
facing extreme violence and persecution: you are not alone,' said GLAAD
spokesperson Wilson Cruz in reference to the country's lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender community.
people from across the globe continue to speak out against Russia's
horrific law, more celebrities and corporations should follow his
courageous lead in openly condemning Russia's anti-LGBT law,' he added.
Major announcement: Wentworth, shown in March 2008, said he could not in good conscience attend the Russian film festival
Russian President Vladimir Putin in July signed a law banning the adoption of Russian-born children by gay couples.
in June signed another bill that classified 'homosexual propaganda' as
pornography and provides for fines and arrest for those making it
accessible to minors.
A law passed in 2012 also banned public gay pride events in Moscow for the next 100 years.
The Russian laws have sparked protests in the US where some gay rights advocates have poured Russian vodka in the streets.
The laws also have caused some concern among athlethes who will be heading to Russia for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2399432/Wentworth-Miller-comes-gay-Prison-Break-star-makes-stand-Russias-new-anti-gay-laws.html#ixzz2cmlgowwO
Monday, August 19, 2013
第四张是在反映黑市里器官贩卖的现象, 而受害者都是来至贫穷国家的孩子
第六张是在反映孩童痴肥, 间接谴责大牌连锁快餐店.
Friday, August 16, 2013
癌症在几十年前早就有解了,只是真相一直被隐瞒, 直到因特网的发展,这个解答才渐渐流传开来。
许多医生个人对癌症的观点,与大众所认知的信息, 有如天壤地别。如果他们自己得了癌症,他们不会做化疗!
毕尔德及克雷布斯父子发现,身体内有许多细胞 还处于原生胚胎期的阶段,这些细胞是用来修复组织的,依照特别的形态遗传刺激,它们可以分化为身体的任何组织、器官、血液、或头发。当我们的身体受到损害,动情激素便会刺激这些细胞 来修复受伤的地方,修复好了则由胰腺酵素来关掉修复工程。如果没有关掉这个修复动作,这些细胞就会因不断地漫无法纪的分裂修复 而形成肿瘤或癌症。
换言之,癌症是身体自己产生的,而非外来物, 而且它可以名正言顺的以修复工程的名义来逃避免疫系统的监视。
如果免疫系统低落,又没有摄取足够的VitB17, 癌症就慢慢潜伏形成。
美国每年约有800万人住院, 其中有32万人是因为医疗意外造成, 4万人死亡,2万人永久伤害。
当然也有许多医师在其岗位上兢兢业业, 以病人的健康为第一优先。
代谢疗法也可以治疗动物的癌症,野生动物很少得癌症, 现代人饲养的动物因为饮食没有足够的VitB17,所以容易罹癌。常见猫狗生病时,他们都到外面去吃草, 这是动物的本能,我们人类的本能呢?
克雷布斯Dr. Krebs博士建议成人每日10粒来预防癌症,每日30-50粒为癌症病人的营养补充品。
少数癌症病人吃了杏仁会有恶心反应, 诊疗中心建议减少食用量,让身体适应后再渐渐增加份量。并非所有的杏仁都有效,必须是带点苦味, 才表示确实含有Vit! B17,例如中药中的北杏即含有B17。
其它含有B17的食物还包括:小米millet、荞麦buckwhear、夏威夷豆macadamia nuts、竹笋、绿豆、利马豆、青豆、某些品种的豌豆等等。
化学合成的维生素C可能有问题,所以最好从食物中摄取,或购买天然植物提炼的维生素C 。医师要求他的病人吃素及改变饮食习惯,不准吃肉,他认为病人已经缺乏胰脏酵素了,不能再吃肉来消耗更多的胰脏酵素,缺乏胰岛酵素,癌症细胞就可以躲过免疫系统的监视。
如果他的病人偷偷吃肉、或回家后继续原来不正常的饮食习惯, 癌症就会复发,病人又回来找他。
如果来得及,他再使用VitB17及代谢疗法治疗病人,病情又好转回家,通常病人这时真的学乖了。不敢再吃动物制品! 古老的中国、希腊、罗马和阿拉伯医生, 用苦杏仁酐治肿瘤,中医传统上用苦杏仁的剂量是3-9公克冲泡,因苦杏仁有毒性,过量可中毒致死。
癌症为慢性代谢疾病是无庸置疑的。 它不是由病毒或细菌所引发的传染病,而是源于代谢问题,和身体的食物利用有关。大多数的代谢病主要基于食物中缺乏某种特定的维生素物质。
由于饮食中缺乏这种抗癌变的VitB17, 我们的社会每三个家庭就有一个人得癌症。
慢性及代谢病永远无法从身体之生物经验以外的药物来控制、 预防或治疗。
当我们吃得少,头脑就会清楚一些; 反之,饱食终日后,人就开始胡思乱想,造成生理、心理及灵性的困扰。
许多医生个人对癌症的观点,与大众所认知的信息, 有如天壤地别。如果他们自己得了癌症,他们不会做化疗!
毕尔德及克雷布斯父子发现,身体内有许多细胞 还处于原生胚胎期的阶段,这些细胞是用来修复组织的,依照特别的形态遗传刺激,它们可以分化为身体的任何组织、器官、血液、或头发。当我们的身体受到损害,动情激素便会刺激这些细胞 来修复受伤的地方,修复好了则由胰腺酵素来关掉修复工程。如果没有关掉这个修复动作,这些细胞就会因不断地漫无法纪的分裂修复 而形成肿瘤或癌症。
换言之,癌症是身体自己产生的,而非外来物, 而且它可以名正言顺的以修复工程的名义来逃避免疫系统的监视。
如果免疫系统低落,又没有摄取足够的VitB17, 癌症就慢慢潜伏形成。
美国每年约有800万人住院, 其中有32万人是因为医疗意外造成, 4万人死亡,2万人永久伤害。
当然也有许多医师在其岗位上兢兢业业, 以病人的健康为第一优先。
代谢疗法也可以治疗动物的癌症,野生动物很少得癌症, 现代人饲养的动物因为饮食没有足够的VitB17,所以容易罹癌。常见猫狗生病时,他们都到外面去吃草, 这是动物的本能,我们人类的本能呢?
克雷布斯Dr. Krebs博士建议成人每日10粒来预防癌症,每日30-50粒为癌症病人的营养补充品。
少数癌症病人吃了杏仁会有恶心反应, 诊疗中心建议减少食用量,让身体适应后再渐渐增加份量。并非所有的杏仁都有效,必须是带点苦味, 才表示确实含有Vit! B17,例如中药中的北杏即含有B17。
其它含有B17的食物还包括:小米millet、荞麦buckwhear、夏威夷豆macadamia nuts、竹笋、绿豆、利马豆、青豆、某些品种的豌豆等等。
化学合成的维生素C可能有问题,所以最好从食物中摄取,或购买天然植物提炼的维生素C 。医师要求他的病人吃素及改变饮食习惯,不准吃肉,他认为病人已经缺乏胰脏酵素了,不能再吃肉来消耗更多的胰脏酵素,缺乏胰岛酵素,癌症细胞就可以躲过免疫系统的监视。
如果他的病人偷偷吃肉、或回家后继续原来不正常的饮食习惯, 癌症就会复发,病人又回来找他。
如果来得及,他再使用VitB17及代谢疗法治疗病人,病情又好转回家,通常病人这时真的学乖了。不敢再吃动物制品! 古老的中国、希腊、罗马和阿拉伯医生, 用苦杏仁酐治肿瘤,中医传统上用苦杏仁的剂量是3-9公克冲泡,因苦杏仁有毒性,过量可中毒致死。
癌症为慢性代谢疾病是无庸置疑的。 它不是由病毒或细菌所引发的传染病,而是源于代谢问题,和身体的食物利用有关。大多数的代谢病主要基于食物中缺乏某种特定的维生素物质。
由于饮食中缺乏这种抗癌变的VitB17, 我们的社会每三个家庭就有一个人得癌症。
慢性及代谢病永远无法从身体之生物经验以外的药物来控制、 预防或治疗。
当我们吃得少,头脑就会清楚一些; 反之,饱食终日后,人就开始胡思乱想,造成生理、心理及灵性的困扰。
Top 12 Worst Dog Food Brands
Many pet food companies
use the cheapest ingredients they can find. Whether it comes from dead
diseased animals, road kill, or euthanized pets from shelters. These
ingredients are not suitable for human consumption. Do you really want
to feed your dog this? Learn to read ingredients. Or go with a canned
dog food with less fillers and more nutrition. Feeding these foods will
shorten the life of your dog, cause many horrible diseases, seizures,
joint issues, and will be sick more often.
