Saturday, December 29, 2012

whatsapp 的兩個剔和最後上線時間










為了避開「最後上線時間」帶來的痛苦,明明看到有Whatsapp候覆訊息的數字,卻不想開啟Whatsapp而給某人知道你曾上線,如果不幸同時遇上Whatsapp Group內有幾位「死不斷氣」的朋友,候覆訊息的數字有望創新高。


細心留意,不知從什麼時候開始,你的朋友圈子已經跟Whatsapp緊緊的糾纏起來。大大小小的Whatsapp Group,不論是你自願加入還是被邀請的,都佔據了你的聊天室。有時候,你會對其他朋友數十則的對話,導致Whatsapp響過不停而感到煩厭,但退出群組,既難掌握圈子內發生的事,更像不滿他們的言行而「絕交」,惹來無謂的猜測。可是最初加你入Whatsapp Group的朋友,有多少位是先獲你同意才加你呢?

來電可以不接,Whatsapp可以扮作未上線,但Whatsapp Group的邀請卻是無法拒絕,至少你連拒絕的權利也沒有。

有時候跟一班朋友吃飯,總有一兩位朋友不停地回覆Whatsapp Group,而沒有參與大家的話題。每當向他發出問題,他才回過神,把焦點從數吋螢幕艱難的拉回現實來,人在,心不在。

Whatsapp Group可以因為一件事或一個朋友圈子而建立,但當聚會時有朋友無意談起Whatsapp Group內的話題,而你原來不在其中,只見大家已有一定的默契,你難免納悶:「為什麼不邀請我入Group呢?」

我們因Whatsapp Group而緊密了朋友間的溝通,也因Whatsapp Group而建立了朋友間的一道牆。

同類情況不難於情侶間發生,當女孩在看到Whatsapp Group訊息時自顧自的笑出聲來,旁邊的男孩嘗試了解:「什麼事那麼高興?」女孩還未完全停止笑聲:「沒有什麼,只是同事間的回應很好笑,你不明白的。」

男孩固然不明白,因為只有一直身在那Whatsapp Group的人才掌握前文後理,但一句「你不明白的」,可把坐在身旁的人推到十萬八千里遠,而彷彿屏幕顯示的文字才更知妳心。









Friday, December 7, 2012

Papaya for Uric Acid Problem

Just try it if you've got uric acid after all no harm done.

This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary green tea, my cousin-brother tried and found it very effective.

I have also shared with a friend with gout to try this (his "toe joints" started to deform), after a week of drinking this formula there is significant improvement, and after two weeks the toe joints heal and revert to normal state.

It is almost three years now, the joint pain is gone, but he maintains the intake between 1-3 times monthly to avoid relapse.

Other friends suffering from years of gout problem have also recovered. It is good for all, even those without gout.

An improved sequence by Professor Lai from the China School of Pharmacy :
Cut green papaya into small cubes, place into the water, bring to boil, then add tea leaves, similar to the tea-making process. 

Clinical tests show that this brings better effects for treatment of gout, subject to frequent drinking of this formula.

Mr. Liu Qing, Chief of the Rende Town in Tainan, was suffering for years from severe stomach pain around the posterior wall of stomach.

He used green papaya as a tea pot to prepare the family tea daily, after a month, his chronic disease condition was much improved. His family members with high uric acid were also healed by the same papaya tea.

For this Mr. Liu planted a lot of papaya to share with relatives and friends with similar sickness.

According to Mr. Liu, in selecting the green papaya as tea pot, pick those the shape of which is fat and short, with larger capacity.

Cut off the top part of the papaya, clear away the seeds, open a small hole at the upper side wall to facilitate pouring of tea.

Create a small ventilation hole at top cover, put in the tea leaves, pour in boiling water, place the top cover back onto the papaya, you may also use the toothpicks to secure the top cover.

Similar to normal process of preparing tea. Liu like to use Oolong tea as the taste is good.

He was pleasantly surprised that the stomach pains he suffered for many years was healed after a month of drinking tea from the green papaya pot, without taking any other medication.

He passed some green papaya leaves to a friend who worked at a Medical Center to test and analyse the content.

The tests confirmed that the healthy enzyme present in papaya is beneficial to human health.

Now as papaya in Mr. Liu's orchard is yielding suitable size fruits, he would share the fruits with family and friends.

Xu Fuchang, an experienced papaya farmer, said green papaya means to unripe papaya, where the skin is still green in colour.

Generally, the papaya takes about four months to fully mature and ripen, but the healing effect would be lost after it is fully ripe.

Green papaya should be harvested when the papaya is approximately three months old, when the fruit is still firm, and the "papaya milk" contains high papaya enzyme and other healthy ingredients.

Not only the green papaya can be used in tea drinking, you may also cut them into cubes, and boil with the ribs, or even slicing the green papaya into fine long pieces and fried with garlic, very tasty, and no adverse effects on the human body.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 10 Highly Developed Countries

What differentiates between a developed country and one that’s still in the process of development besides the obvious prosperity and economic strength? Factors such as life expectancy, education, standard of living, child welfare, health care, economic welfare, and population happiness play major roles to determine the Human Development Index of a country that ranks a country based on how high is its level of development. Some critics claim the HDI of a country to be a vague estimate of its development, but nonetheless, the numbers don’t lie and the strength and stability of these countries speak for themselves. Here are the top ten highly developed countries based on their HDIs. 

10. Sweden 

The Kingdom of Sweden, a largely liberal country in Northern Europe, does not have much to boast for covered area (it is roughly the size of the state of California), but it is here on this list for a reason: an HDI of 0.904. Reasons? The Swedes are considered to be one of the happiest people of the world, almost all 9.3 million of them, with high marks in income of $35,876 per capita and a regular GDP of $485 billion. In addition to that, they boast an average life expectancy of 80.9 years, a remarkable education system, low unemployment and poverty rates, free and equal health care and is a fore runner of environmental sustainability while urging other countries to embrace the green and becoming more Eco-friendly. Also, their rich history makes them a magnet for travellers making it a major tourist attraction. Check out these ten good things about Sweden.

9. Germany

Think of Germany and the first image that springs to mind of those still dwelling in the past is the people who always seem to be angry and are sadistic murderers, but the post war facts suggest a completely different picture. Germany is a nation with one of the highest educational standards in the world, while having the largest economy in the entire European Union. The literacy rate is exceptionally high as it stands at 99 percent while average class attendances are a full hundred percent. Germany is a country built on engineering and industrial development, with some of the most efficient and perfectly designed products in the world which include the cars (Mercedes, Audi, BMW). The GDP amounts to 3.5 trillion dollars with a per capita number of $40,631. Although unemployment rate is 7 percent, but the poverty rate is low. The people are very hospitable, and add to the appeal of a very major tourist destination where the average life expectancy is 79.4 years. germany’s HDI value is 0.905.

