不過我可能 不敢待在下面.但是絕對不會有人想跳車~~~
酷 ~
真不知坐上去是怎麼的感覺? 會涼涼的吧 ! ?
Claims that a dark cycle around the moon indicates an impending acid rain event are untrue
Due to recent eruption of Iceland Volcano, there are rumors about Acid warning msg as below circular around SMS, Facebook and e-mail. However the claims in the warning message are utter nonsense. Dark circles around the moon are certainly not an indication of impending acid rain. Moreover, the information is not from NASA as claimed in the message.
从今天到28号,请大家不要淋到雨。750年一次酸雨,被淋到后患皮肤癌几率很高。因为欧洲一个火山大爆发,向高空喷发了大量硫化物,在大气层7000-10000米高空形成了浓厚火山灰层,强酸性。请大家注意,把这个信息转发给 身边人'
Be careful this month 20 to 28 there is possibility of ACID RAIN. Coz of the dark circle appeared around the moon on 17th. Which happens once in 750 years. It rains like normal raining. It may cause skin cancer.So ALERT your dear ones. This information by NASA. copy and paste on your status
The alert is not from NASA as claimed in the email. In fact, a NASA spokesperson has denied any connection between circles around the moon and acid rain. Forwarding this false warning will do nothing more than cause unnecessary fear and alarm. If you receive this hoax message, please do not send it to others. And please take a moment to inform the sender that the message is a hoax.
PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA - The armed forces has launched a full audit of its assets following the loss of a jet fighter engine from the Royal Malaysian Air Force air base in Sungai Besi here.
Armed forces chief Gen Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin said the stolen jet engine might just be the "tip of the iceberg", as initial investigations showed that other equipment might have gone missing from as far back as 2007.
"We have tightened all our procedures, especially at the logistics department, and also introduced new security procedures to prevent attempts to steal and sell sensitive military equipment," he told the New Straits Times after attending the national-level Maal Hijrah celebration at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre yesterday.
It is learnt that the armed forces had already taken disciplinary action against those responsible for the missing jet engine.
Sources said the engine, which was still operational, was transported in a military container from the air force's Butterworth base to the Sungai Besi base for a routine maintenance service last year.
The jet engine was stored at the Sungai Besi warehouse while its service and maintenance record was kept in a safe in an office on the base.
Air force officers found the jet engine missing in January when they sent a private contractor to Subang to service the engine.
They also discovered that the service and maintenance record was missing.
Both the air force and police were investigating the possibility that the engine was sold on the black market to either illegal arms traders or countries still flying the F-5E Tiger II and RF-5E Tigereye.
The stolen engine is the powerplant for one of the four F-5E Tiger II fighters and two RF-5E Tigereye reconnaissance jets still in active duty at the air force's 12th Squadron (Scorpion) at the Butterworth air base.
Malaysia boleh !!!
Got this email form one of my friend, err…. I dont think I even really know him, from the msg it was like few yearsss ago!!! I wonder why ppl still forward it?? Anyway the content is as below….
This is Tara and John, the directors of MSN. We would like to sincerely apologize for the interruption, but msn is closing down. We know many of these messages have been sent out lately, and that they wouldn't be true. However, this one is in fact true, and it will occur soon.
MSN will begin to charge you money soon. This is due to the fact that too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names (ie. making up lots of different accounts for just one person). Therefore, we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. We would not reccommend this, because if in the future you'd like to use MSN, and you don't send this message on, you will be CHARGED to use MSN monthly. If you would like to keep your account, then SEND THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST. As we said this before, this is no joke, and we will be shutting down the servers. Please send it on. We do not want to be receiving phone calls stating that your MSN will not open, or that you are being charged for using it - because this will be your fauly for not sending it on. The estimated cost for MSN monthly will be about ten dollars CAN.
ATTENTION. In case you believed this is yet another of those 'prank' MSN shut down emails, go to:http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 1/hi/business/ 1189119.stm
Once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your msn icon will become blue.
Tara and John
(Directors and Operators of MSN.com, Hotmail, Windows Live Hotmail, etc)
Reasons might be real
Reasons for it to be fake
BBC has posted another story, but on 2006? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4778046.stm
Looks like it was just some scammers using old articles to get the pointless e-mail sent to the world.