Below is a listing of some of the popular or inexpensive brands that contain harmful, unnecessary and outright dangerous ingredients which are highlighted in red. Not all bad ingredients are in red. (Read at bottom of this page for more) This is not a complete list; unfortunately there are many more brands on the market. Each manufacturer’s website offers a complete ingredient listing and nutritional value analysis of their products. If a specific brand of food is not listed here it does not mean it is bad or good, just check the brand’s website and read the ingredients.
Feeding your pet the same food everyday of its life, will cause many issues. (Liver and kidney failure, diabetes, arthritis and many other illnesses.) These pet foods are lacking certain nutrients. Also many of the ingredients are sourced from China. DO NOT FEED YOUR PET PRODUCTS FROM CHINA! (Includes treats, chew bones, etc.) Buy grain-free to help eliminate allergic reactions. Remember, the top 5 ingredients are the very most important. If they are not good, then you shouldn't feed your pet that.
Dry Foods offer no nutritional value. Canned is better due to more moisture content as it still holds some nutrients.
The best diet you can feed your dog is a Raw diet. Veterinarians were not taught about good nutrition in college. So do your homework. Find a good holistic vet or animal nutritionist that is educated in nutrition. Whatever you do, remember, this is your furry family member. It is your responsibility as a pet parent to give the best foods you can provide to extend his/her quality of life. Which means less visits to the vet.
DOGS ARE CARNIVORES: following the long ancestral history as canids. Pet Food Companies have people believing otherwise since humans eat veggies and fruits so beware.
These foods below have corn as the main ingredient. Use these examples as a comparative guide to what you should not be feeding your dog.
Most of the foods listed below have killed dogs and still are to date!
Below is a listing of some of the popular or inexpensive brands that contain harmful, unnecessary and outright dangerous ingredients which are highlighted in red. Not all bad ingredients are in red. (Read at bottom of this page for more) This is not a complete list; unfortunately there are many more brands on the market. Each manufacturer’s website offers a complete ingredient listing and nutritional value analysis of their products. If a specific brand of food is not listed here it does not mean it is bad or good, just check the brand’s website and read the ingredients.
Feeding your pet the same food everyday of its life, will cause many issues. (Liver and kidney failure, diabetes, arthritis and many other illnesses.) These pet foods are lacking certain nutrients. Also many of the ingredients are sourced from China. DO NOT FEED YOUR PET PRODUCTS FROM CHINA! (Includes treats, chew bones, etc.) Buy grain-free to help eliminate allergic reactions. Remember, the top 5 ingredients are the very most important. If they are not good, then you shouldn't feed your pet that.
Dry Foods offer no nutritional value. Canned is better due to more moisture content as it still holds some nutrients.
The best diet you can feed your dog is a Raw diet. Veterinarians were not taught about good nutrition in college. So do your homework. Find a good holistic vet or animal nutritionist that is educated in nutrition. Whatever you do, remember, this is your furry family member. It is your responsibility as a pet parent to give the best foods you can provide to extend his/her quality of life. Which means less visits to the vet.
DOGS ARE CARNIVORES: following the long ancestral history as canids. Pet Food Companies have people believing otherwise since humans eat veggies and fruits so beware.
These foods below have corn as the main ingredient. Use these examples as a comparative guide to what you should not be feeding your dog.
Most of the foods listed below have killed dogs and still are to date!
BENEFUL BY PURINA (This food is killing dogs.)
Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, corn gluten meal, whole wheat flour, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), rice flour, beef, soy flour, sugar, propylene glycol, meat and bone meal, tricalcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, salt, water, animal digest, sorbic acid (a preservative), potassium chloride, dried carrots, dried peas, calcium propionate (a preservative), L-Lysine monohydrochloride, choline chloride, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 2), DL-Methionine, Vitamin E supplement, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, Vitamin B-12 supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin D-3 supplement, *menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), calcium iodate, folic acid, biotin, sodium selenite.
Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, corn gluten meal, whole wheat flour, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), rice flour, beef, soy flour, sugar, propylene glycol, meat and bone meal, tricalcium phosphate, phosphoric acid, salt, water, animal digest, sorbic acid (a preservative), potassium chloride, dried carrots, dried peas, calcium propionate (a preservative), L-Lysine monohydrochloride, choline chloride, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 2), DL-Methionine, Vitamin E supplement, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, Vitamin B-12 supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin D-3 supplement, *menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), calcium iodate, folic acid, biotin, sodium selenite.
ground yellow corn, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, beef tallow preserved with mixed tocopherols (form of vitamin E), corn gluten meal, animal digest, salt, L-lysine monohydrochloride, potassium chloride, zinc sulfate, vitamin E supplement, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 2 and Yellow 6), choline chloride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, niacin, vitamin A supplement, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin D3 supplement, riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin and sodium selenite.
ground yellow corn, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, beef tallow preserved with mixed tocopherols (form of vitamin E), corn gluten meal, animal digest, salt, L-lysine monohydrochloride, potassium chloride, zinc sulfate, vitamin E supplement, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 2 and Yellow 6), choline chloride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, niacin, vitamin A supplement, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin D3 supplement, riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin and sodium selenite.
OL ROY From WALMART (Killing dogs)
Ground yellow corn, soybean meal, ground whole wheat, corn syrup, poultry fat, Meat and bone meal, Animal Fat Preserved with BHA and Citric Acid, Chicken by-product meal, Rice, Animal Digest, Salt, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin D and E Supplement, Niacin, Copper Sulafate, Manganous Oxide, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate,*menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), Calcium Iodate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, Cobalt Carbonate, Folic Acid, Sodium Selenite.
Ground yellow corn, soybean meal, ground whole wheat, corn syrup, poultry fat, Meat and bone meal, Animal Fat Preserved with BHA and Citric Acid, Chicken by-product meal, Rice, Animal Digest, Salt, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin D and E Supplement, Niacin, Copper Sulafate, Manganous Oxide, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate,*menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), Calcium Iodate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, Cobalt Carbonate, Folic Acid, Sodium Selenite.
Corn, soybean meal, beef and bone meal, ground wheat flour, animal fat – bha used as preservative, corn syrup, wheat middlings, water sufficient for processing, animal digest (source of chicken flavor), propylene glycol, salt, hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, caramel color, sorbic acid (used as a preservative), sodium carbonate, minerals (ferrous sulfate, zinc oxide, manganous oxide, copper sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), choline chloride, vitamins (vitamin E supplement, vitamin A supplement, niacin supplement, D-calcium pantothenate, riboflavin supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement), calcium sulfate, titanium dioxide, yellow 5, yellow 6, red 40, BHA (used as a preservative), dl methionine.
Corn, soybean meal, beef and bone meal, ground wheat flour, animal fat – bha used as preservative, corn syrup, wheat middlings, water sufficient for processing, animal digest (source of chicken flavor), propylene glycol, salt, hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride, caramel color, sorbic acid (used as a preservative), sodium carbonate, minerals (ferrous sulfate, zinc oxide, manganous oxide, copper sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), choline chloride, vitamins (vitamin E supplement, vitamin A supplement, niacin supplement, D-calcium pantothenate, riboflavin supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement), calcium sulfate, titanium dioxide, yellow 5, yellow 6, red 40, BHA (used as a preservative), dl methionine.
Whole grain corn, poultry by-product meal, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), corn gluten meal, meat and bone meal, brewers rice, soybean meal, barley, whole grain wheat, animal digest, calcium carbonate, salt, calcium phosphate, potassium chloride, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, zinc proteinate, ferrous sulfate, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 2, Yellow 6), DL-Methionine, manganese sulfate, manganese proteinate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, copper proteinate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Vitamin B-12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, Vitamin D-3 supplement, riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin, sodium selenite.