8. Liechtenstein

The small state of Liechtenstein, with an HDI of 0.905, has one of the smallest populations in the world and its landmass is not much as well with the country covering an area of a mere 160 square kilometers. With a population of just 35,000, the government is based on the parliamentary democratic system and boasts of having a GDP per capita of $141,000, one of the highest in the world and unemployment and poverty rates  are virtually non-existent. It is a major investment center for other countries and imposes very low taxes on its people. And on top of that, the landscape and the scenic beauty of the country is breathtaking.

7. Ireland

Ireland! You read the word and chuckled at the thought of leprechauns and beer and an accent par human understanding, but a green little man with a pot of gold is not the reason for mentioning Ireland in this list, although that really wouldn’t be too bad an idea. The Republic of Ireland boasts of an impressive HDI of 0.908 and has a literacy rate of 99 percent with a life expectancy of 78.9 years. The country has impressive monetary figures with a GDP of $203.89 billion and a per capita GDP of $45,497. It is ranked no. 7 in the world for its freedom of press, economic freedom and political freedom. It was enjoying rapid economic and developmental growth when the global recession of 2008 began, but then  it experienced a massive drop in GDP and went into debt due to the negative GDP. It has been working with other European countries since then to continue development and growth.

6. Canada

Canada is one of the few countries having two national anthems and is the second largest country in the world by rank of its area. It is a parliamentary democracy along with being a constitutional democracy, with Queen Elizabeth II as the Head of State. Canada’s HDI number is 0.908 and for good value as well as it has a DP of $1.758 trillion and a per capita GDP of $51,147. It has a very sound economy and the level of education and literacy rates are very high with a large chunk of the population being multi-lingual as well. It is famous for its free health care system with the citizens having an average life expectancy of 80.7 years and the taxes imposed on these citizens are very low. Canada also boasts of being home to the world famous Niagra Falls, and is a popular tourist destination.

5. New Zealand

With an HDI score of 0.908, New Zealand escorts us into the top 5 of our list. Historically, it was one of the last groups of islands to be discovered and inhabited by humans. The natural landscape in New Zealand is breathtaking, with strong biodiversity and a flourishing animal life. Like Canada, New Zealand is also a parliamentary constitutional monarchy having Queen Elizabeth II as the Head of State. The country boasts of having one of the highest living standards and happiness ratings in the world and has always been a strong supporter of peace and the environment by banning nuclear weapons and sustaining a bio diverse ecosystem. New Zealand’s GDP is $157.877 billion and a GDP per capita is $35,374 for a small population of just about 4.3 million people. Educational standards, literacy rates and health standards are very high with an average citizen’s life span of 80.2 years.  Crime rates in New Zealand are very low, so it is a safe and beautiful haven for its citizens and tourists alike.

4. United States of America 

The most powerful country in the world started out as a British colony before they started the American Revolution, got their independence, fought with the Native Americans, dealt with the Civil War, survived the Great Depression and battled in two World Wars and have thus transformed into one of the world’s major super powers. Their GDP is the largest in the world at a whopping $15 trillion and a per capita GDP of $48,147. The government in the US is a representative democracy and its an industrial giant in manufacturing, telecommunications, technology and automobiles. It is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, but despite all that, the US has a 15 percent poverty rate, 9 percent unemployment average and their educational standards fall behind the rest of the world. Although life expectancy is relatively high at 79 years, the US loses more points due to health problems as as up to 33 percent of adults are obese and the obesity rates are showing no signs of decrease. Above all, they are under massive debt because of the global recession and the wars they have waged in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still, their HDI of 0.910 keeps them in the top 5 of our list.

3. Netherlands

The land of weed and pot brownies is so high up on this list because they are high in everything (get it? They’re high). They’re a constitutional monarchy along with being a representative democracy. They have very high educational and literacy standards and very low poverty and unemployment rates. They were one of the key founders of the EU, NATO, OECD and WATO and host five inernational court systems, gaining it the nickname of the world’s legal capital. Their GDP is $832.16 billion and a per capita GDP of $49,950. The Dutch were ranked the happiest people in the world as of May 2011, maybe because of the pot. I don’t know. The country has a stable economy, strong government, low taxes, beautiful cities and a life expectancy of 79.8 years with an HDI of 0.910. So, they’re not all about the weed high now, are they?

2. Australia

Australia is the thirteenth largest economy in the world, with a GDP of $918.978 billion and a per capita GDP of $40,386 (5th largest). With an HDI of 0.929, Australia boasts of having some of the highest rankings in the world when it comes to the quality of life, health, education, economic freedom and freedom of expression and human rights protection. Australia has a lot of biodiversity and the government strives to keep the ecosystem stable and the wildlife preserved. Their average life expectancy stands tall at 81.2 years and its a popular tourist destination. Have a look at this beautiful video.

1. Norway

And in the absolute top spot, with the highest HDI value of 0.943, we have the Kingdom of Norway. The country is a constitutional monarchy and the 5 million inhabitants enjoy extremely high education standards, very low poverty and unemployment rates, a long average life expectancy of 80.2 years and a stable economy. It was a major founding member of NATO but refused to join the EU although it maintains its cordial relations with neighboring European countries. It was also a founding member of the UN and helped found the Council of Europe, while being an active member of WTO and OECD. It has one of the largest reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, freshwater and hydro power in the world and exports oil as a major export. They are famous for their universal health care and highly advanced schooling systems. So it comes as no surprise that Norway stands atop the list of the world’s most highly developed countries.

Thursday, November 22, 2012



臺拉維夫大學(Tel Aviv University)教授尤里.尼特贊(Uri Nitzan)最新的研究顯示,情緒脆弱的人,例如剛失去至親,或是對使用科技陌生的人,往往容易深陷社群網站,也較常出現精神方面的症狀,例如過度焦慮、困惑、或過度依賴電腦溝通。



1.  政治狂: 這種人的臉書貼文總離不開政治,而且語氣激動憤慨,時常看到這些人的動態訊息只會讓自己徒增困擾而已。

2.  拍照狂: 這類人似乎無時無刻不在拍照,做任何事情都要拍照、上傳照片。若有這樣的臉書朋友,請直接刪除。

3.  自戀狂: 自以為是超級名模,走到哪都要自拍,深怕有人不認識自己的美貌。

4.  分享狂: 這種人似乎整天閒閒沒事做,就只專注地不斷更新自己的動態訊息,但是你實在沒有必要浪費時間去知道這些人的生活瑣事。 

5.  打卡狂: 這種人似乎無時無刻不斷打卡更新自己的位置,天天重復地在家里、公司打卡。這些無聊重復訊息只是臉書上的垃圾訊息。

Sunday, November 11, 2012

PPS 下载港剧

小小提示: 修改前记得把pps apps "杀"了 (点击home键2次,然后把在后台跑着的pps app 关了) ,不然有可能修改不成功哦

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Your vote makes the difference

Why do we want to change the most successful political entity in our country’s history? Umno has never failed itself!