Whole grain corn, poultry by-product meal, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), corn gluten meal, meat and bone meal, brewers rice, soybean meal, barley, whole grain wheat, animal digest, calcium carbonate, salt, calcium phosphate, potassium chloride, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, zinc proteinate, ferrous sulfate, added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 2, Yellow 6), DL-Methionine, manganese sulfate, manganese proteinate, niacin, Vitamin A supplement, copper sulfate, calcium pantothenate, copper proteinate, garlic oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Vitamin B-12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, Vitamin D-3 supplement, riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), folic acid, biotin, sodium selenite.
PEDIGREE Adult Complete Nutrition Beef Flavor Dry Dog Food (killing dogs)
Ground Whole Corn, Meat and Bone Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Animal Fat (preserved with BHA/BHT), Wheat Mill Run, Ground Wheat, Natural Poultry Flavor, Wheat Flour, Salt, Potassium Chloride, Caramel Color, Vegetable Oil (Source of Linoleic Acid), Rice, Wheat Gluten, Vitamins (Choline Chloride, dl-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate [Source of Vitamin E], L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate [Source of Vitamin C*], Vitamin A Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate [Vitamin B1], Biotin, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement [Vitamin B2], Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement), Minerals (Zinc Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Potassium Iodide), Added FD&C and Lake Colors (Yellow 6, Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5).
HILL'S SCIENCE DIET Small & Toy Breed Adult Dog Food
Chicken Meal, Whole Grain Wheat, Brewers Rice, Whole Grain Sorghum, Soybean Meal, Cracked Pearled Barley, Animal Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols and Citric Acid), Liver Flavor, Soybean Oil, Flaxseed, Lactic Acid, Dried Carrots, Dried Spinach, Dried Grape Pomace, Dried Tomato Pomace, Dried Citrus Pulp, Iodized Salt, Oat Fiber, Choline Chloride, vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), Niacin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), Taurine, Potassium Chloride, Mixed Tocopherols added to retain freshness, Citric Acid added to retain freshness, Phosphoric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.
Chicken Meal, Whole Grain Wheat, Brewers Rice, Whole Grain Sorghum, Soybean Meal, Cracked Pearled Barley, Animal Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols and Citric Acid), Liver Flavor, Soybean Oil, Flaxseed, Lactic Acid, Dried Carrots, Dried Spinach, Dried Grape Pomace, Dried Tomato Pomace, Dried Citrus Pulp, Iodized Salt, Oat Fiber, Choline Chloride, vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), Niacin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 Supplement), minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite), Taurine, Potassium Chloride, Mixed Tocopherols added to retain freshness, Citric Acid added to retain freshness, Phosphoric Acid, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.
KAL KAN Complete Adult Dog Food
Ground yellow corn, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, ground wheat, chicken by-product meal, animal fat (preserved with BHA and citric acid, source of Omega-6 Fatty Acids), wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, natural flavor, salt, dl-methionine, potassium chloride, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, niacin, manganous oxide, Vitamin A supplement, biotin, d-calcium pantothenate, Vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, folic acid, cobalt carbonate, Vitamin D3 supplement.
Ground yellow corn, meat and bone meal, soybean meal, ground wheat, chicken by-product meal, animal fat (preserved with BHA and citric acid, source of Omega-6 Fatty Acids), wheat middlings, corn gluten meal, natural flavor, salt, dl-methionine, potassium chloride, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, niacin, manganous oxide, Vitamin A supplement, biotin, d-calcium pantothenate, Vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), riboflavin supplement, calcium iodate, folic acid, cobalt carbonate, Vitamin D3 supplement.
PURINA ONE Lamb & Rice Dry Dog Food (Pro Plan is almost the same ingredients)
Lamb [Natural Source of Glucosamine], Brewers Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Whole Grain Corn, Poultry By-Product Meal [Natural Source of Glucosamine], Oat Meal, Animal Fat Preserved With Mixed-Tocopherols [Form of Vitamin E], Lamb Meal, Animal Digest, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Phosphate, Salt, Caramel Color, L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Choline Chloride, Zinc Sulfate,E Ferrous Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Niacin, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Copper Sulfate, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Garlic Oil, Folic Acid, Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Biotin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex [Source of Vitamin K Activity], Sodium Selenite.
Lamb [Natural Source of Glucosamine], Brewers Rice, Corn Gluten Meal, Whole Grain Corn, Poultry By-Product Meal [Natural Source of Glucosamine], Oat Meal, Animal Fat Preserved With Mixed-Tocopherols [Form of Vitamin E], Lamb Meal, Animal Digest, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Phosphate, Salt, Caramel Color, L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Choline Chloride, Zinc Sulfate,E Ferrous Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Niacin, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Copper Sulfate, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Garlic Oil, Folic Acid, Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Biotin, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex [Source of Vitamin K Activity], Sodium Selenite.
Iams® Veterinary Formula™ Weight Loss/Mobility Plus Restricted-Calorie™
Corn Grits, Chicken By-Product Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Flavor, Fish Meal, Dried Egg Product, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Brewers Dried Yeast, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Fish Oil (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin A Acetate, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement (source of vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Dicalcium Phosphate, Choline Chloride, Flax Meal, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate), DL-Methionine, Ethoxyquin (a preservative), L-Carnitine, Rosemary Extract.
Corn Grits, Chicken By-Product Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Flavor, Fish Meal, Dried Egg Product, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Brewers Dried Yeast, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Fish Oil (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin A Acetate, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement (source of vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Dicalcium Phosphate, Choline Chloride, Flax Meal, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate), DL-Methionine, Ethoxyquin (a preservative), L-Carnitine, Rosemary Extract.
GRAVY TRAIN Dog Food - Beef Flavor
Corn, soybean meal, beef and bone meal, animal fat, animal digest, salt, cellulose gum, caramel color, potassium chloride, bone phosphate, choline chloride, minerals (ferrous sulfate, zinc oxide, manganous oxide, copper sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), pantothenate, riboflavin supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamin mononitrate, vitamin A supplement, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, vitamin D3 supplement), dried beef stock, red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6, blue 2, BHA (preservative), tocopherols (preservative), citric acid (preservative).
Corn, soybean meal, beef and bone meal, animal fat, animal digest, salt, cellulose gum, caramel color, potassium chloride, bone phosphate, choline chloride, minerals (ferrous sulfate, zinc oxide, manganous oxide, copper sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), pantothenate, riboflavin supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamin mononitrate, vitamin A supplement, folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, vitamin D3 supplement), dried beef stock, red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6, blue 2, BHA (preservative), tocopherols (preservative), citric acid (preservative).
EUKANUBA Adult Maintenence
Chicken, Chicken By-Product Meal, Corn Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Brewers Rice, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Chicken Flavor, Dried Egg Product, Fish Oil (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Potassium Chloride, Salt, Flax Meal, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Fructooligosaccharides, Choline Chloride, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate), DL-Methionine, Vitamins (Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement (source of vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin E Supplement, Brewers Dried Yeast, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.
Chicken, Chicken By-Product Meal, Corn Meal, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Brewers Rice, Ground Whole Grain Barley, Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Chicken Flavor, Dried Egg Product, Fish Oil (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of Vitamin E), Potassium Chloride, Salt, Flax Meal, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Fructooligosaccharides, Choline Chloride, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate), DL-Methionine, Vitamins (Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 Supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement (source of vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin E Supplement, Brewers Dried Yeast, Beta-Carotene, Rosemary Extract.
this is not considered a dry or wet food, I would still like to add
this into one of the worst foods on the market. It needs attention
brought to it.
Purina Moist & Meaty Burger with Cheddar Cheese Flavor Dog Food
Beef, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Soybean Grits, Soybean Flour, Water, Wheat Flour, Corn Syrup,
Calcium Carbonate, Brewers Condensed Solubles, Phosphoric Acid, Salt,
Sorbic Acid (added to prevent spoilage), Dried Cheese Powder
(predominantly cheddar cheese), Calcium Propionate- (added to prevent spoilage), DL-Methionine, Choline Chloride, Added Color (Yellow 6, Red 40, Yellow 5 and other color), Zinc Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, Vitamin Supplements (E, B-12, A, D-3), Ethoxyquin (a preservative), Riboflavin
Supplement, Manganese Sulfate, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Copper
Sulfate, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Folic Acid, Pyridoxine
Hydrochloride, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex (source of vitamin K activity), Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite.
may see ads throughout this site suggesting a dog food that is on my
top worst lists. These are ads and not in my control and I have nothing
to do with them.