Like him, hate him; whatever you may think of Anwar Ibrahim, you cannot ignore him. His presence is overwhelming.

For his detractors, he is the very personification of the excesses of Umno during his time as deputy prime minister and yet for those that have given up on Umno, he is the rising phoenix.

And having risen from the ashes, he now soars like an eagle above everything else and waits to land. When and where will that eagle land?

For those of you who are now in doubt about what good your vote can do in the millions to be cast during the 13th general election, I ask that you think again.

How do you think Anwar was able to keep his sanity and the fire burning within him to bring much- needed change to the way our government works throughout his solitary confinement in Sungai Buloh?

You and I have not reached the heights of office that he has, so we would never know what really went through his mind through the years of incarceration, but this much I know: he would have had enough time to reflect on the future – his and ours.

His future and ours will be determined by that vote you will cast among the millions on polling day. If you have persuaded yourself that you want our government to do things differently, then you can be rest assured that there will be others of similar mind.

If enough of us are persuaded thus, there we have it, our ability to make change happen.

Umno won’t change
But what do we want to change? Umno? Why do we want to change the most successful political entity in our country’s history? Umno has never failed itself.

Every political pundit, every analyst worth talking to, every authority worth his salt and every expert on the future of Malaysia, most of them confidently say that the time for Umno’s demise is nigh.

Are any of them aware that Umno has won all of the last 12 general elections?

At every twist and political turn, Umno has emerged victorious. How can you say Umno has failed itself when it has been the only government in Malaysia since independence? Every prime minister has been from Umno.

What has Umno set out to do, it has done.

Make every Umno president, their families, relatives, cronies, peers and sahabats wealthy beyond their wildest dreams? Done!

Make Ketuanan Melayu its cornerstone for political survival? Done!

Ensure that ethnicity – namely the Malays – will numerically outnumber the others through dedicated “pendatang asing” policies that welcome these immigrants and grant them citizenship – and in this way – ensures that the Malays now make up 60% of Malaysia’s population? Done!

Cement this numerical superiority by propagating a race-based “Ketuanan Melayu” policy that gives priority, economic advantage and “first among equals” advantage to the Malays in education, work opportunities and in all things Malaysian? Done!

Ensure that all government departments and agencies, MACC, EPF, police, Rela and the armed forces are at the beck and call of their political masters? Done!

Institutionalised money politics and endemic corruption into every nook and cranny of politics and into every facet of government functions? Done!

Power of our vote
It would be hard to persuade Umno and those that support Umno that we need to change the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government because it has been very successful in doing what it has wanted to do for itself.
And there are many millions that think that there is no need to change this BN government.

So the question we must ask ourselves today is this: are there enough of us out there who want change the way our government works? Are there enough of us to ensure that this happens?

And we want change not through an armed insurrection, not through the winds of change that the Arab Spring blew violently across the Middle East, no, not through any other way but through the ballot box – our votes – if we are allowed to cast it freely at this 13th general election.

That is why every one of your votes counts.

That is why we want to change this Umno that has never failed itself but has certainly failed the people of Malaysia too many times in too many ways and for too long a time.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Banned antibiotic in food product

Chicken frankfurter from Ayamas Food Corporation found to have prohibited substance ‘chloramphenicol’

Datuk Mong Dagang
KUCHING: A sample of chicken frankfurter product produced by Ayamas Food Corporation Sdn Bhd was found to contain the prohibited antibiotic ‘chloramphenicol’ during random testing by the State Veterinary Authority last week.

The detection of the substance has been confirmed by the Veterinary Authority in Kuala Lumpur, said Datuk Mong Dagang, Assistant Minister for Agriculture (Research and Marketing).

Chloramphenicol was previously used to treat diseases in chicks.

However, its use on food-producing animals was not permitted because harmful residues may remain in food products.

Mong told The Borneo Post on Saturday that the batch of chicken frankfurter tested had entered the state from Peninsular Malaysia through Bintulu.

“The State Health Department has been alerted and further action on the sales of products from Ayamas Food Corporation Sdn Bhd is up to them,” he said.

Mong added that following the shocking find, the state immediately suspended import of Ayamas products, while the State Veterinary Authority forwarded a notice of the suspension of importation of products from this company to importers on Nov 1.

The notice stated that the importation of whole chicken, poultry meat, poultry meat cut, and poultry meat value-added products (nugget, shelf-stable, bone-in, chunky meat, sausage, burger and meatball) from Ayamas had been suspended with immediate effect, until further notice, due to the detection of the banned substance.

On locally produced chicken products and products, Mong said they were safe for consumption.
“The Veterinary Authority will continue to remain vigilant, and so far locally produced chicken products are safe for consumption. That goes for those from Peninsular Malaysia too … but not from Ayamas.”

Datuk Rohani Karim
Meanwhile, Ayamas products were still on sale yesterday as the Health Department and Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry have not given directives for them to be removed.

When met at Giant Hypermarket in Tabuan here yesterday, Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Rohani Karim, said that the matter was “quite serious”, but it needed to be probed further.

“We (ministry) have not gotten any letter from the (state) ministry responsible. When we are notified, we will instruct our officers to act. If this is true, it is a serious case because it involves human health.”

Rohani, who is Batang Lupar MP, cautioned that offenders might be prosecuted under the Consumer Protection Act, which carries a maximum penalty of RM100,000 fine or three years in jail.

As for the Health Department, its director Datu Dr Zulkifli Jantan said on Saturday that his department would conduct another round of tests on Ayamas products to confirm the presence of Chloramphenicol.
“We will have to do some more tests for further confirmation, and if there were Chloramphenicol, then we shall seal the affected products.”

Prior to these official statements, the issue had gone viral in Facebook.


Monday, October 29, 2012





Thursday, October 25, 2012

Extreme Workouts: When Exercise Does More Harm than Good

Getting at least some moderate exercise is good for us, and more is even better, doctors and public health experts say. But is there such a thing as too much exercise?

Apparently, yes, according to researchers led by Dr. James O’Keefe, a cardiologist at the Mid America Heart Institute of St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. Reporting in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, O’Keefe and his colleagues found that physical activity, like any medical treatment, can be harmful if it’s overdone.

“As great as exercise is, it’s like a powerful drug,” he says. “More is better up to a certain dose, but after that there is a point of diminishing returns, and it may actually detract from [heart] health and even your longevity.”

(MORE: Is Exercise Harmful for Some People?)
O’Keefe reviewed studies of people who trained and participated in marathons, triathalons, ultramarathons or long bike races — people who exercised at extreme levels. Overall, people who exercised regularly reaped significant benefits, tending to live seven years longer than those who are physically inactive. But when O’Keefe focused only on the extreme athletes themselves, he found that the healthy effect of all their activity tended not only to wane, but to actually reverse itself and turn toxic.

Studies showed that during and immediately following a marathon, runners showed up to a 50% increase in levels of an enzyme called troponin, which signals damage to the heart (it’s the same enzyme that shoots up in patients having heart attacks). Troponin is released when heart muscle is in distress, and in the case of lengthy extreme exercise sessions, it may start to climb as heart muscle fibers start to tear under the intense burden of pumping continuously at a high level.

“When you’re sitting around, you heart is pumping about five quarts of blood a minute, and if you run up the stairs or hard or push yourself physically, it can go up 35 or 40 quarts a minute,” says O’Keefe. “If you go and run for 26 miles, or do a full-distance triathalon, it completely overtaxes the heart. The heart is pumping 25 quarts a minute for hours and hours, and that starts to cause muscle fibers to tear, which leads to a bump in troponin and other enzymes associated with inflammation, and it causes the death of some muscle cells in the heart.”

(MORE: When Mom Exercises in Pregnancy, Her Baby Benefits)
Over time, that damage can cause scar tissue on the heart, and a thickened and scarred heart is more vulnerable to abnormal heart rhythms, says O’Keefe. Indeed, people who chronically exercise at extreme levels tend to have thicker right atria (which receive deoxygenated blood from the veins) and larger right ventricles (which pump this blood out to the lungs to be oxygenated and circulated). Studies show that endurance athletes have a five times higher risk of atrial fibrillation, or fluctuations in the heartbeat that can trigger more serious heart problems.

In the new data, presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, one of the study co-authors, Dr. Carl Lavie, medical director of cardiac rehabilitation and prevention at the John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute in New Orleans, reported on the optimal “dose” of running for increasing life expectancy. Among 14,000 runners, the optimal amount of exercise appeared to be about 10 to 15 miles per week. “We were thinking that we would see progressively more benefit the more you ran,” says Lavie. “We thought it would level off at some point. But not only did the runners not get more benefit, but the more they did, the faster they ran, the more frequently they ran, the more miles they ran, they actually seemed to lose any benefit to the heart.”

No matter how much they ran, however, they didn’t do worse than non-runners when it came to longevity, Lavie says. But there was a limit to how much exercise contributed to life span. Beyond that point, he says, physical activity started to have a negative, or harmful effect and cut away at any improvement the runners may have accumulated to that point.

(MORE: How Exercise Can Change Your DNA)
The damage doesn’t happen overnight; rather, it builds up over years of training. That’s why O’Keefe, an avid exerciser himself, doesn’t discourage patients who are interested in participating in marathons from trying them. But he counsels hopeful marathoners to consider their race experience a once-in-a-lifetime thing. “If they want to train for a marathon, to cross it off their bucket list, I tell them okay, but it’s not a healthy long term habit to get into,” he says.

Given the results from O’Keefe’s analysis, it makes more sense to exercise at moderate levels. “We have people who are more and more on the extremes. Over the last 35 years, obesity rates have tripled in America, and the number of people completing marathons has gone up 20-fold,” he says. “What we need are more people doing moderate exercise daily, and not running heroic distances. You can get 70% to 80% of the benefit of exercise from doing it 15 to 30 minutes a day.”

And that’s the real lesson from the study. It’s not that exercise is bad for the heart or that it’s better to sit on the couch than go for a run — it’s that the heart and longevity benefits of exercise don’t require extreme efforts. When it comes to exercise, a Goldilocks approach is probably best: too little isn’t good for heart, but neither is too much. Moderate physical activity — anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour a day, several days a week — is just right.

VIDEO: Walking While Working
Alice Park is a writer at TIME. Find her on Twitter at @aliceparkny. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.

Read more:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Top 10 cities with the WORST taxi drivers

Somehow I couldn't agree more on the No.1, well done "taxi drivers"

Friday, September 28, 2012

GSC Online – Buy 1 Free 1 Movie Tickets with Visa (ends 31 October 2012)

GSC Buy 1 Free 1 Movie Tickets with Visa (ends 31st October 2012) – Any Class any Day – Great offer for anyone with a Visa Credit or Debit Card; Online Purchases included!

Drawbacks: You can only buy 4 tickets (ie Buy2Free2) per day per card (can get more if you have more than 1 card!); free ticket must be the same movie as the paid ticket; online booking fee of RM1

Cinema: GSC
Promotion Period: 17 September – 31st October 2012
Promotion Highlight: Buy 1 Free 1 on any day for any class, and you can do it online!
1. Maximum of 4 tickets per card (B2F2)
2. Valid for online purchases only.

Got a Visa Credit or Debit Card from any bank? GSC’s widest offer yet, offering anyone with a Visa card Buy 1 Free 1 on any movie class tickets on any day! This certainly sounds good, but given that you can only do this online, you have to stump up the booking fee of RM1 (which is not discounted, predicatably) for the convenience of booking online.

RM1 booking fee aside, the main gripe we have with this promotion is that its not entirely clear that you get the discount until the very end! We had to go right down to the confirmation page to make sure that we do get the discount. Here is a snapshot of what you expect to see.

Still, we’re picking at straws here for a really bad drawback, and definitely welcome this kind of promotion where the TnCs are not that restrictive!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Apple's iOS6 a Laughing Stock

APPLE, the world's most loved and valuable brand, has been put on notice by customers frustrated with its latest operating system, iOS 6.
Apple maps has become the butt of online jokes after it misplaced towns, cities and buildings as well as displaying roads that defy the laws of gravity and physics.

The app, which replaced Google Maps, is so bad it even inspired a Tumblr blog which documents all the mistakes it has so far made.

The update has caused several address book contacts to be wiped, seemingly at random.

"After updating the iOS6 update on my iPhone 4S, I lost several contacts," wrote on iOS 6 user on the Apple support forum. "Has anyone experienced this same problem?"

Another user, "dianothony", reported that the speakers on her iPhone 4S stopped working after the upgrade.
Other users have reported problems connecting to the internet, uploading photos to social networks and app lock. The further integration of Facebook and the Apple address book is causing user emails to be automatically replaced with their @facebook email address.

One Apple app developer who wished to remain anonymous said if former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs were still alive, "he would never have allowed iOS6 to fail".

"It's the little things I miss about Steve's influence - apps locking up while loading ... incorrect map data, and a few other small graphical user interface issues that cause me to think about getting a Samsung Galaxy 3," the developer said.

President of mobile product manufacturer, Decoder and CEO of mobile start-up, Beaucoo, Christian MacLean told News Ltd that though iO6 was "a little bit unrefined", it wasn't broken. Rather, he said the new operating system represented a significant "transition period" in the smartphone industry.

"What we're starting to see is every man for himself and less collaboration across devices," Mr MacLean said.

At the beginning of the smartphone era, tech companies like Google and Apple worked together, combining their talents in order to release the very first iPhone.

"Now companies are creating competition and Google is nipping at Apple's heels," he said.

The tech expert said the iOS 6 operating system did feel a bit like a "land grab" but that it was inevitable that at some point it would need to temporarily inconvenience users in order to develop a product that was "wholey Apple".