WHEAT FLOUR -Wheat is the leading cause of dog allergies.
Absolutely useless with no nutritional value. This is the fine
particles of wheat bran, wheat germ, and the offal from the “tail of the
mill.” “Tail of the mill” means the floor sweepings of leftovers in the
mill after everything has been processed from the wheat.
GROUND YELLOW CORN and CORN GLUTEN MEAL-Full of GMO's and a major reason for allergies in pets as well as causing serious health issues. This is used for a filler and is a useless ingredient in pet foods and is difficult for pets to digest.
FOOD FRAGMENTS – (filler/fiber source/carbohydrate source): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENTS
Low cost by-products and leftovers from another food manufacturing process. Examples include WHEAT MIDDLINGS AND SHORTS, (floor sweepings), WHEAT GERM MEAL, WHEAT BRAN and BREWER’S RICE (a waste product of the alcohol industry).
Also avoid fragments which are labeled POTATO PRODUCT, MIDDLINGS/MIDS or MILL RUN of any kind.
Unspecified grain sources like :CEREAL FOOD FINES, CORN BRAN, OAT HULLS, RICE HULLS, PEANUT HULLS, DISTILLERS GRAIN FERMENTATION SOLUBLES, and last but not least CELLULOSE (which is wood which is dried and ground up)
SOYBEAN MEAL-Soybean meal also known as Soyabean Oil Cake is a solid residue bi-product, flour, created after grinding the soybean to extract soybean oil. It is widely used as a filler and source of protein in animal diets, including pig, chicken, cattle, horse, sheep, and fish feed. Fillers are only used for adding cheap priced ingredients into foods. Also soybean is full of GMO's. All soybean products should be avoided for pet foods.
SOY FLOUR – (filler/carbohydrate): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENT
A cheap allergy-causing ingredient used as filler. This is the leftover “dust” after the healthy cleaned and de-hulled soybeans are processed; sometimes even sweepings from the factory floor.
A byproduct made from beef parts which are not suitable for human consumption. It can incorporate the entire cow, including the bones, but the quality cuts of meat are always removed. This is an inexpensive, low quality ingredient used to boost the protein percentage.
Pet grade meat by-products consist of organs and parts either not desired, or condemned, for human consumption. This can include bones, blood, intestines, lungs, ligaments, heads, feet, and feathers. – This can also include the dreaded 4 D’s – (Dead, dying, diseased or dying prior to slaughter). The animal parts used can be obtained from any source, so there is no control over quality or contamination. Any kind of animal can be included: goats, pigs, horses, rats, misc. road kill, animals euthanized at shelters and more. It can also include pus, cancerous tissue, and decomposed (spoiled) tissue.
A cheap substitute for whole grain rice.
A byproduct made from beef parts which are not suitable for human consumption. It can incorporate the entire cow, including the bones, but the quality cuts of meat are always removed. This is an inexpensive, low quality ingredient used to boost the protein percentage.
Beef tallow is added to make lower quality dog foods palatable, instead of using quality fat sources such as nutritionally-rich chicken fat, or human grade vegetable oil.
ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS -Dead, diseased, Euthanized from shelters or road kill animals. You can never know the source of the meat used to make generic by-product meals. This ingredient should be avoided.
Unspecified parts of unspecified animals which are cooked to a goopy broth (rendered) and used as a spray-on or added directly to the food. The grease that rises to the top is used as a source of fat and the rest of the mash is dried and used as “meat meal”. No quality control is used and this can include “4-D animals” (dead, diseased, disabled, or dying prior to slaughter), goats, pigs, horses, rats, misc. road-kill, animals euthanized at shelters, restaurant and supermarket refuse, etc.
ABOUT THE RENDERING PROCESS: All these undesirable ingredients & by products are “denatured” before rendering. Denaturing is spraying crude carbolic acid, cresylic disinfectant or citronella on these dregs. ( *NOTE: THESE DENATURING PRODUCTS ARE TOXIC.)
Used in antifreeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. May be toxic if consumed in large amounts, and should definitely not be an ingredient in a food an animal will eat daily for weeks, months or even years of its life. This is not allowed for use in Europe as the findings have shown it to be dangerous.
BHA (Butylated Hydroxysanisole), BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), and ETHOXYQUIN (Preservatives)
Banned from human use in many countries but still permitted in the US. Possible human carcinogen, apparently carcinogenic in animal experiments.
Ethoxyquin has also been used as a pesticide for fruit. It has never been proven to be safe for the lifespan of a companion animal.
It has been linked to thyroid, kidney, reproductive and immune related illnesses as well as cancer.
Used in Kibbles n Bits dog food – I really can’t find out why they use it but it is a caustic chemical agent used in the production of chlorides, fertilizers, and dyes. Hydrochloric acid can cause immediate pain and burns of the mouth, throat, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. Simple common sense would indicate not to use this as a pet food ingredient!
This synthetic version of vitamin K has not been specifically approved for long term use, such as in pet food. It has been linked to many serious health issues. Please note, it sounds like one of the healthy vitamins, but beware.
The MSDS guide states :
“Potential Chronic Health Effects:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: 3 (Not classifiable for humans) by IARC.
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
The substance is toxic to kidneys, lungs, liver, and mucous membranes.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.”
Phosphoric Acid
A clear colorless liquid, H3PO4, used in fertilizers, detergents, food flavoring, and pharmaceuticals.
A harmless but unnecessary ingredient, used in inexpensive, poor quality dog food as flavoring, emulsifier and discoloration inhibitor. Used for example as a flavoring for Coca Cola.
Beet Pulp -Pure sugar filler -- leads to weight gain, hyperactivity and feeds arthritis.
Beets -Implies whole beet is more nutritious than beet pulp alone but still contains sugar which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, hyperactivity.
Sodium Carbonate - Neutralizer for rancid fats, similar to lye.
Dried Cellulose- Very harsh on digestive tract, suspected to include cardboard or peanut hulls.
Sodium Nitrite (for color retention) -Potentially highly carcinogenic.
Sodium Phosphate -Non-digestible source of phosphorous (vital to maintaining acid/alkalinity pH).
Sodium Tripolyphosphate -Used as rancid meat preservative.
Salt/Sodium Chloride
An Ingredient that does not belong in pet foods. Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension -- used to encourage pets to drink.
Tetra Sodium Pyrophosphate-Is a rust stain remover used in cleaning products (TSP)!!!! Why is it in food? Emulsification of rendered animal fats! Very toxic, causes nausea and diarrhea.
Smoke flavor-Indicates flavor which can potentially become carcinogenic, retards bacteria on rancid meat.
Manganous Oxide Calcium Iodate -Often used in bleaching tallow.
Iron Oxide -Can be cultivated from rust!
L-alanine-Non-essential amino acid used as supplement in heavy grain-based foods but causes cancer in lab mice.
Liver -Non-descriptive source can include any mammal tissue, too much liver can become toxic to the body when used in dry foods, used as flavor, minimal source of iron.
L-lysine monohydrochloride -Poor source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), cheaper to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods.
Lysine -Indicates heavy soy-based food which dogs can die from unless they have lysine to help digest it, best to avoid this diet unless soy is missing.
Modified Starch -Cheap source of carbohydrates, filler, causes digestive upset.
Modified Food Starch -Non-descript source can be from any grain, causes allergies, weight gain and poor digestion, filler.
Sorbic Acid (a preservative) -A mold and yeast inhibitor.
Powdered Cellulose -Cheap filler/source of fiber, suspected to include cardboard, causes irritable bowel problems.
Propionic Acid (a preservative) -Potentially harmful mold inhibitor.
Glycerin or Glycerine -Sweetens food, used as humectant (keeps food moist), interferes with nutrient assimilation.
Glycine -Non-essential amino acid used as antacid, indicates very poor quality food.
Phosphoric Acid -A sequestering agent for rendered animal fats -- implies poor quality fats are used, source of phosphorous.
Calcium Chloride-Used as a source of calcium but can cause digestive upset, heart issues.
Calcium Propionate (a preservative) -Chemical. Potentially carcinogenic, antifungal.
Calcium Sulfate -Plaster of Paris! Firming agent.
Vegetable Oil-Non-descriptive source of fat, contains unsaturated fat which is hard on the body, causes premature aging.
Brewers Dried Yeast -Waste product (used for flavoring, protein, B-vitamins) which can become very toxic to the liver and causes allergies and arthritis.
Yeast Culture -Flavoring, source of protein, potentially toxic to the liver.
Magnesium Oxide -Has caused tumors in lab rats, antacid.
Egg Product -Cheap source of protein, waste product of egg industry, free of shell.
Synthetic vitamin E, also listed as Dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
Only about half as effective as natural vitamin E and not as readily available to the body.
Dicalcium Phosphate-Can become toxic to body -- texturizer in can food.
Dried Whey-Can encourage allergies, cheap protein source from cow's milk.
Dicalcium Phosphate-Can become toxic to body -- texturizer in can food.
Garlic/Garlic Oil-Deadly to pets if given on a daily basis. Can cause organ failure.
Salmon/Salmon Oil/Herring -A source of protein and fatty acids which can add mercury to the diet.
)Do not need to give on a daily basis due to toxicity of mercury in fish)
COLORING (Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Titanium Dioxide): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENT
Any coloring is completely unnecessary and should be avoided. Your dog doesn’t care about the pretty colored shapes, and artificial dyes and coloring agents are known cancer-causing agents, and also cause allergies. Used in “junk dog food”.
Titanium Dioxide -Potentially carcinogenic artificial color used as white pigment and dough conditioner.
Blue 2 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 is principally the disodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-5-sulfo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)- 2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid with smaller amounts of the disodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-7-sulfo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid and the sodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid. Additionally, FD&C Blue No. 2 is obtained by heating indigo (or indigo paste) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The color additive is isolated and subjected to purification procedures. The indigo (or indigo paste) used above is manufactured by the fusion of N-phenylglycine (prepared from aniline and formaldehyde) in a molten mixture of sodamide and sodium and potassium hydroxides under ammonia pressure. The indigo is isolated and subjected to purification procedures prior to sulfonation.
The largest study suggested, but did not prove, that this dye caused brain tumors in male mice. The FDA concluded that there is "reasonable certainty of no harm", but personally I'd rather avoid this ingredient and err on the side of caution.
Red 40 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Red No. 40 is principally the disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid.
The most widely used food dye. While this is one of the most-tested food dyes, the key mouse tests were flawed and inconclusive. An FDA review committee acknowledged problems, but said evidence of harm was not "consistent" or "substantial." Like other dyes, Red 40 is used mainly in junk foods. Personally I'd rather avoid this ingredient and err on the side of caution.
Yellow 5 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Yellow No. 5 is principally the trisodium salt of 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4- [4-sulfophenyl-azo]-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (CAS Reg. No. 1934-21- 0). To manufacture the additive, 4-amino-benzenesulfonic acid is diazotized using hydrochloric acid and sodium nitrite. The diazo compound is coupled with 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid or with the methyl ester, the ethyl ester, or a salt of this carboxylic acid. The resulting dye is purified and isolated as the sodium salt.
The second most widely used coloring can cause mild allergic reactions, primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons.
Yellow 6 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Yellow No. 6 is principally the disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 2783-94-0). The trisodium salt of 3-hydroxy-4-[(4- sulfophenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid may be added in small amounts. The color additive is manufactured by diazotizing 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid using hydrochloric acid and sodium nitrite or sulfuric acid and sodium nitrite. The diazo compound is coupled with 6-hydroxy-2-naphthalene-sulfonic acid. The dye is isolated as the sodium salt and dried. The trisodium salt of 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid which may be blended with the principal color is prepared in the same manner except the diazo benzenesulfonic acid is coupled with 3-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid.
Industry-sponsored animal tests indicated that this dye, the third most widely used, causes tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. In addition, small amounts of several carcinogens contaminate Yellow 6. However, the FDA reviewed those data and found reasons to conclude that Yellow 6 does not pose a significant cancer risk to humans. Yellow 6 may also cause occasional allergic reactions. Another ingredient I would rather avoid and err on the side of caution rather than risking my pet's health.
Cane Molasses
AAFCO: A by-product of the manufacture of sucrose from sugar cane. It must contain not less than 43% total sugars expressed as invert.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Corn Syrup
A syrup prepared from cornstarch, used in industry and in numerous food products as a sweetener.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Fructose/ High Fructose Corn Syrup
A very sweet sugar, C6H12O6, occurring in many fruits and honey and used as a preservative for food and as an intravenous nutrient.
A monosaccharide found naturally in fresh fruit and honey. It is obtained by the inversion of sucrose by means of the enzyme invertase. Used in small quantities it serves as a nutrient for probiotics, specifically bifidobacteria, which ferment it and produce beneficial enzymes.
A white, sweetish, crystalline alcohol, C6H8(OH)6, found in various berries and fruits or prepared synthetically and used as a flavoring agent, a sugar substitute for people with diabetes, and a moisturizer in cosmetics and other products.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier. Dl-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate.
Sugar, cane molasses, caramel, corn syrup in any form, sorbitol, sucrose, fructose, glucose, ammoniated glycyrrhizin. Useless, unnecessary and adds empty calories. Bad ingredients used by companies to make food more palatable to the animal. Used to cover up rotten and rancid foods, and is known to cause hyperglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies.
GROUND YELLOW CORN and CORN GLUTEN MEAL-Full of GMO's and a major reason for allergies in pets as well as causing serious health issues. This is used for a filler and is a useless ingredient in pet foods and is difficult for pets to digest.
FOOD FRAGMENTS – (filler/fiber source/carbohydrate source): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENTS
Low cost by-products and leftovers from another food manufacturing process. Examples include WHEAT MIDDLINGS AND SHORTS, (floor sweepings), WHEAT GERM MEAL, WHEAT BRAN and BREWER’S RICE (a waste product of the alcohol industry).
Also avoid fragments which are labeled POTATO PRODUCT, MIDDLINGS/MIDS or MILL RUN of any kind.
Unspecified grain sources like :CEREAL FOOD FINES, CORN BRAN, OAT HULLS, RICE HULLS, PEANUT HULLS, DISTILLERS GRAIN FERMENTATION SOLUBLES, and last but not least CELLULOSE (which is wood which is dried and ground up)
SOYBEAN MEAL-Soybean meal also known as Soyabean Oil Cake is a solid residue bi-product, flour, created after grinding the soybean to extract soybean oil. It is widely used as a filler and source of protein in animal diets, including pig, chicken, cattle, horse, sheep, and fish feed. Fillers are only used for adding cheap priced ingredients into foods. Also soybean is full of GMO's. All soybean products should be avoided for pet foods.
SOY FLOUR – (filler/carbohydrate): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENT
A cheap allergy-causing ingredient used as filler. This is the leftover “dust” after the healthy cleaned and de-hulled soybeans are processed; sometimes even sweepings from the factory floor.
A byproduct made from beef parts which are not suitable for human consumption. It can incorporate the entire cow, including the bones, but the quality cuts of meat are always removed. This is an inexpensive, low quality ingredient used to boost the protein percentage.
Pet grade meat by-products consist of organs and parts either not desired, or condemned, for human consumption. This can include bones, blood, intestines, lungs, ligaments, heads, feet, and feathers. – This can also include the dreaded 4 D’s – (Dead, dying, diseased or dying prior to slaughter). The animal parts used can be obtained from any source, so there is no control over quality or contamination. Any kind of animal can be included: goats, pigs, horses, rats, misc. road kill, animals euthanized at shelters and more. It can also include pus, cancerous tissue, and decomposed (spoiled) tissue.
A cheap substitute for whole grain rice.