He also acknowledged that Apple didn't understand social media deeply enough to get it right, yet.

Google is reportedly planning to release a maps app that is iOS6 compatible in the near future, though no formal announcement has been made.

There are questions whether Apple would even approve the app as it may be able to argue that it competes with an existing Apple app.

-News Limited Network

Monday, September 24, 2012

Leaving KL for Jakarta an unavoidable sacrifice, says Fernandes

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes says the decision to base himself in Indonesia will allow his designated heir room to grow and also advances AirAsia’s regional interests. – Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 – The choice to base himself in Indonesia was a crucial part of AirAsia’s succession planning and not only allows his designated heir room to grow but also advances the airline’s regional interests, said Tan Sri Tony Fernandes today. 
The billionaire music executive-turned-airline-tycoon said that the only way his successor Aireen Omar would be able to grow was by giving her space to come into her own without the risk of having his presence dominating the business.

“And I don’t want to be like some senior politicians who insist on calling the shots long after they’ve handed over the reins,” he said.

“Being out of Malaysia is a necessary part of AirAsia’s succession plan, and it is a sacrifice (AirAsia co-founder) Datuk Kamaruddin and I are willing to make.”

Aireen took over as AirAsia Malaysia CEO in June while Fernandes moved to Jakarta the next month to oversee the group’s regional operations.

Fernandes added that critics of his move to Jakarta were clinging to “outmoded” notions of borders in a globalised economy.

He said that the entry of the Malaysia-Indonesia joint venture airline Malindo into Malaysia was a vindication of his vision that an Asean business model was the way forward.

“Tapping into a combined market of 600 million people is a no-brainer, and I’m proud to say AirAsia was ahead of the pack when it chose to open a regional office in Jakarta to pursue this goal,” said Fernandes.

“This is something right-wing bloggers fail to understand, preferring instead to cling to outmoded notions of borders in a borderless world.”

He also took another aim at critics of his patriotism by noting that he has invested heavily in a private college to help upgrade Malaysia’s education scene.

Under his personal investment holding company Tune Group, Fernandes spearheaded efforts to bring UK’s Epsom College to Malaysia as part of the Kuala Lumpur Education City (KLEC) and spent RM150 million building the campus.

He pointed out that he also sits on a panel tasked with laying out a new education blueprint for future generations of Malaysians to ensure the education of truly global and competitive Malaysians.

“We have put Malaysia on the world map and we are investing in its future,” said Fernandes. “So how can these right-wing bloggers say that I’ve abandoned Malaysia? What have they done for the country?”

AirAsia is one of Malaysia’s biggest success stories and caused waves of concern when it chose Jakarta to be its regional office rather than its home base of Kuala Lumpur.

The reason given then was that it would be closer to the Asean secretariat although some speculated other reasons such as local politics or that the Malaysian market was considered too small compared to Indonesia.
Critics said that the decision to base regional operations in Jakarta showed AirAsia was ungrateful to the country but those who defended the move said that Malaysian companies need to look outward rather than inward in order to grow.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Share 3 Disqus The 3 Most Timeless Investment Principles

Warren Buffett is widely considered one of the greatest investors of all time, but if you were to ask him whom he thinks is the greatest investor, he would probably mention one man: his teacher, Benjamin Graham. Graham was an investor and investing mentor who is generally considered the father of security analysis and value investing.

His ideas and methods on investing are well documented in his books, "Security Analysis" (1934), and "The Intelligent Investor" (1949), which are two of the most famous investing texts. These texts are often considered requisite reading material for any investor, but they aren't easy reads. In this article, we'll condense Graham's main investing principles and give you a head start on understanding his winning philosophy.

Principle #1: Always Invest with a Margin of SafetyMargin of safety is the principle of buying a security at a significant discount to its intrinsic value, which is thought to not only provide high-return opportunities, but also to minimize the downside risk of an investment. In simple terms, Graham's goal was to buy assets worth $1 for 50 cents. He did this very, very well.
To Graham, these business assets may have been valuable because of their stable earning power or simply because of their liquid cash value. It wasn't uncommon, for example, for Graham to invest in stocks where the liquid assets on the balance sheet (net of all debt) were worth more than the total market cap of the company (also known as "net nets" to Graham followers). This means that Graham was effectively buying businesses for nothing. While he had a number of other strategies, this was the typical investment strategy for Graham.

This concept is very important for investors to note, as value investing can provide substantial profits once the market inevitably re-evaluates the stock and ups its price to fair value. It also provides protection on the downside if things don't work out as planned and the business falters. The safety net of buying an underlying business for much less than it is worth was the central theme of Graham's success. When chosen carefully, Graham found that a further decline in these undervalued stocks occurred infrequently.

While many of Graham's students succeeded using their own strategies, they all shared the main idea of the "margin of safety."

Principle #2: Expect Volatility and Profit from ItInvesting in stocks means dealing with volatility. Instead of running for the exits during times of market stress, the smart investor greets downturns as chances to find great investments. Graham illustrated this with the analogy of "Mr. Market," the imaginary business partner of each and every investor. Mr. Market offers investors a daily price quote at which he would either buy an investor out or sell his share of the business. Sometimes, he will be excited about the prospects for the business and quote a high price. Other times, he is depressed about the business's prospects and quotes a low price.

Because the stock market has these same emotions, the lesson here is that you shouldn't let Mr. Market's views dictate your own emotions, or worse, lead you in your investment decisions. Instead, you should form your own estimates of the business's value based on a sound and rational examination of the facts. Furthermore, you should only buy when the price offered makes sense and sell when the price becomes too high. Put another way, the market will fluctuate - sometimes wildly - but rather than fearing volatility, use it to your advantage to get bargains in the market or to sell out when your holdings become way overvalued.
Here are two strategies that Graham suggested to help mitigate the negative effects of market volatility:

Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging is achieved by buying equal dollar amounts of investments at regular intervals. It takes advantage of dips in the price and means that an investor doesn't have to be concerned about buying his or her entire position at the top of the market. Dollar-cost averaging is ideal for passive investors and alleviates them of the responsibility of choosing when and at what price to buy their positions.

SEE: Take Advantage of Dollar-Cost Averaging and Dollar-Cost Averaging Pays

Investing in Stocks and Bonds
Graham recommended distributing one's portfolio evenly between stocks and bonds as a way to preserve capital in market downturns while still achieving growth of capital through bond income. Remember, Graham's philosophy was, first and foremost, to preserve capital, and then to try to make it grow. He suggested having 25-75% of your investments in bonds, and varying this based on market conditions. This strategy had the added advantage of keeping investors from boredom, which leads to the temptation to participate in unprofitable trading (i.e. speculating).

Principle #3: Know What Kind of Investor You Are Graham advised that investors know their investment selves. To illustrate this, he made clear distinctions among various groups operating in the stock market.

Active Vs. PassiveGraham referred to active and passive investors as "enterprising investors" and "defensive investors."