A byproduct made from beef parts which are not suitable for human consumption. It can incorporate the entire cow, including the bones, but the quality cuts of meat are always removed. This is an inexpensive, low quality ingredient used to boost the protein percentage.
Beef tallow is added to make lower quality dog foods palatable, instead of using quality fat sources such as nutritionally-rich chicken fat, or human grade vegetable oil.
ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS -Dead, diseased, Euthanized from shelters or road kill animals. You can never know the source of the meat used to make generic by-product meals. This ingredient should be avoided.
Unspecified parts of unspecified animals which are cooked to a goopy broth (rendered) and used as a spray-on or added directly to the food. The grease that rises to the top is used as a source of fat and the rest of the mash is dried and used as “meat meal”. No quality control is used and this can include “4-D animals” (dead, diseased, disabled, or dying prior to slaughter), goats, pigs, horses, rats, misc. road-kill, animals euthanized at shelters, restaurant and supermarket refuse, etc.
ABOUT THE RENDERING PROCESS: All these undesirable ingredients & by products are “denatured” before rendering. Denaturing is spraying crude carbolic acid, cresylic disinfectant or citronella on these dregs. ( *NOTE: THESE DENATURING PRODUCTS ARE TOXIC.)
Used in antifreeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. May be toxic if consumed in large amounts, and should definitely not be an ingredient in a food an animal will eat daily for weeks, months or even years of its life. This is not allowed for use in Europe as the findings have shown it to be dangerous.
BHA (Butylated Hydroxysanisole), BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), and ETHOXYQUIN (Preservatives)
Banned from human use in many countries but still permitted in the US. Possible human carcinogen, apparently carcinogenic in animal experiments.
Ethoxyquin has also been used as a pesticide for fruit. It has never been proven to be safe for the lifespan of a companion animal.
It has been linked to thyroid, kidney, reproductive and immune related illnesses as well as cancer.
Used in Kibbles n Bits dog food – I really can’t find out why they use it but it is a caustic chemical agent used in the production of chlorides, fertilizers, and dyes. Hydrochloric acid can cause immediate pain and burns of the mouth, throat, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. Simple common sense would indicate not to use this as a pet food ingredient!
This synthetic version of vitamin K has not been specifically approved for long term use, such as in pet food. It has been linked to many serious health issues. Please note, it sounds like one of the healthy vitamins, but beware.
The MSDS guide states :
“Potential Chronic Health Effects:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: 3 (Not classifiable for humans) by IARC.
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
The substance is toxic to kidneys, lungs, liver, and mucous membranes.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.”
Phosphoric Acid
A clear colorless liquid, H3PO4, used in fertilizers, detergents, food flavoring, and pharmaceuticals.
A harmless but unnecessary ingredient, used in inexpensive, poor quality dog food as flavoring, emulsifier and discoloration inhibitor. Used for example as a flavoring for Coca Cola.
Beet Pulp -Pure sugar filler -- leads to weight gain, hyperactivity and feeds arthritis.
Beets -Implies whole beet is more nutritious than beet pulp alone but still contains sugar which can lead to weight gain, diabetes, hyperactivity.
Sodium Carbonate - Neutralizer for rancid fats, similar to lye.
Dried Cellulose- Very harsh on digestive tract, suspected to include cardboard or peanut hulls.
Sodium Nitrite (for color retention) -Potentially highly carcinogenic.
Sodium Phosphate -Non-digestible source of phosphorous (vital to maintaining acid/alkalinity pH).
Sodium Tripolyphosphate -Used as rancid meat preservative.
Salt/Sodium Chloride
An Ingredient that does not belong in pet foods. Used to cover up rancid meat and fat, can cause kidney and heart disease, hypertension -- used to encourage pets to drink.
Tetra Sodium Pyrophosphate-Is a rust stain remover used in cleaning products (TSP)!!!! Why is it in food? Emulsification of rendered animal fats! Very toxic, causes nausea and diarrhea.
Smoke flavor-Indicates flavor which can potentially become carcinogenic, retards bacteria on rancid meat.
Manganous Oxide Calcium Iodate -Often used in bleaching tallow.
Iron Oxide -Can be cultivated from rust!
L-alanine-Non-essential amino acid used as supplement in heavy grain-based foods but causes cancer in lab mice.
Liver -Non-descriptive source can include any mammal tissue, too much liver can become toxic to the body when used in dry foods, used as flavor, minimal source of iron.
L-lysine monohydrochloride -Poor source of Lysine (essential amino acid found in meat), cheaper to use for food enrichment for grain-based foods.
Lysine -Indicates heavy soy-based food which dogs can die from unless they have lysine to help digest it, best to avoid this diet unless soy is missing.
Modified Starch -Cheap source of carbohydrates, filler, causes digestive upset.
Modified Food Starch -Non-descript source can be from any grain, causes allergies, weight gain and poor digestion, filler.
Sorbic Acid (a preservative) -A mold and yeast inhibitor.
Powdered Cellulose -Cheap filler/source of fiber, suspected to include cardboard, causes irritable bowel problems.
Propionic Acid (a preservative) -Potentially harmful mold inhibitor.
Glycerin or Glycerine -Sweetens food, used as humectant (keeps food moist), interferes with nutrient assimilation.
Glycine -Non-essential amino acid used as antacid, indicates very poor quality food.
Phosphoric Acid -A sequestering agent for rendered animal fats -- implies poor quality fats are used, source of phosphorous.
Calcium Chloride-Used as a source of calcium but can cause digestive upset, heart issues.
Calcium Propionate (a preservative) -Chemical. Potentially carcinogenic, antifungal.
Calcium Sulfate -Plaster of Paris! Firming agent.
Vegetable Oil-Non-descriptive source of fat, contains unsaturated fat which is hard on the body, causes premature aging.
Brewers Dried Yeast -Waste product (used for flavoring, protein, B-vitamins) which can become very toxic to the liver and causes allergies and arthritis.
Yeast Culture -Flavoring, source of protein, potentially toxic to the liver.
Magnesium Oxide -Has caused tumors in lab rats, antacid.
Egg Product -Cheap source of protein, waste product of egg industry, free of shell.
Synthetic vitamin E, also listed as Dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate
Only about half as effective as natural vitamin E and not as readily available to the body.
Dicalcium Phosphate-Can become toxic to body -- texturizer in can food.
Dried Whey-Can encourage allergies, cheap protein source from cow's milk.
Dicalcium Phosphate-Can become toxic to body -- texturizer in can food.
Garlic/Garlic Oil-Deadly to pets if given on a daily basis. Can cause organ failure.
Salmon/Salmon Oil/Herring -A source of protein and fatty acids which can add mercury to the diet.
)Do not need to give on a daily basis due to toxicity of mercury in fish)
COLORING (Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Titanium Dioxide): BAD OR HARMFUL INGREDIENT
Any coloring is completely unnecessary and should be avoided. Your dog doesn’t care about the pretty colored shapes, and artificial dyes and coloring agents are known cancer-causing agents, and also cause allergies. Used in “junk dog food”.
Titanium Dioxide -Potentially carcinogenic artificial color used as white pigment and dough conditioner.
Blue 2 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Blue No. 2 is principally the disodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-5-sulfo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)- 2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid with smaller amounts of the disodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-7-sulfo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid and the sodium salt of 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-2H-indol-2-ylidene)-2,3-dihydro-3-oxo-1H-indole-5-sulfonic acid. Additionally, FD&C Blue No. 2 is obtained by heating indigo (or indigo paste) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The color additive is isolated and subjected to purification procedures. The indigo (or indigo paste) used above is manufactured by the fusion of N-phenylglycine (prepared from aniline and formaldehyde) in a molten mixture of sodamide and sodium and potassium hydroxides under ammonia pressure. The indigo is isolated and subjected to purification procedures prior to sulfonation.
The largest study suggested, but did not prove, that this dye caused brain tumors in male mice. The FDA concluded that there is "reasonable certainty of no harm", but personally I'd rather avoid this ingredient and err on the side of caution.
Red 40 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Red No. 40 is principally the disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid.
The most widely used food dye. While this is one of the most-tested food dyes, the key mouse tests were flawed and inconclusive. An FDA review committee acknowledged problems, but said evidence of harm was not "consistent" or "substantial." Like other dyes, Red 40 is used mainly in junk foods. Personally I'd rather avoid this ingredient and err on the side of caution.
Yellow 5 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Yellow No. 5 is principally the trisodium salt of 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4- [4-sulfophenyl-azo]-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (CAS Reg. No. 1934-21- 0). To manufacture the additive, 4-amino-benzenesulfonic acid is diazotized using hydrochloric acid and sodium nitrite. The diazo compound is coupled with 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid or with the methyl ester, the ethyl ester, or a salt of this carboxylic acid. The resulting dye is purified and isolated as the sodium salt.
The second most widely used coloring can cause mild allergic reactions, primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons.
Yellow 6 (artificial color)
The color additive FD&C Yellow No. 6 is principally the disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid (CAS Reg. No. 2783-94-0). The trisodium salt of 3-hydroxy-4-[(4- sulfophenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid may be added in small amounts. The color additive is manufactured by diazotizing 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid using hydrochloric acid and sodium nitrite or sulfuric acid and sodium nitrite. The diazo compound is coupled with 6-hydroxy-2-naphthalene-sulfonic acid. The dye is isolated as the sodium salt and dried. The trisodium salt of 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid which may be blended with the principal color is prepared in the same manner except the diazo benzenesulfonic acid is coupled with 3-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid.
Industry-sponsored animal tests indicated that this dye, the third most widely used, causes tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. In addition, small amounts of several carcinogens contaminate Yellow 6. However, the FDA reviewed those data and found reasons to conclude that Yellow 6 does not pose a significant cancer risk to humans. Yellow 6 may also cause occasional allergic reactions. Another ingredient I would rather avoid and err on the side of caution rather than risking my pet's health.
Cane Molasses
AAFCO: A by-product of the manufacture of sucrose from sugar cane. It must contain not less than 43% total sugars expressed as invert.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Corn Syrup
A syrup prepared from cornstarch, used in industry and in numerous food products as a sweetener.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Fructose/ High Fructose Corn Syrup
A very sweet sugar, C6H12O6, occurring in many fruits and honey and used as a preservative for food and as an intravenous nutrient.
A monosaccharide found naturally in fresh fruit and honey. It is obtained by the inversion of sucrose by means of the enzyme invertase. Used in small quantities it serves as a nutrient for probiotics, specifically bifidobacteria, which ferment it and produce beneficial enzymes.
A white, sweetish, crystalline alcohol, C6H8(OH)6, found in various berries and fruits or prepared synthetically and used as a flavoring agent, a sugar substitute for people with diabetes, and a moisturizer in cosmetics and other products.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier.
Sugar or sweetener is an absolutely unnecessary ingredient in pet foods, added to make the product more attractive. Continuous intake can promote hypoglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies. Pets also get addicted to foods that contain sugars, so it can be a tough piece of work to make them eat something healthier. Dl-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate.
Sugar, cane molasses, caramel, corn syrup in any form, sorbitol, sucrose, fructose, glucose, ammoniated glycyrrhizin. Useless, unnecessary and adds empty calories. Bad ingredients used by companies to make food more palatable to the animal. Used to cover up rotten and rancid foods, and is known to cause hyperglycemia, obesity, nervousness, cataracts, tooth decay, arthritis and allergies.
To help choose a better dog food, go to Dog Food Advisor's website..click here
source: http://www.holisticandorganixpetshoppe.com/top-12-worst-dog-food-brands.html
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
作法:將蘿蔔連皮洗淨後切片,放入碗內,再倒入蜂蜜或麥芽糖2~3 匙,浸漬一夜後即溶成蘿蔔糖水,然後頻頻飲用,適用於熱咳、燥咳的症狀。
1. 睡覺流口水,不僅僅是可愛
你會為你睡覺時流口水而不好意思嗎?這可不是可愛或不衛生那麼簡單。它可能是由於你的神經調節障礙而引起的。唾液分泌的調節,完全是神經反射性的。 常說的“望梅止渴”,就是日常生活中,條件反射性唾液分泌的一個例子。除此之外,口腔內的衛生沒有打掃好,也會出現流口水的現象。口腔裡的溫度和濕度最適 合細菌的繁殖,炎症、睡覺流口水,也是在提醒你,小心牙周病,要去看牙醫了!
2. 腳有些腫?不可輕視
最近腳有些腫,還伴隨著痛癢……這個看似尋常的症狀,可不能小瞧。它很有可能是在對你說“你的靜脈出了問題!”腳腫了,往往是由於靜脈栓塞而引起 的,及時看醫生的話就沒什麼事,不然很可能導致下肢浮腫,甚至會引發肺栓塞,影響到你的生命安危。靜脈中的一些小血管被堵塞住了,血液就回流不暢,才會出 現腳腫的症狀。所以你可不能掉以輕心。如果你的腳腫,通過按摩不僅無法退下去,反而越來越嚴重的話,就要引起高度重視了。
3. 視力減退的幕後黑手
最近的工作忙到想吐,你整夜整夜地在電腦前加班,視力明顯下降。你要當心了!眼睛經常發花、眼角乾澀、看不清東西,這可是肝臟功能衰弱的先兆。如果 按一按肝臟的四周,會有發脹的感覺,就十有八九是肝臟出了問題。這時除了及時就醫外,還要注意用眼衛生,不要讓眼睛太過疲勞,用眼不當會影響到肝臟。
4. 瘢痕變化,不良的徵兆
如果你身上的一些慢性皮膚病, 如燒傷或外傷後的瘢痕疙瘩,或慢性皮炎等,最近忽然發生了一些莫名其妙的變化,你可一定要提高警惕了。若經過治療,這些病變反而增大,或者破潰、變硬、變 厚、色素加深、角化過度甚至出血,這時,應該警惕有皮膚癌的可能。並且,如果皮膚上出現了一些硬硬的隆起的小腫塊,還老是下不去的話,就必須要到專科醫院 檢查了。
5. 小心你下垂的眼瞼
剛到了三十歲,成熟性感的年齡,怎麼眼皮卻越來越厚重,還忽然有些下垂呢?你可要擔心了,不能只想到去美容院,它是許多疾病的早期症狀。“重症肌無 力”這種病的先兆就是緩慢發生的眼瞼下垂。先是一隻眼,後是另一隻眼,早晨輕,晚上重,一天之內有明顯的波動性。比較嚴重可怕的還有顱內動脈瘤。如果你的眼瞼下垂是一側性、突然的,瞳孔散大,應立即到神經科搶救。聽起來實在是有些駭人。
6. 彩圈--失明的先兆
7. “胃口大開”的隱患
8. 胃痛,還是心臟病?
9. 悄悄變化的美人痣
你會為你睡覺時流口水而不好意思嗎?這可不是可愛或不衛生那麼簡單。它可能是由於你的神經調節障礙而引起的。唾液分泌的調節,完全是神經反射性的。 常說的“望梅止渴”,就是日常生活中,條件反射性唾液分泌的一個例子。除此之外,口腔內的衛生沒有打掃好,也會出現流口水的現象。口腔裡的溫度和濕度最適 合細菌的繁殖,炎症、睡覺流口水,也是在提醒你,小心牙周病,要去看牙醫了!