You only have two real choices: The first choice is to make a serious commitment in time and energy to become a good investor who equates the quality and amount of hands-on research with the expected return. If this isn't your cup of tea, then be content to get a passive ( possibly lower) return but with much less time and work. Graham turned the academic notion of "risk = return" on its head. For him, "Work = Return." The more work you put into your investments, the higher your return should be.
If you have neither the time nor the inclination to do quality research on your investments, then investing in an index is a good alternative. Graham said that the defensive investor could get an average return by simply buying the 30 stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in equal amounts. Both Graham and Buffett said that getting even an average return - for example, equaling the return of the S&P 500 - is more of an accomplishment than it might seem. The fallacy that many people buy into, according to Graham, is that if it's so easy to get an average return with little or no work (through indexing), then just a little more work should yield a slightly higher return. The reality is that most people who try this end up doing much worse than average.

In modern terms, the defensive investor would be an investor in index funds of both stocks and bonds. In essence, they own the entire market, benefiting from the areas that perform the best without trying to predict those areas ahead of time. In doing so, an investor is virtually guaranteed the market's return and avoids doing worse than average by just letting the stock market's overall results dictate long-term returns. According to Graham, beating the market is much easier said than done, and many investors still find they don't beat the market.

Speculator Vs. InvestorNot all people in the stock market are investors. Graham believed that it was critical for people to determine whether they were investors or speculators. The difference is simple: an investor looks at a stock as part of a business and the stockholder as the owner of the business, while the speculator views himself as playing with expensive pieces of paper, with no intrinsic value. For the speculator, value is only determined by what someone will pay for the asset. To paraphrase Graham, there is intelligent speculating as well as intelligent investing - just be sure you understand which you are good at.

The Bottom LineGraham served as the first great teacher of the investment discipline and his basic ideas are timeless and essential for long-term success. He bought into the notion of buying stocks based on the underlying value of a business and turned it into a science at a time when almost all investors viewed stocks as speculative. If you want to improve your investing skills, it doesn't hurt to learn from the best. Graham continues to prove his worth through his disciples, such as Warren Buffett, who have made a habit of beating the market.

Read more:


Monday, September 17, 2012




Friday, September 14, 2012

Malaysian Education Ministry

What a brainless article! U think a Straight Guy will go off and suck some dicks because he saw it on the gay blogs? It is a biological thing! Shame to these Leaders are still in the third world mentality!

HOW MANY GAYSSS do we have now?
1) Gay men have muscular bodies and like to show off by wearing V-neck and sleeveless clothes.
2) They prefer tight and light-coloured clothing.
3) They like to carry big handbags similar to those used by women.
4) Conclusion: Straight are all dull, ugly and fat??!!!

And.... So.... Who's Gay now??


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Double standard of malaySAI's laws!

A Girl that turn herself in was handcrafted, but.... those million cheating and doesnt turn themselves in were not??

A college student for showing his BUTTOCKS to Najib & Rosmah's pictures on Merdeka eve was arrested yesterday.

Remaining 10 individuals, who include women, have been identified and police urged them to surrender themselves.

Take a look at those picture below, why are these people not being arrested as well?




Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do Sit-Ups Really Work to Get Flat Abs

Sit-ups are probably the most common and popular abs exercise in the world. They're easy to do, require no equipment, and we're used to doing them ever since gym classes at school. But are sit ups an effective exercise to get flat abs?

I'm afraid that the answer is no, and I could've saved a lot of time if I had known this earlier. The truth is that sit-ups aren't an effective abs exercise for a number of reasons:
  1. Sit-ups are a low intensity exercise. Just think about it, even a person with little stomach muscle strength can train to do a lot of sit-ups in a very short time. I remember kids at school doing a 100+ of these and they weren't even fit kids.

    If sit-ups placed a real strain on your abs, you would not be able to do so many of them. If you're looking to power up those abs, there are countless of better abs exercises than sit-ups.
  2. A lot of people believe that sit-ups can help them burn tummy fat. They think that since they're working the abs directly that they're melting the stomach fat right off. In fact, this is far from true. Spot fat reduction is one of the biggest workout myths in existence. You can't reduce fat from a specific body part. It just doesn't work that way. You either lose fat from you entire body or not at all.

    Since losing belly fat is the most important thing in getting sexy abs, sit-ups aren't a helpful exercise to spend time on.

Sit-ups do have their benefits. They're a good exercise if you're a total beginner, but you'd still outgrow them in a week or 2. Trust me, you'd have much better results by doing exercises which burn fat from your body than wasting time on sit-ups.

If you really want to get flat abs, you need to workout in the optimal way to burn off belly flab and tone your entire body. You also need to learn to maintain a healthy, fat busting nutrition routine. And no, you don't need to eat like a bird to do this. In fact, you may need to eat more to burn more.
If you're serious about getting flat abs, I recommend using this abs program: Truth About Abs.
I have used this program myself and I believe it's the best, fastest, and most results driven abs program in the world today. You can read a more detailed review of it here: Truth About 6 Pack Abs Review
Recommended Fat Burning Videos 

foods that kill belly fat 

foods to never eat

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Users Can No Longer Download Videos From Youtube

If you haven’t noticed it yet, all the youtube video downloading applications have stopped working again (Mar 2010). Obviously Youtube (Google) doesn’t like the fact that we are downloading all our favorite videos from this site without making them a profit. That’s why they launched their paid initiative, so that we pay for every MB of video we download.

* As the time this article post, all online Converting KeepViD, KeepHD and all others youtube downloader plugin for chrome and Firefox are o working

Can’t Download from Youtube Anymore ??

A portion of the Youtube’s Terms of Service says :
You may access User Submissions for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the YouTube Website. You shall not copy or download any User Submission unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the YouTube Website for that User Submission
I wasn’t aware of that ToS clause listed above. So downloading YouTube videos now become as illegal like Torrent? Hard to believe that YouTube could close all the holes to downloading (there used to be so many ways to download youtube videos).

NOTE : Although most youtube video download tools are not working. Zamar’s Youtube Video Conversion Tool (Link) seem to be working fine previously, but it takes twice the time (convert+download). But as for current up to date, downloading from youtube are no longer supported.
UPDATE : Video Download Helper for Firefox (Link) and SPEEDbit Video Downloader (Link) are working too. This is because it capture the video directly from the webpage. 

It’s not clear if people will want to pay for downloading user-generated videos from YouTube. While Google continues to try to monetize YouTube, Hulu, with far less traffic than YouTube will be a better alternative for downloading free video content.

This also means other services like the one which lets us create animated Gif images from youtube clippings or convert youtube video to mp3, etc will stop working.


Friday, August 31, 2012

7 Reasons To Quit Your Job and Travel

I worked no less than two dozen jobs in my life — and I have quit several of them because I wanted to travel!

Whether you’re a new college graduate who’s suffering through her first 9-5, a seasoned professional who practically lives at his office, or just someone who’s ready for a change, I urge you to follow in my footsteps.

1. You are dying

I am not insinuating that your recent cold was actually cancer, so calm down. But let’s be honest: Your days are numbered! Even if you live to be 100, you probably won’t want to take a 24-hour flight by the time you hit retirement age. You will always be able to work; you might not always be able to travel.

2. Travel is priceless

Travel can be expensive. But whether you’re leaving behind $8 per hour or $80,000 per year, you can’t put a price tag on the personal growth you experience during travel. Money comes and goes, but nobody can steal your life experience, no matter how broke you become.

3. Comfort is the enemy of progress

You might feel nice sitting down in your recliner and flipping on The Discovery Channel. But wouldn’t you rather be the Discovery Channel than watch it? Stepping away from a “sure thing” might seem like a bad idea, but if you learn one thing during travel, it’s that nothing in the world is certain. The less you fight against this, the more you will accomplish in life.

4. You can work from anywhere

Search the net on teaching English in Asia, freelance or remote working and, not surprisingly, travel blogging. Once your income is portable, your life can be portable too!

5. You probably hate your job anyway

You wouldn’t be reading this list otherwise! Quitting your job to travel not only severs you from a job you detest, but also provides you with the clarity and distance you need to decide what is actually best for you. Who knows? You might realize you actually don’t hate your job! But even if you don’t…

6.  Your employer will get over it

Many people I know forgo quitting their jobs not out of financial fear, but because they somehow believe their company won’t be able to make it without them. Your employer wouldn’t think twice about letting you go if it was in the company’s best interest. Traveling is always in your best interest, so you shouldn’t think twice either.

7. I swear you won’t regret it

I have thus far quit four jobs to travel, the most-recent one being over two years ago. Not only am I not broke, but I’m still traveling! If I can quit my job, travel and live to tell about it, you can too.


Monday, August 27, 2012




Thursday, August 23, 2012








More updated photos


From 25 Aug to 9 Sept 2012, we’ll be setting up Voter Registration counters around Klang Valley, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Melaka, Penang, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak and Johor. Just bring your IC to the counter and we’ll register you in just 5 minutes! Click SHARE button below to help us spread the news to your friends & family!

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
1Utama 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 11am-10pm 1st Floor, Oval, near Juiceworks
1Utama 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 11am-10pm Grd Flr Promenade, near Papparich
Tropicana City Mall 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 12.30pm-10pm LG, near Focus Point
Subang Parade 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 11am-10pm Grd Flr, near Uncle Lim’s
Sunway Pyramid 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 11am-10pm LG2, near McDonald’s
IOI Mall Puchong 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 10.30am-9pm Grd Flr near Fotokem/Digi (old wing)
Jusco Kepong 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 11am-2pm
Sungei Wang Plaza 8 Sept
22 Sept
Concourse, near main staircase
TMC Bangsar 1-2 Sept (AMENDED) 8.30am-4pm (AMENDED) In front of TMC Supermarket, 27 Lorong Ara Kiri Satu, Lucky Garden
Taman Cheras Market 26 Aug 8.30am-11am Cheras
Kg Cheras Baru Market 1 Sept 8.30am-10am Cheras-六哩村1路露天巴刹
Kenanga Market 9 Sept 8.30am-11am Cheras-何清园巴刹
Pasar pagi Bt 11 Cheras New Village 25 Aug; 8 Sept 8am-10.30am Cheras New Village
Opposite Restaurant 118, 9 Sept 8am-10.30am Bandar Damai Perdana, Cheras
* VR counter is outside a restaurant; across the road from Restaurant 118.
Taman Megah 26 Aug 8.30am-10.30am Cheras
Pasar Pagi Bdr Sg. Long 25 & 26 Aug 8.30am-11am
Pasar Pagi Jalan Papan 25-26 Aug 8am-2pm Pandamaran
Pasar Rasa 25-26 Aug; 8-9 Sept 8.30am-10.30am Hulu Selangor
Pasaraya Checkers Seri Sentosa 8 Sept 10am-4pm Taman Sri Sentosa, Jalan Klang Lama
* Also change of voting address / Pertukaran alamat mengundi
Padang Labuan 9 Sept 11am-4pm Bandar Tun Razak
Pasar Seri Sentosa 13 Sept 5pm-11pm In front of market
Pasar Melati 15 Sept 10am-4pm Wangsa Maju
Pasar Setapak 16 Sept 8am-2pm Setiawangsa
DAP National Headquarters Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Jalan Yew (off Jalan Pudu), 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-9200 5000
DAP Selangor Headquarters Mon-Fri 10am-5pm 24, Jalan 20/9, Paramount Garden, 46300 Petaling Jaya
Tel:03-7957 8022
DAP Pandamaran Service Centre Mon-Fri 9am-12pm 318B, Tingkat 2, Jalan Besar Pandamaran
MP Klang’s Service Centre Mon-Wed, Fri
2A Jalan Batu Unjur 8/KS6, Batu Unjur, Klang Tel: 03-33232122
Dewan Serbaguna Bukit Tinggi 2 26 Aug 10am-4pm (EXTENDED till 4pm) Jalan Batu Nilam 34 * Behind Burger King, by low-cost flats
Pejabat ADUN Telok Datuk 25 Aug-9 Sept; Mon-Sat 9am-5pm 1. Dewan Orang Ramai, Jalan Sungai Jarom, 42600 Banting Tel: 017-3045188
2. B-0114 Jalan Bunga Pekan 42700 Banting. Tel: 017-4595188
DAP Damansara Service Centre Mon-Fri 10.30am-6pm 55M, Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya
DAP Cheras Service Center 25 Aug; 8 Sept 11am-5pm 532A, Bt. 3.1/2 Jalan Cheras, 56100 KL (opposite DBKL Badminton Stadium)
Tel: 03-92857532

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Pasar Besar Seremban 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 9am-11am Tingkat Atas
Restoran Ming Kok 26 Aug; 31 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 8am-12pm Seremban
Uptown Avenue 31 Aug; 1 Sept 7pm-11pm Seremban 2
Limbok Foodcourt 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 8am-2pm Seremban
Jln Haruan S2 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 8am-2pm Seremban – next to FS Food Court
Blossom Food Court 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 8am-2pm Seremban
NOTE: EC (SPR) officers will be on hand to change voting addresses.
Pasar Malam Taman Meranti 25 Aug; 1 Sept 6pm-9pm Bahau
Pasar Malam Titi 3 Sept 6pm-9pm Titi
DAP NS Headquarters 25 Aug; 8 Sept (Sat)
1 Sept
26 Aug/2 Sept/9 Sept (Sun)
9am-2pm; 6pm-10pm
125-1, Jalan Toman 6, Kemayan Square, Seremban
Tel: 06-7674557
DAP Lobak Ops Centre 25 Aug;8 Sept 9am-2pm 169, 1st Floor, Jln Tuanku Munawir, Seremban