2. 腳有些腫?不可輕視
最近腳有些腫,還伴隨著痛癢……這個看似尋常的症狀,可不能小瞧。它很有可能是在對你說“你的靜脈出了問題!”腳腫了,往往是由於靜脈栓塞而引起 的,及時看醫生的話就沒什麼事,不然很可能導致下肢浮腫,甚至會引發肺栓塞,影響到你的生命安危。靜脈中的一些小血管被堵塞住了,血液就回流不暢,才會出 現腳腫的症狀。所以你可不能掉以輕心。如果你的腳腫,通過按摩不僅無法退下去,反而越來越嚴重的話,就要引起高度重視了。
3. 視力減退的幕後黑手
最近的工作忙到想吐,你整夜整夜地在電腦前加班,視力明顯下降。你要當心了!眼睛經常發花、眼角乾澀、看不清東西,這可是肝臟功能衰弱的先兆。如果 按一按肝臟的四周,會有發脹的感覺,就十有八九是肝臟出了問題。這時除了及時就醫外,還要注意用眼衛生,不要讓眼睛太過疲勞,用眼不當會影響到肝臟。
4. 瘢痕變化,不良的徵兆
如果你身上的一些慢性皮膚病, 如燒傷或外傷後的瘢痕疙瘩,或慢性皮炎等,最近忽然發生了一些莫名其妙的變化,你可一定要提高警惕了。若經過治療,這些病變反而增大,或者破潰、變硬、變 厚、色素加深、角化過度甚至出血,這時,應該警惕有皮膚癌的可能。並且,如果皮膚上出現了一些硬硬的隆起的小腫塊,還老是下不去的話,就必須要到專科醫院 檢查了。
5. 小心你下垂的眼瞼
剛到了三十歲,成熟性感的年齡,怎麼眼皮卻越來越厚重,還忽然有些下垂呢?你可要擔心了,不能只想到去美容院,它是許多疾病的早期症狀。“重症肌無 力”這種病的先兆就是緩慢發生的眼瞼下垂。先是一隻眼,後是另一隻眼,早晨輕,晚上重,一天之內有明顯的波動性。比較嚴重可怕的還有顱內動脈瘤。如果你的眼瞼下垂是一側性、突然的,瞳孔散大,應立即到神經科搶救。聽起來實在是有些駭人。
6. 彩圈--失明的先兆
7. “胃口大開”的隱患
8. 胃痛,還是心臟病?
9. 悄悄變化的美人痣
KLIA2 新廉航终站 completion 'WORLD's BIGGEST MYSTERY' 世上最大谜团
新廉航终站一再延误竣工, 东尼形容“世上最大谜团”!
大马机场控股公司早前公布,UEMC-Bina Puri联营公司已经确认,将在2014年4月30日完成第二吉隆坡国际机场的兴建工作,包括取得必要的完工认可证书(CCC)和通过营运测试(ORAT)。
大马机场控股公司也向 UEMC-Bina Puri 联营公司开出罚单,指该公司没有在6月15日前竣工。罚单是从6月16日起生效,每天罚款近20万令吉。
KLIA2 completion 'world's biggest mystery'
Questions remain on the completion of the much-delayed KLIA2 project - even AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes is none the wiser as to when it will be ready.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
28 Reasons To Love Taipei, maybe not
1. Family Mart, 7-Eleven, and other convenience stores have everything.
One of the highest per capita concentrations of convenience stores on earth. Where else can you pay your college tuition, eat dinner, print Mayday concert tickets, send express mail, and buy a handle of Johnny Walker at 4:30 a.m.?2. Before every election, the streets look like this:
The perils of democracy and advertising. Look nice? horrible? Your taste....3. Taipei has the coolest cafés.
Eat it, Seattle. Boomers worry that today’s Taipei kids don’t want to conquer the world — they just want to open cafés with their friends. Coffee shops are basically bars in Taipei. Check out Sugared n Spiced for some choice spots.4. Eslite Dunnan is the world’s only 24-hour bookstore.
Saturday night people-watching at Eslite Bookstore Dunnan is never a bad way to sober up. Time magazine named it Asia’s best bookstore in 2004, after that (2004) it never been mention by anyone~~~~5. Karaoke is a 24/7 sport too or entertainment?
A 12-floor palace devoted to karaoke? Sure. Cashbox Partyworld does brisk business on typhoon holidays.6. Shrimping’s also 24/7.
Possibly the weirdest gastro-sport ever. Time to bust out your jorts and six-pack (of delicious Taiwan Beer). Great for time wasting, if only you are local....7. You won’t recognize 50% of the things sold at your local market.
Is that a crab or a cursed alien slipper? Why is that chicken blue? Guess the author eitehr seldom go local market or live in a place (high mountain) where seafood is not available.8. Beef noodle soup is Taipei’s official religion.
Taipei hosts a Beef Noodle Soup Festival every year. Everyone swears a blood oath to their favorite shops. If you don’t like beef noodle soup, you are a disgusting pervert and I don’t want to know you.9. Yonghe has the best breakfast, maybe?
Sweet soy milk and fried Chinese doughnuts forever.IMO 阜杭豆漿is a lot better than 永和 for breakfast.. The 45 min - 1 hour wait that the locals endure is testimony to their awesomeness. They used to only open from 6am - 10am but have since extended their business hours to 12.30 after they moved to a larger location with more seats.
10. There’s a great bar called That Fucking Place.
“You have checked in to That Fucking Place on Foursquare.”There's a great bar called That Fucking Place.
11. There’s a toilet-themed restaurant.
Please kindly invite your friends to eat shit. Modern Toilet offers enticing fare like “baby’s explosive diarrhea” (actually just green curry) served in mini toilet bowls. There's a toilet-themed restaurant.note: we have here in Malaysia too (sg.Wang Plaza) and there's one in ShenZhen (Dong Meng), China
12. You can also dine at prison-, Barbie-, and hospital-themed restaurants.
Keep Taipei weird, yall.13. Yongkang Street is a great place to get your Asian retro-chic on.
Antiquing central. And James’ Kitchen is arguably the best Taiwanese restaurant in town.14. Zhongxiao has all the modernity you can want.
15. Taipei is the Chinese pop/indie music capital.
From C-pop megastars to symphonic metal, hip-hop, post-rock, and folk singer-songwriters, Taipei exports the best Mandarin pop music in the world. You’ll also catch bands like Neutral Milk Hotel at surprisingly small venues (The Wall and Legacy). For schedules, check GigGuide Taiwan.16. There’s always some design or music festival.
Formoz, Simple Life, Huashan, Hohaiyan beach festival. Tizzy Bac speaking their minds.17. The clubbing scene’s no slouch either.
Decidedly less douchey than clubbing in many other big cities. Every year there’s a new club du jour, but Luxy was your first fake-ID love.18. There’s a whole street devoted to wedding photographers.
Chungshan North Road Section 2. I have never seen this in any other city. Keep. Taipei. Weird.Its really weird, they have that in Las Tunas Dr. in Temple City, CA and in Malaysia (PJ SS2), you should travel more around the world if you found it weird.
19. Yangmingshan National Park is a bus ride away.
On the rare occasion the sun’s out, you can take day hikes on a whim.20. Ximending is cosplayers and otakus galore.
Get your gothic loli on. But don't expect to see it everyday or during weekend, you gotta be lucky. You actually see more gays (local & foreigner) then cosplayers there!21. The garbage trucks sing to you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uuIDKMTRg8o22. If you piss off the students, you WILL hear from them.
Flawed democracy is still democracy. Read. And not just the srudents~~~23. GuangHua is basically a Tatooine junkyard of electronic bargains.
Brave the clouds of nerd-sweat at GuangHua for a steal on a new computer. Bring your haggling A-game. (Also, RIP old GuangHua.) Not really for tourist, the products price not much different in your own comtry even for their local brand (Acer /Asus) price doesn't look attractive.24. Night markets. All of them.
Imagine hundreds of street-food carts and pop-up stores crammed in 10 city blocks. Everyone goes to Shilin, but Shida has the coolest stuff. Too bad the government’s scaling it down. And you see it one, you see it all, they are all he same with different name and location.25. Beitou has great hot-spring spas.
The northern suburbs appeal to the geriatric in us all.26. Sick of the rainy north? You can get to Kenting Beach in four hours…
27. Taipei 101 has one of the best New Year’s fireworks.
Camping out at a park near Taipei 101 with your friends, drinking 7-Eleven whiskey, watching fireworks, then seeing the flag-raising ceremony at sunrise at the Presidential Palace = best way to start a year.Best New Year’s fireworks? It's over rated, you mostly see a of large fire pillar with lots of smoke :) I would say the of of the best environment and friendly people but definitely not the firework!
28. F O O D
Food is good. I like food. Everyone and their mothers’ dogs have a food blog in Taipei. A Hungry Girl’s Guide to Taipei is a good place to start. But friendly speaking, Malaysia have more varieties of food (almost any food you can fidn in Taipei/Taiwan, you can find in KL, Malaysia) than Taipei can offer and taste better too not to mention much cheaper too.