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Taiping Sentral Mall 31 Aug 10.30am-10.30pm Taiping
Pasar Pokok Assam 26 Aug 7.30am-10.30am Taiping
Restaurant Foh San 1 Sept 8am-10am Foh San Dim Sum Restaurant 富山点心, Ipoh
Pasar Pasir Puteh 2 Sept 8.30am-12pm Ipoh
Restaurant Siew Kee 9 Sept 9am-12pm Restaurant Siew Kee 第一花园兆记茶室, Taman Pertama,Ipoh
Pasar Malam Menglembu, Ipoh 8 Sept 8pm-10.30pm Near flats / 怡保万里望新镇组屋夜市场
Pasar Buntong 8 Sept 9am-12pm Buntong
Chung Hwa Association Hall 27 Aug 7.30pm-11pm Kg Koh, Sitiawan (Same time as Chinese forum “Impact of Young Voters on next GE”)
DAP Perak Headquarters Mon-Fri 10am-5pm 48-A, Medan Istana 1, Bandar Ipoh Raya, 30000 Ipoh Tel: 05-2531532
ADUN Canning Service Center Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 417, Jalan Pasar, Kg. Simee, Ipoh Tel: 05-5482907
ADUN Canning Service Center 2 Mon; Tue; Thurs 11am-1pm; 2pm-5pm 11A, Jalan Perajurit , Taman Ipoh Timur (Ipoh Garden East)
ADUN Bercham Service Centre 25-26 Aug; 1-2 Sept; 8-9 Sept 10am-4pm 3A, Hala Bercham Timur 11, Taman Pakatan Tel: 05-2250701
Beruas MP & Pantai Remis ADUN Service Center Mon-Wed; Fri 10am-2pm Lot 2765, Jalan Damar Laut, 34900 Pantai Remis Tel: 05-6772797

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Family Store Batu Berendam 25 Aug; 8 Sept
26 Aug;9 Sept
Batu Berendam
Pasar Malam Kota Laksamana 1 Sept; 15 Sept 4.30pm-6.30pm
Pasar Malam Kampung Lapan 28 Aug; 4 Sept 6pm-8pm
Pasar Malam Malim Jaya 31 Aug; 14 Sept 6pm-8pm
DAP Melaka Headquarters Mon-Fri 10am-5pm 5, Jalan PM 1/1, Taman Pandan Mawar, Lorong Pandan, 75200 Melaka
DAP Ayer Keroh Service Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm 63-2, Jln BBI 1, Tmn Bukit Beruang, Indah (near US Pizza)

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Prangin Mall 1 Sept 12pm-7pm Atrium A
First Avenue, Komtar 2 Sept 12pm-7pm 8th Floor
Queensbay Mall (UPDATED) 26 Aug
31 Aug
North Zone, Ground Floor (beside PBIM 12 registration counter)
Enquiries: 04-2816308
Gurney Plaza 31 Aug; 1 Sept; 2 Sept 10.30am-10pm Ground Floor
Alma Hawker Centre (AMENDED) 8 Sept 8pm-10.30pm Bukit Mertajam
Pasar Taman Berjaya 9 Sept 8am-10am Nibong Tebal
Pasar Malam Farlim 29 Aug; 8 Sept; 12 Sept; 19 Sept 8.30pm-10pm
Pasar Malam Gat Jalan Macallum 27 Aug 8pm-10pm
Hock Aun Kopitiam 2 Sept 9am-12pm Kepala Batas
DAP Penang Headquarters Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Wisma DAP, 3-A, Jalan Rangoon, 10400 Georgetown, Penang
DAP Bagan Service Centre 26 Aug 10am–2pm Jalan Raja Uda Tel: 04-3317175
DAP Jelutong Service Centre 25 Aug; 8 Sept
26 Aug; 9 Sept
88-1-1, Kompleks Sri Wonder, Lintang Sg. Pinang Tel: 04-2816308
Balik Pulau Service Centre 28 Aug; 30 Aug 12pm–2pm Opposite SMJK Sacred Heart
DAP Batu Lanchang Service Centre 25-26 Aug 9.30am–1pm 332-F-2, Jalan Perak, Batu Lanchang Tel: 04-2826419
DAP Air Itam Service Centre Mon-Fri
Tue (late)
607H-2, Jalan Balik Pulau, Air Itam Tel: 04-2816308

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
DAP Kuantan Service Centre 25 Aug 3pm-10pm Jalan Beserah, Kuantan
T & L Food Court 1 Sept 7pm-11pm Jalan Beserah, Kuantan

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Pasar Kim Fung Mile 4 25-26 Aug 9am-12.30pm Sandakan
Pasar Bandar Sandakan 1-2 Sept 9am-12.30pm Sandakan
Pasar Mile 1 1/2 8-9 Sept 9am-12.30pm Sandakan
KDCA Penampang 23 Aug 10am-5pm Penampang
Citymall 25-26 Aug
2 Sept, 8 Sept
Kota Kinabalu

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
3rd Mile Market (三哩菜市场) 31 Aug 7.30am-10.30am Kuching
Charity Sales at CHMS No. 4 (四中义卖会) 31 Aug 7.30am-12pm Kuching
101 Choice Daily 1 Sept 7.30pm-10.30pm Kuching
Farley, Medan Jaya 1-2 Sept 11am-8pm Bintulu
DAP Sarawak Headquarters Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm; 2pm-5pm Lot 97, 1st & 2nd Flr, Lorong 5a, Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim, 93450 Kuching Tel: 082-335531
ADUN Pelawan Service Centre(黄培根服务中心) Mon-Sat 9am-5pm UG 11, Kin Orient Plaza, 96000 Sibu(诗巫京东大厦) Tel: 084-329369
DAP Piasau Service Centre Mon-Fri (until 9 Sept 2012) 9am-12pm; 2pm-5pm Lot 157, 1st Floor, Permaisuri Road, 98000 Miri Tel: 085-415063

Venue Date(s) Time Remarks
Fresco Supermarket, Muar 26 Aug; 2 Sept; 9 Sept 10am-5pm Ground Floor
Baristas Cafe, Kulai 7 Sept
8 Sept
34, Jalan Sri Putra 1, Bandar Putra, Kulai (Tel: 016-7763629)
* Opposite Kulai General Hospital, next to Secret Recipe
DAP Johor Headquarter Mon-Fri 10am-5pm No 73A, Jalan Sri Orkid 17, Taman Seri Orkid, 81300 Skudai
DAP Bentayan Service Centre 25 Aug – 9 Sept 9am-5.30pm Open 7 days a week
Address: 118-3, 1st Floor, Jalan Salleh, 84000 Muar, Bentayan
Tel 019-6568282

NOTE: You can also register as a voter at Election Commission state offices (see the addresses here) and nationwide computerized post offices. (Note of caution: For those of you planning to go to the PO to register, we have received many complaints that computers are either usually ‘down’ (offline) or they do not have registration forms to register the voter manually.) For more information about voter registration, visit the Election Commission website here.

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